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Everything posted by ajohunter

  1. ajohunter

    New Swarovski product?

    That new model looks nice! I will sell my old EL's and buy those when they come out!
  2. ajohunter

    Who knew! Pictures....

    The picture of the bat is cool!!
  3. ajohunter

    Carrying Handgun while hunting

    First off welcome! I always carry a sidearm with me when im hunting for personal protection. I used to carry my Glock 23 40 S&W. But now I carry a HK USP 40. Its all about what you feel comfortable carrying. I prefer the high capacity 40 cal.
  4. ajohunter

    Deer & Cattle

    I know a bit about the Cabeza Prieta and the decision to remove cattle from it. I won two press awards and was named the Governor's Conservation Communicator of the year after I did a series of newspaper articles and photos exposing livestock overgrazing on America's remotest wildlife refuge. This was before land management agencies, refuges, wildlife agencies -- and cattlemen -- really got serious about multiple use and sustainable habitat management. Every range manager I interviewed claimed the place was a horrible mess. I've forgotten the numbers but I seem to remember being told here were at least four times the number of cattle on the refuge as the allotment allowed. As for water, at the time the grazing permit was yanked, my sources claimed there had never been a documented report of anyone seeing a Sonoran pronghorn using water. They drink water, of course, but they apparently have additional sources other than developed livestock waters out in that nasty desert. About the same time, while I was serving a term as the president of the Lander (Wyoming) One Shot Antelope Hunt's Past Shooters Club, I got the club's board to approve a donation of $10,000 for water development for the Sonoran pronghorn on the Cabeza Prieta. Until then, little was known about the subspecies even though it already had been officially declared endangered. Dave Brown, then the AZGFD's big game chief, instead asked that we earmark the money for an aerial survey and a pronghorn movement study, neither of which had ever been done before. He felt building new water sources would benefit coyotes more than pronghorns, and predation by coyotes was the limiting factor for pronghorn reproduction and survival. The Department of Defense got into the act and provided a free helicopter, and in addition to counting pronghorns, a couple of animals were caught and collared. The publicity that resulted from the project our puny seed money launched (especially coming from an out-of-state hunting club) apparently embarassed a bunch of other groups and money for Sonoran pronghorns never again was a problem. Don't remember hearing that the number of pronghorns on the Cabeza Prieta ever fell to ten. It could be so, but I do know that tracking collared animals showed that they moved in and out of Mexico regularly. Could that survey have been done at a time when most of them were south of the border? Bill Quimby Thanks bill, that is alot of good info. Not many people know where the money first came from for those pronghorn. Im not exactly sure of the time of year of the survey that only counted 10 animals I can find out for you. The subject of the pronghorn not drinking standing water has been around for a long time and eventually pictures were taken of pronghorn watering at a drinker. I have gone out with the biologista on the BMGR that monitor the animals and have seen how tough these animals are. I have some pics I will post on another thread. Eric
  5. ajohunter


    Woo Hoo! Got mine today also!
  6. ajohunter

    Deer & Cattle

    If you ever get your first coues, and it is at "your" own little honey hole, you might be feeling a little different about it when the cows come in. Or maybe you'll just need a box of tampons. Mark I agree gamehauler, its getting deep around here....
  7. Sounds like you got a million dollar idea there!......
  8. ajohunter

    Rem. model 700 SPS

    PM sent
  9. Yeah its a very sad day when Americans are being attacked in their own homes in the villages on the rez by the Mexican military. And how many are taken by those military units? Countless times USBP vehicles are shot at from both sides of the border endangering Agents lives. Yeah some of those people coming across just want better lives but they are criminals regardless of their intentions.
  10. ajohunter

    Deer & Cattle

    I know this thread is about deer and cattle and has gotten off to a very deep path of discussion. I would like to throw out an example where cattle and ranching helped a species thrive. Back in 1939 when the Cabez Prieta Refuge was established there was a large number of cattle and the water and food sources to support them. Natural and man made. The decision was made by USFW to remove the cattle grazing rights and remove the water sources that were not natural. Prior to this decision the numbers of the currently endangered Sonoran Pronghorn was in the hundreds. After the removal of the water sources used by the ranchers the Pronghorn started to die off not surprisingy. At one time the herd dwindled down to less than 10 animals! Recently the USFW has established artificial water sources and a food plot to bring the numbers back up and now are around 40 animals after a transplant operation with animals from mexico. My point is that cattle and the ranchers that raise them do alot for the natural environment. I will get off my soap box now....
  11. ajohunter

    what ya dip!

  12. ajohunter

    Game Cams?

    I will take one of those also! Looks small enough to hide so I can get some pics of these 40A coues!
  13. ajohunter

    Antelope Shed

    Those are very rare to find! Cant wait to see a pic!
  14. You guys would be amazed at how many times this happens. Villages on the rez have even been raided my mexican military units.
  15. I just got off a 48 hour shift this morning!....lol But then again im always on here at the station also!... Great pics! Hope you can lay the hammer down on one of those bucks. Oh yeah I like the way you were able to distort the backgrounds...good idea
  16. ajohunter

    New Elk Rifle

    I have been shooting my 300 Ultra Mag since 2000. In my opinion it is one of the best all around calibers you can get. I have taken bobcats, coyotes, coues, mule deer, pronghorn, and a few elk with it. And all have been taken with 180gr Swift Sciroccos.....
  17. ajohunter


    What happened to the capes that came with the deer originally?............
  18. ajohunter

    contest idea.....

    You can count me in on ordering one also Amanda.
  19. Shock Box!...thats a really good idea! I would buy one in a heart beat....
  20. ajohunter


    The sticker looks great!.....It was hard to see through all the shine coming off that chrome!.....
  21. ajohunter


    That ram in the first pic has good potential. he is probably at 150 in that pic
  22. ajohunter

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    2 hooded sweatshirts Color-Ash Size-3xl Thanks!
  23. ajohunter

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    Thats a great idea! If its possible I will take 2
  24. ajohunter

    Nichols Guiding Service

    This section is a great idea!.........
  25. There are 10 turkeys in the pic.....