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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    what unit?

    23 has been a top 3 choice for a good majority of applicants for 30 + years ... Unit 10 it was only a matter of time until the herd size grew and it started producing Quality Bulls in Good numbers... I will give you, that the popularity of 10 was probably sped up a few years do to Articles and Internet postings showing Both quality and Quantity. I would not go that far for 23. I blame location mostly for 23 masses..........but if you are an outsider applying......23 pops up pretty high on the list!!!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    what unit?

    If I post up a 380 that I killed in 4a will you all start applying? Will an onslaught of others apply to the point that 4a becomes like 10 or 23? Do you REALLY believe that? How do you think 10 and 23 got to be the way they are??? I'm not saying it is the only cause or effect but they didn't get to be that way by people keeping their mouth shut!!! I might change my number one choice if all the sudden I start seeing pictures of big bulls being taken from Unit 4a, for sure!!!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Stolen Bows

    Stupid enough to hit the same place twice and stupid enough to walk into a pawn shop........true bottom feeder criminals.....nice job tracking them down!!!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions


    Hope Montini loses his job..........OK that was mean but honestly.......Arizona Repulsive.......
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    what unit?

    I think the internet does contribute to how many applications there are for a specific unit, so in that regards I do think it affects draw odds............but like you said it is kinda silly but to think it doesn't affect number of applications for a unit would be a little off the mark as well. Especially when you think of out of staters or uniformed instaters who are wondering what unit to apply for the internet becomes a quick source of information which you can also get numbers from AZGF......so it does become a moot point. I don't blame people for not saying but it doesn't bother me to say......
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    what unit?

    Winkem tells blinkem, blimkem tells nod and nod tells barney!!! I never have trouble telling people a unit number, but there is evidence out there that loose lips have ruined good honey holes. People just get paranoid and have good reason to want to try and keep a spot off the radar. Human nature? One thing that we rarely talk about on CWT is the fact that our state over the last 50 years has seen an incredible population boom. Our Elk and Deer get hunted hard by large populations from August through January........
  7. Non-Typical Solutions


    http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/09/26/bias-alert-amazon-fixed-reviews-for-hillary-clintons-book.html Amazon now into politics too??? Of course they are!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions


    Bad pics look good to me.....looks like fun!!!
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Lots of Antler (Edited)

    Way cool pics.......drooling all over the keyboard!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bears & a Bird

    I think you have some bears there!!! And a bird looking to get a selfie!!! Cool pics
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    New Mexico Antelope Video

    Very cool video........jealous!!! Congratulations....
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    This is what happens when you have other things on your mind!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Unit 27 Bull- a quick picture tale

    27 Rocks......cool pics and congrats on your hunt!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    3C vandals caught on camera

    Still looking for a tag holder😀 Came through Sunday night and took his frustration out on one of my bigger willows!!! Sorry cell phone pic of an already bad trail cam pic
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Prediction

    Listening to the radio yesterday Kapernick commented on death threats he has received: "If something like that were to happen, you've proved my point", said Kaepernick when asked about the possibility of the threats being acted upon. "It'll be loud and clear why it happened," he said. Talk like this....my prediction....Kapernick will announce his new muslim name in the near future!!!
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    3C vandals caught on camera

    The first smaller tree he did but only busted a couple of branches on that one he has his head in there!!!
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    No Tag Depression Part 2

    Started watching one of my all time favorites last night on Netflix........this series has me rolling every time I watch it........here is the show pilot!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HubYfeC-x58
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    3C area units

    Snowflake was covered with smoke Monday morning......looked like downtown LA.......and packed a pretty stiff stench with it.....this morning not so bad.........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Watch Where You Step - The Aftermath / How to Skin That Snake

    Dang too big.....spooky big snakes. Thought that guy was going to cut his own arm off.................
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Happy birthday to my Hero!

    That is awesome.....happy birthday and oh the stories he can tell......that is cool!!!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions


    It ain't gonna happen but this pretty much sums up my goals!!!
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    I like the little ones...

    Good job congratulations!
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vandals hit 3C

    Vandals put a beating on my poor little Willow tree......any tag holder wishing to repay I would appreciate, two sets of tracks headed north west towards 3A!!! Should have at least some willow residue on antlers!!! Dang crack heads and tweakers!!!
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vandals hit 3C

    I had a trail cam set up until about a week ago trying to see what I had coming in deer wise I had noticed some tracks. Took the cam down and this happened. Just my luck 😀
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Some desert bucks...

    DAng........good luck finding one of those boys!!!!