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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    Oh I thought we were looking for Waldo!! Of course there is the deer! Good job I had it up in the right hand corner.
  2. Non-Typical Solutions


    pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all the air just went out of the asu bubble!!!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    I give up!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    WTB Live Coyote trap

    Exactly my thoughts....same gene pool there!!!!!!!!!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Some pics

    Man what a collection of headgear there....nice pics!
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    "My Turn", video and pics…Finally!

    Heck of a bull nice job.....thanks for posting the pics and video.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    illegal Aliens poaching deer

    According to authorities, Acevedo-Hernandez, Montufar-Canales and Marin are suspected to be in the United States illegally. It is a felony for people in the U.S. illegally to possess firearms. The three men are currently in federal custody. This quote is hilarious......really a felony for people in the US illegally to possess firearms......wow. Gotta remember folks they aren't illegal aliens.....they are just undocumented..... Better heads up cause the man is going to pass into law that Freedom thing ...........
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    WTB Live Coyote trap

    That coyote does have an ohhh crap look on his face.......I have heard that getting them to commit to a live trap like that is difficult.....good luck with your trapping.
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Freedom is not Free

    I am not sure how accurate the movie is but if you have never seen it Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon is a great reminder of the price that some willingly pay for our comforts we enjoy. God bless our troops!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions


    Dumb and Dumber 2 is out.............
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Great WT Hunt

    Man there are some big bucks dropping out there.....great looking buck congrats on your hunt.
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Metate Found

    Can you even imagine.......grinding your corn on a rock.......man I am one spoiled dude.....cool find!!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nephew's U10 "Big Bo" buck...

    Love that last picture....it is like........I can't believe what an awesome buck right there........congrats on a great buck. U10 rocks!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Flintlock Buck

    Awesome buck......I had to chuckle as I read your groupings at 60 yards, in a world that wants faster, bigger more powerful........and you put it on paper and then went out and got a dandy buck with a out of date fire arm. Great story......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monday Check in

    Marked an unexpected drop this morning.......even though it is Friday I am checking in with a total of 10 lbs lost......I did a double take as I have had to stop serious exercise due to tendon issues but I have continued to run/walk a little and pay close attention to intake. Plus wrestling season started and that always helps!!! Best of luck to all you out there trying to stick to a program....
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    New Hunt I'm Going On

    Yep...top of the new Christmas list....funny video...
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    30b buck bisbee

    Sweet looking buck.....and a nice Ford......hope I can finds a buck like there here in a month........
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Score one for the good guys

    6 Squad cars had the place surounded, and 3 LEO's were just starting a foot search. They had just cleared the front office and fitness room and were moving on to search other areas. The dude was hiding in a bush directly below a unit I was working on. I just got the idea in my head to check all the big bushes in that area of the complex. I just searched there before the Cops did. No big deal. I was just happy to help the good guys, catch the bad guy. Snap you got the idea in your head??? Nice job.......I remember couple years ago when I got done with a similar situation I got to thinking afterwards.....what the heal was I thinking, that guy coulda had a gun........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Best week to hunt in January?

    So is there rutting activity during the last 2 weeks of Dec?????
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mules, but not the kind you're thinking.

    Colorado has to get their supply somehow
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Video: Game of Inches

    Main point......quit bickering amongst ourselves............hillbilly, white collar, blue collar........no matter what walk of life the demon from within has become as much or more of a problem that the demon from without.
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Favorite coyote gun??

    22-250 for many years.....don't claim to be any varmint slayer just enjoyed the gun....but....since my boy built me a Rem. .17 I have certainly enjoyed using it.....it screams out there and puts a well.... .17 hole with no exit and so far no lost dogs.....
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    What IF....

    A few years back when my Mom and Dad passed away I was lucky enough to inherit a rifle that had belonged to my Grandpa Pace a Winchester Model 1894 hex barrell 30-30. I had my son look it over, clean it up and go put a few rounds through it just to give me the assurance that it was ready to use again. I picked it up yesterday, man what a sweet 30-30. I killed my first deer with a 30-30. On the drive home, I got to thinking....what if....all hunting regs for big game reverted back in time to an open sights only? Pre-scope hunting........I often think I have spoiled my own boys by getting them some of the best hunting gear available and not making them shoot their first big game with just an old fashioned open sights gun. I know....beautiful drive home with way too much time to think about all the deer hunting stories my Grandpa used to tell me and all his deer he killed using that 30-30.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    high desert variety

    That June 11 8:32 pm bull is about as freak as they come.....it is like his antlers are on bassackwards..........he must not have dropped the kahones yet......
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    What IF....

    That is funny cause I looked at that steel butt plate and thought......this gun was built to last......and possibly crack somebody across the jawbone. I can't remember who it was that told me....maybe Lark.....these were standard issue along the border towns during the days of Pancho Villa......my Granpa farmed in the Virden area and I don't have any information how he got the gun but man that just stokes the fire of awesome and that 30-30 rifle. When the family was sorting through my Mom and Dads stuff we decided to do a draw for all the "good stuff". My number got drawn very first out of the box and that rifle was my first pick. My 5 brothers were not pleased to see that go first.