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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions


    Lots of signs like that in unit 10.....and across I-40 to the south as well.....raise the hair on your neck......
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Results available

    it's a town down in se az I thought? Right next to Paradise, right?!? Used to be a hippie gathering in the 70's bird watching research center and all!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Elk horn wedding arbor

    Cool stuff there!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Blood Moon Eclipse early Saturday morning

    I should be on the road, headed to Rodeo, NM this Saturday hope to catch a glimpse of it.
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf In Snowflake?

    Probably my wife's brother!
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf In Snowflake?

    Read this in the police report of the independent, anybody in the inside know details?? Well outside the prescribed parameters right??
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf In Snowflake?

    That is what I was wondering......rumor a few years back they had a pack of "domesticated" wolves get loose out east of town so made me wonder if it was a Mexican Gray domesticated wolf or one of the out east domesticated wolves.
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Best April Fools Day Jokes

    Had my youngest son Cole at the Jr. High...he was always trying to beat me up. I was on lunch duty and he came up behind me an whacked me with a 5 star on my back and ran off. I wrote him a referral after prepping the principal that it was just an April fools joke on my part. Cole was in tears.......but he deserved it and has never let me forget about it!!!
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Why old guys rule (and won't get hired)

    Nice.................thanks for the laugh....honestly!!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Can you help me work on my Wood?

    Good looking stuff there critter........
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Elk Results

    Should be late this week or middle of next week I'm guessing. It was April 8th in 2014 and they started hitting CC's last year about the same date as this year so I would think it would be similar. It used to be earlier before all the computer issues the last couple of years. I used to always figure about 6 weeks after the draw deadline. But that is a thing of the past. I already know I didn't get drawn so it doesn't really matter for me but I am curious to see which one of my parents drew. My 76 year old dad? Or my 75 year old mom? Still going strong. Either way getting to hunt with either of those has got to be an awesome hunt!!!! I actually called the draw number yesterday.....it said I had not been drawn and then that message was interrupted with another recording saying that the system was experiencing difficulties good luck to all.......
  12. Non-Typical Solutions


    Soft gets my vote.........not a good showing for the talent that they had....
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    First browns of the year!

    Heck yeah......headed out tomorrow to do some nature walking with the love of my life as well.....sheds or no sheds always fun to be out there together. Nice finds there.....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Son's First Shed!

    Great story and great times....quality find by your kid there......that will bring nothing but more good times after getting him hooked on finding an antler!!
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Did that get deleted?

  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    I will be in Alpine Tuesday through Sunday of next week.....be more than happy to visit with you about it if you were serious!!! :)
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    Few years back after both my parents passed away and I realized the burden that sometimes we leave behind I decided to make my own casket. So then my father in law asked me if I would make sure I made his......but I put it off and put it off. He ended up in the hospital a few weeks back and things weren't looking all that great so I got myself busy. Luckily, he has made a great recovery so I get to put this one in storage along with mine!!! What do you think, should I send pictures to my father in law or would that be like way uncool???
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    It has been 2 years since he asked me and that was skittish for me......but what you said is what I am worried about maybe even so for his wife......I mean I don't want to come off like...hey it is time for you to go grandpa....... I think if he asked you to build it that it is very important to share it with him before that day. maybe a "hey remember that project you asked me to do for you" I like that approach.......thanks
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    It has been 2 years since he asked me and that was skittish for me......but what you said is what I am worried about maybe even so for his wife......I mean I don't want to come off like...hey it is time for you to go grandpa.......
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Did that get deleted?

    Kids don't have much wiggle room for being kids these days.......I feel bad for them, lots of lifes lessons are learned doing stupid stuff and we always pray that our kids won't do something stupid enough to get them in a mess.
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    Wild question....would it be wild to send pictures to my father in law so he can check it out or would that be not cool???
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Elk deadhead

    Rare to find so much in tact picked so clean.....cool find for sure.....
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    Came across this tune....pretty much sums it up
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Latest Project

    On mine, the first picture above, I just used the raw lumber for the box, the bottom and the lid have 3/4 plywood as part of the construction. Grandpas, I built a box with 3/4 plywood interior and then built off of that. I can't speak for what is normal. On my last one, my lid didn't match up as good as I wanted and I was worried that it wouldn't seal but when I talked to the mortician he said none of the factory caskets really seal up. On mine I have a big knot hole at the head end of mine just in case they bury me alive I have a breathin hole. The only one morbid wise that I struggled with was the one for my nephews 7 year old boy and it wasn't morbid, just very humbling and gratifying, dare I say spiritual experience. I was glad his mom and dad let me build it for him.
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    lost on 10 hr ride

    I gotta get somewhere so I can see one of those monsters.....never have crossed the path of one......cool pics.