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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions


  2. Non-Typical Solutions


    And now Lane from the Seahawks has joined him. You watch....this is going to spread like wildfire, pros, college, high school. 48er said this morning he is going to donate his first million to organizations to help inner city kids..........what a suppressed sob!!!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions


    Remember he doesn't care about the money or the job!!!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    I must be Beetle obsessed!!!

    I remember my dad calling these potato bugs......he would tell of stories as a kid in the Virden, New Mexico, Gila Valley area they would walk through row after row of potatoes and find these buggers on the plants and squish them between their fingers!!! I don't even know what they really are called but they were all over the door at work this morning!!!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    I must be Beetle obsessed!!!

    DANG.....family reunion time.....
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    I must be Beetle obsessed!!!

    Definitely related to the Merrill clan through my Grandma Mortensen who was a Payne!!! It was tough dating down in that neck of the woods cause everybody was a cousin somehow!!!
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    I must be Beetle obsessed!!!

    For such a small town there are some seriously great people all over the place from Virden. Both my mom and dad grew up there......my dad from the Mortensen Clan and my mom from the Pace clan........you probably are right about the 10 bucks!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Boys of Fall

    I was trying to clean up my laptop......came across this and it reminded me of how much fun I have reading about and seeing other hunters and their hunting stories. Can't believe what a baby face Cole is......fun times hunting with all my boys.!!! Again I appreciate that CWT members would contribute to the project......
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    I must be Beetle obsessed!!!

    Yep those boys are bigguns........rope to keep him tied down!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    I must be Beetle obsessed!!!

    Makes sense to me......
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Giant Typical Coues

    Nice looking buck there......huntin at its best!!!
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    evolution of antlers (Updated)

    Beautiful buck!!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Greer herd

    It is fun to see that herd through there, it always catches me off guard...it is like.....oh heal, there they are. Cool photo!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Your best days

    Coach......I have been very blessed, a great wife, not too bad of kids, a job that doesn't pay much but it has allowed me to do just about anything I wanted to do and spend tons of time with my family. I don't kill big deer or elk or catch the biggest fish, but I have many great hunting, camping and fishing memories with my family. At my age I realize that the far distant canyons that hold those trophy animals I have dreamed of are probably for the next generation to go and find. I just sent the baby of the family on his LDS mission to Detroit June 1st of this year and I can honestly say I poured my heart and soul into my four boys while they were in the house, but when we dropped Cole off at the MTC on June 1st I realized that my boys were no longer mine to be the rudder for in life, they were on their own and "Dad" was now going to be just a good reference in a bind and the lucky one that gets to take grand kids on a fishing trip or two. My heart aches for the days of chasing wrestling matches and lining that kid up for his first shot at a deer, but those days are gone. I just spent this last summer with the love of my life, going to lakes in Arizona that I had never seen before.........with a dream 14' aluminum boat! I look forward to many years of great times with that gal venturing places and doing things and I have looked forward to this time in my life. I have conceded that I will probably have to work until I die under the current system that governs our retirement, taxes and the way this world turns. When I see the chaos that is now our country, that is when I get the most "depressed", not for me but for my kids and their kids. Having said all of that, when it comes down to one of those days I just look around and thank my Heavenly Father for the blessings he has given me. My foundation rests upon his true principles and no matter what happens around me that is where I go to regain my strength and sanity. Look to what really matters in life and base everything else off of those firm principles. Faith/Family
  15. Non-Typical Solutions


    As they would say in Norway....Uff Da!!!
  16. Non-Typical Solutions


    I have been semi damp and bumped into 110/v and it hurt way, way worse than just the regular little jolt! Not one to assume, I am assuming like the sheep these critters were wet and that makes a huge difference in how that all ends up. Norway is a beautiful country and wayyyyyyyyyyyyy environmentally minded.....wonder what they will do to protect the caribou from lightning
  17. Non-Typical Solutions


    That is a crazy story as is the story of the sheep in Utah.......dang!!!
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Looking for opinions on where to live in AZ

    Except maybe this one.....you might learn more than you really want.....or maybe not!!! Second man slain at Phoenix Knights Inn in 24 hours http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2016/08/22/second-man-slain-phoenix-knights-inn-24-hours/89099058/
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Looking for opinions on where to live in AZ

    White Mountains have it all.......and you can't beat the rural access to game and getting outdoors!!! Here in Snowflake we don't get as much snow, sun usually melts it off by noon, some rare occasions it will stick around for a couple of days. There are sometimes some stretches where the temps are freezing.....great place for kids to grow up!!! But not one of these small towns up here can claim the 450000 population, there isn't a shopping mall but Sportsmans is a new addition to the mountain.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Standman Catch of the Week

    I thought that face looked familiar......what to make the headlines!!!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    More BEETLES

    I posted earlier this summer the "plague" of beetles laying around town and then all the sudden.....they started showing up BIGGER!!! Pretty buff looking dudes............ I get a kick out of some of the things nature throws out there, I have seen some of these guys in the past but this summer.......they are out in numbers!!!
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    let em be. They're out there 365, we're out there a fraction of that. They serve a purpose, we're trespassing... not the other way around. JMHO If I am in the boonies I will let them pass as they let me pass.....but on my property they are gone......
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    I like "that dude"! I've been called a helluva lot worse! Scales between the eyes is the best, 100% way to know the difference, especially since tail patterns don't always line up like the books say they should. That doesn't look like a diamondback or a mojave (with a "j"). That looks like a viridis (Crotalus nuntius; Hopi rattlesnake) from the NE part of the state, like Arizona Griz suggests. Snowflake.....so eastern part of the stae, white mountains in the cedars ......interesting information, thanks....
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    Compared to this one.....you have to zoom in on the tail but clearly very different??? Again, I didn't look at the scales between the eyes!!!