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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    National park service buffalo management plan

    So on one hand we are introducing the wolf and on the other hand reducing buffalo herds.....I loved this quote from that briefing!! The population must be reduced to minimize impacts to natural and cultural resources within the park. What the heck is cultural resources??? What about those wild mustangs??? What about their impact on natural and cultural resources??? Lots of fence hopping going on with what is and ain't good for nature and culture!!!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Anyone with Disneyland ticket hook ups

    Daughter in Law set us up through Getawaytoday.com as well.......would probably rather go out in the woods looking for an antler that I probably won't find....but when it comes to hanging out with the grandkids.....gotta go kick it with them.......
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monster Drink Video

  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monster Drink Video

    Spoken like a true addict! You probably eat donuts with one in the morning. Milk and donuts, Dr. Pepper and donuts......you name it they both put a tire around my waist and both tasted equally as good!!!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    brownies come hard...

    Say it ain't so......................not this year yet????
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    WTT Coues horns for Elk horns

    Holler if you want me to come hunt with you sometime!!! Those are some great looking bucks there...
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    1st yellowtail

    It is worth it for sure....nice job young lady!!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    WTT Coues horns for Elk horns

    We want pics!!!
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monster Drink Video

    I remember back when the Disney movie Little Mermaid came out and the the Lion King, both popular when my kids were young. Reports came out telling parents to beware of some of the subliminal messages portrayed by these movies....... http://www.ultimatetop10s.com/top-10-subliminal-messages-in-disney-animations/ Course one of the reasons I struggled in college was not seeing all of the "symbolism" in books like the Great Gatsby........I thought it was just a story or what was the artist Hans Holbein trying to tell us in the picture "The Lady in Waiting"? Heck that is easy Mr. Professor......it is a naked lady??? What is so tough about that?? I got in a fight with one of my professors who would not let me use Louis LaMour for my novel .....said he was not a "recognized" author.......I told her that was BS..... All boils down to the eye of the beholder!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Monster Drink Video

    I personally don't drink them, I always find it interesting when people read between the lines and find stuff I never imagined. Course, in my Sunday school class on Sunday, 5 year olds, only 4 girls in the class, 3 of the four girls informed us their moms had been fixed so they would not be having any more kids.......something I didn't know anything about until I was like....23 years old and married and .....I am so dense and sheltered!!!! Bet Oneshot can give this information on the monster drink credibility or not???
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    WTB: 10 X 42 Swarovski

    Looking for a good used pair of 10 X 42 Swarovski. Looking for a pair to give to Cole for graduation, nothing too beat up but doesn't have to be brand new either. Thanks, Jeff
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    Anybody volunteer to go spotlight black footed ferrets with the G$F in the Aubrey Valley????
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Turkey Talk

    In anticipation of the up coming turkey season my son decided to see what Game and Fish had to say about our Unit. We have hunted there for deer, elk, turkey and spent alot of time in the unit, he was just curious. Merriam's turkey are widely distributed throughout the northern two-thirds of the unit, using habitat types ranging from deciduous riparian, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, and mixed conifer, to spruce-fir forests in the higher elevations. Turkey distribution during the spring can vary widely, depending on the melting of the winter snow pack. Look for areas from the pine-oak belt up into mixed conifer forest where snow melt has resulted in the production of new herbaceous growth. With words like deciduous riparian and herbaceous growth........we have decided that first we need a dictionary to go along with turkey hunting tips. Geeez........all I thought I needed was a shotgun some camo and patience, boy was I wrong!!! Looking forward to looking specifically for that pine-oak belt with deciduous riparian habitat!!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Turkey Talk

    One of our favorite turkey holes got torched in Unit 1 right across the line from 27 but during our archery elk hunt last year we found a great gaggle of turkey and two really nice mulie bucks in that torched area. That burn looks horrible for sure, lots of black tooth picks sticking up now with tons of undergrowth now coming up, lots of quakies....... Yikes....starting to sound like G$F now using words like gaggle and quakies.....guess I better not throw too many stones.
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Start to a busy spring!-Update-Osceola Down.

    Dang if that doesn't sound like alot of fun....best of luck to you guys!!!
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Father and Son Mule Deer Hunt **Additional Video (3/9)**

    Cool video of a sweet looking buck.....congrats on the hunt and getting to enjoy hunting with your boy!!!
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Turkey Talk

    I'll be taking some youth's in that area on the youth hunt April 15th and will let you know where I'm seeing them. Thanks....I appreciate that......good luck to you guys. I love 27.....course Dad having a summer home over there doesn't hurt matters any.....great neck of the woods to play in.....
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Turkey Talk

    27 we have never really had trouble finding turkey......now actually getting one......that is different. We really enjoy 27, my grandson is excited he gets to tag along with us this year and has been talking about it ever since we got drawn. He has been target practicing pretty religiously with his dad even though he is too young to hunt he is all about being part of the hunt! Me, I am like yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, anything to get those boys out of the big city!!!
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    5b late unicorn bull

    That is freaking awesome.........
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf news hits close to home

    Info like that really makes a person wonder who the heal is thinking of this stuff......can you imagine spending time out in the Blue Wilderness area performing flaggery exercises in an effort to keep the wolves away from your cattle??? Somebody on that wolf committee needs to get out from behind their save all desk and go put some hours in on a ranch and get a feel for how that flaggery program works!!! Next thing you know they are going to be asking California residents to start performing flaggery exercises in their back yards to keep the lions away....
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf news hits close to home

    Maybe the "flaggery" is part of their pre release training??? Run for the hills.....when the red commie flags come out
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf news hits close to home

    Probably.....but not the genetically altered version!!!
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf news hits close to home

    Or maybe this??? I can picture Edge using this method!!!
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wolf news hits close to home

    red flaggery Entry from British & World English dictionary Definition of red flaggery in English: noun Communist or socialist doctrines or beliefs regarded collectively. Sounds about par for the course to me.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunting stereotypes- Best thing I've seen in a while.

    Pretty sad when I can pick out Garrett Cole and I out of every hunting stereotype.... "the blind napper?" Yep......we are pretty stereo typical......can't wait to try our skills out during the turkey hunt!!!