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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monday Check in

    Really important point there about how weight affects the knees......critical for healthy knees...
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Found dead bull in 4b

  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monday Check in

    Come on....where is everybody??? Dropped a total of 9 pounds now so progress is still being made here. Hope everybody else is still hanging tough.
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Found dead bull in 4b

    I will try my jr. high psychology....maybe next time try to PM the guy and tell him all he is doing wrong instead of here on the open forum that way it doesn't make you look like the bad guy with a badge.....just a thought, there are a lot of people who have posted trying to help hunters find their animals, they could just not say anything to anybody............and like all good psychologist I didn't follow my own advise, I shoulda PM'd you with my idea......
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hodgdon 223 Powder

    Just read about this powder after my brother told me about it. Anybody tried it? Reviews?
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nice Tom on Cam

    Post card picture there.....cool picture.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Elk in Blythe, CA??

    Isn't Coachelle the place bugs bunny pops up at when he thought he was headed for Albuquerque?????
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Proposed Tonto NF Fees Changes

    Why can't people just pick up their own dam trash.....that is the part I just don't get......really? Their houses must be just a mess if that is how they treat their own home. I quit going to Roosevelt lake after they put in all the new "improvements". Used to spend every Easter there soaking up the sun and fishing. Not anymore.....
  9. Heck of a deal there way to pull it off!!!!!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Supai Grand Canyon Hike

    Anybody have any experience hiking down into Supai? Thinking about trying to do that in the middle of October. I read quite a few reviews on the internet yesterday but was wondering if anybody on this site had given it a try. Looking for tips and pointers. Thanks, Jeff
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cited by AZGF

    Probably talking about that bridge between hunters and GF........just kidding....
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cited by AZGF

    Guess I missed that one.....everything is rare these days....
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

    Great story and nice buck.....glad you made it in and out safely, can't imagine packing anything 11 miles and living to tell the story. I would have to opt out for the pack mule option.
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cited by AZGF

    That was a prairie dog over by Round Valley......be careful bringing that one up again......we got into all kind of trouble last time we started talking about agents and deeds done......bulls being retrieved without the tag holder present...shhhhhhhhhhhh..........
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hawk attacking my chickens

    Going out to take care of chickens late one night......as I approach the coop I can tell from the noise that something not right is going on inside so I pan the door open really slow with my flashlight pointed to the floor.....i figured a fox or a skunk or something was in there stirring things up. Nothing on the floor but the chickens are still going crazy so I start scanning the lower roosts....nothing......get up to the 3rd rung and sitting there calm as can be eyes wide open a huge barn owl......scared the poop right out of me. That was not fun trying to get that guy out of the coop.......hawks and owls are awesome animals til they start messing with the chickens........
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    bear hunting dangerous?

    Beary funny thread..........go hunt, be prepared and don't worry.....and ponder that age old question....does a bear poop in the woods??? Good luck out there.
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cited by AZGF

    Just for the record....is this what we are talking about???
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Supai Grand Canyon Hike

    Great information I knew I would be able to get some good stuff from this site, you guys are always willing to share your experiences. Now I have to admit....this was a last minute idea that just blew up on me.....no reservations are available for the weekend we had open....so it looks like wait til next year and make plans alot earlier. Dang and I had gotten pretty pumped about going down there in a month. Thanks again.....
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Would you hunt alone?

    Don't get me wrong.....I love getting out there all alone, my success rate goes way up there in comparison to when I have a 10 year old or 17 year old I am trying to help, I am horrible when it comes to trying to help my kids. Recently my kids have had more success when I dump them out so they can be on their own. Course.....not my 10 year old....but my teenager has come to appreciate being "out hunting on his own"......and the pleasures that can bring. Solitude, reflection time and that holy hannah there is the animal I am actually hunting.........man I love being out in the woods.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Would you hunt alone?

    For me there is hunting alone and then hunting really alone. I love having camp with family and friends with all having plans of different directions and we split off alone. I enjoy the evenings and being there to help each other. But......there is alot to be said for the gratification of going out there.....alone......and gettin er done. One of my favorite things though is getting me and my wife stuck on a ridge having her royally pissed at me......and then all the sudden jumping a buck and watching her have a blast trying to knock it down......hunting is just one of those fun things that is about alot more than just the kill.......
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    One Month (updated with pics)

    I have 4 boys....each one of them different so what worked for one didn't work for another. They all four got swats somewhere along the way. Even though I wanted all of them to hunt.....they don't all hunt. Even though I wanted them all to enjoy sports in school....they didn't. I grew up playing basketball and I wanted basketball players.....they wrestled. And the thing about when you take them fishing......and leaving your gear behind......great advice there. Don't ever take them for granted cause one day they are gone doing their own thing. Congratulations on the expectant girl and best of luck to you and your family.
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    What Church do you attend?

    I wanted to share one of my religious crafts that I have been giving to family and friends. I am not sure what other churches use consecrated oil for blessing of the sick but in the LDS church it is common practice. I took antler tips and epoxied the oil vial inside. It is a fun gift and pretty easy to put together, I think they look pretty cool.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf in the Southwest

    We don't even spend that much on educating our own kids......no common sense in the program. If they had the real deal, turned them loose and let the thrive on their own without all the hoopla........maybe a person could swallow it, but not with a fake dog and pony show to close roads and squelch hunting. No pun intended with the fake dog.....
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Best One From Last Year

    So is that a 30" spread??? I by no means can judge deer or elk or anything else.....just wondering. Heck of a buck.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monday Check in

    LOL - I can hear it now. "holy moly... I can do this. Where did I put week one? Ok, there it is. We're good. Moving forward." I know what you're talking about and that's a truckload of willpower. Good on ya. Oh you should have seen the look on my wifes face......she is like really Jeff......honey maybe you better try some elevator music....