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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions


    OK murph....that is just wrong there....holy ouch!!!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Dream Buck

    dang.....didn't know they grew that big.....heck of buck there congrats to you on a for sure dream buck.....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions


    Getting antsy for this hunt coming up and seeing these nice bulls just makes it more nerve racking.....good looking bulls.
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Today was a good day!

    That is some good hunting there.......looks like alot of hard work and alot of fun!!!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Looking for advice on raising a child into a hunter

    Kids are pretty tough.......what is that word??? Resilient? I have put all my boys in situations at a young age where they could have possibly hated hunting!!! Quail hunting with a 10 year old north of Tucson, dragging him for miles as he put it. Calling coyotes early mornings with absolutely nothing but howls mocking us. Fishing for hours with nothing but bottom and lost lures and flies. Antler hunting where there was no chance in heal there would be an antler cause there was 3' of snow there during the shedding season. Ask any of my boys.......I gave them plenty of opportunities to not like to hunt, but somehow they have all enjoyed hunting and fishing despite their fathers crappy guide service. It was all the fun stuff that happened while we were out there being outdoors. Getting stuck in a snowbank, losing the keys on a mule ride and having to ride 7 miles in to civilization for a phone, hook in the cheek and falling asleep on the hillside where you were supposed to be glassing for elk!!! Just keep it fun.........
  6. Non-Typical Solutions


    Congrats on the successful hunt.....that is awesome!!!
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tribute to my Boys

    Woke up this morning and realized that my baby boy really turned 18 yesterday. We had a simple cake, candles and a couple of small presents. Reality is a tough thing......I have been so blessed with the bunch of boys that the man upstairs sent to our home, and now to see the last one getting ready to hit the door has me pretty tore up inside. Each one of our boys has brought that something special with them and contributed to our family. There were those days when they were just a royal pain in the butt but looking back.......T-ball, soccer, football, band concerts, viola lessons, pet turtles, pet dogs, pet lizards, wrestling and more wrestling and then Sunday wrestling on the living room floor....hunting, fishing, antlers......oh heal the list goes on forever!!! You youngsters out there .....don't give up on mom and dad.....and young mom's and dads, don't give up on those youngsters.......the family is the most important unit on this planet and to give that blessing up is cutting yourself short on one of the greatest blessings there is for us here. Anyway......my boys have filled my life with so many great times and for that I am truly grateful!!! I know you have seen these pictures before but ......... for all the great times!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Face cover?

    What do you experienced archery hunters use for the elk rut hunt? Face paint? Yes. No. What do you do?
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    A variety of pics, getting more excited for the jr 33 hunt

    Dang good pics......looks like you have some deer to chase for sure...
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    How to tell you had a good Monsoon season (bears)

    Crazy rains and great pictures.......can't wait for Sept. 11 and some archery elk to see exactly how much this rain has transferred into antler!!! I love the storms that have been rolling in up north here.
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tribute to my Boys

    No tribute for Dad.....just sick to my stomach(heart) that after 30 years of having kids in the house that time will soon be behind me and those boys will be making tracks of their own with their youngens........hope they invite me along once in a while!!!
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Is Camouflage Necessary

    I like getting into camo....it seems to fit the season but like Average Joe......I prefer wranglers for keeping crap off my legs. I take my old black church wrangers and turn them into hunting pants. They look perfect in the burn areas, then I top off with a tight sleeved camo undershirt and a short sleeved camo tee shirt with a stupid cap of any color. Course, I wear that same camo setup at home just about every night......keeps me thinking about what I enjoy tons and that is huntin!!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    No Guide Fees

    I actually do need somebody with good insurance to T-bone my truck right now......so that thought has crossed my mind!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    WANTED: 2.7L Engine Toyota Tacoma 97

    Just got the news my 97 Tacoma has 10% compression in #2 hole. 300,000 miles on it! Looking for a motor and somebody that has the skill to put it in my truck. Two weeks away from my elk hunt and now no truck.........aw well, I still have a tag, I can't complain!!! Got a quote from a dealer.....$4880.00 plus or minus $200.00, I can buy a used Tacoma for that much with less miles on it!!! Maybe I will just do that.......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Big bull video

    So what does he score?
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Big bull video

    That will get the blood pumping right there.....great video.
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Another First Antelope - Archery

    Good job on the antelope hunt......not the easiest with a bow I mean with all that great cover you had there
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Toyota Tundra

    Not in any rush but starting to look at trucks to replace the old Ford. Have not looked at trucks for close to 30 years now and feel lost. I like the Tundra trucks and have read some of your reviews on other threads. Is this a good deal for a truck like this??? https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/cto/5166776148.html
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trail Cam pic of the day

    I think he is thinking he is going to get a head start on the ladies! Cool pic Wy.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Toyota Tundra

    Or he is just a brainwashed anti Toyota guy. All the full sized trucks will pull a small trailer. Used wise, there are some really nice trucks of all brands out there that will do the trick.I've always thought Chevy makes the best looking trucks and have the nicest interiors though. I sacrifice that for the peace of mind Toyotas give me. Some of these dealers act like the Tundra is the same as an old 22R Toyota pick up. They probably don't know or care how stout they are built and how much usable torque the 5.7 produces. I tow boats and trailers all the time. I drive through multiple western states through steep mountain passes. Trust me, you won't feel under powered. Like anything, I would go drive all the half tons with all available motors and see how they feel. Get them on the highway, take them up some inclines. If the dealer doesn't allow an extended test drive, go to a different dealer. Good to know, thanks for your input and info....
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Toyota Tundra

    Just a local dealer on the mountain. I couldn't remember which one handled the toyota so I asked the guy which one did. He asked what I was looking for and I told him that the biggest thing I would ever be towing would be a small to moderate camp trailer. He absolute pushed me away from the Tundra......course all he has on his lot is Dodge and Chevy........so that is probably the biggest motivator behind the anti Tundra pitch
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    4 days on the Yellowstone

    Keeper wife for sure......looks like a heck of a trip...
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Toyota Tundra

    Thanks to everybody with your input.....and then I walked into a dealership today and started quizzing them out about the Tundra...which they don't have on their lot.......and they said under no circumstances should I purchase a Toyota if I have pulling a camp trailer in mind???? I know......never as a dealer.......
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    this x-ray has me worried

    That is a good one Hog......perfectly normal symptoms......
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    What time of day was it?

    As I watched the sun come up this morning I got to wondering.....what time of day was it when you let that arrow fly that connected with that bull you killed? My only archery hunt 20 years ago I drew back on a bull that I didn't get to let the arrow fly on due to trees and limbs, etc. the bull was only 15 yards away and I didn't get to close the deal. That was at 10:00am....... How about you? What time of day did you let it fly???