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Everything posted by ajohunter

  1. ajohunter

    Finally They're UP

    What harsh realization??????? Im not giving up on today until after 5!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. ajohunter

    First Bobcat!!

    Congrats on the cat!! Glad those lucky hats are working out for you!!!!!!
  3. ajohunter

    Finally They're UP

    This is bad. I have one computer logged on to CWT and then my laptop to keep checking the G&F website and my cell phone in my hand!.........This is worse than the anticipation at Christmas when I was a kid!...Haha
  4. ajohunter

    Finally They're UP

    Its busy again!!!!!!! Pray that its time!!!!!!!!
  5. ajohunter

    Finally They're UP

    We still have a few days until the results are posted. Friday late morning or early afternoon. But I will keep checking online and on the phone until then just to be sure I dont miss anything if they come out earlier!..hahahaha
  6. ajohunter

    Archery when you were a kid

    That story brought back all kinds of memories!
  7. That one looks really good sniper! Good job incorporating all the designs together. It gets my vote!
  8. ajohunter

    Oryx hunt (off range)

    The Deuce is loose!........You shot that 257 Cornholer lately?..........
  9. ajohunter

    Oryx hunt (off range)

    That is just way too cool!!!!!! Tell your son congrats! And good job on staying cool under pressure when the ranch hands tried to scare off his oryx! The beast is dead! long live the beast!!!!!!
  10. ajohunter


    Congrats on a great hunt with your family Ernesto!.....I am just wondering how you got Javier to wake up in the morning!......hahaha!
  11. ajohunter

    Ain't it draw time yet

    Soon! very soon! Before you know it the phone lines will be jammed, the G&F website will crash and the forums will be burnin up with the oh so popular phrase......Their Up!
  12. ajohunter


    Congrats on the new hunter in the family!
  13. ajohunter

    San Carlos Tags!

    Well there are 6 people standing in line already for permits.
  14. ajohunter

    Aaryn's First hunt

    That was a great story and awesome pics! Congrats on your hunt!!!!!!!!! The animals in Arizona better watch out!
  15. ajohunter

    VIDEO, "Get A Clue" tip!!!!

    That was a cool video! Great job!
  16. ajohunter

    San Carlos Tags!

    There are some combined tags for unit C/R-100 this year also. The cost will be $3500 for those. Not sure if it will be just one permit combined or all the C tags. As for what time to get there I would say early friday to beat the crowds that get there saturday morning!.......
  17. ajohunter

    San Carlos Tags!

    Yes the permits are going on sale this saturday for sure. Friend of mine is a biologist up there and she confirmed it. I will put some more info up when I get it.
  18. ajohunter

    Lion pics

    I can neither confirm nor deny the location of those pics............
  19. ajohunter


    Sorry GH! But thats funny!!!!!
  20. ajohunter

    Party in the USA

    You stole that from me I carry a picture of her in my truck I dont know about Taylor, but I know for sure that Kellie Pickler has my picture in her truck!....
  21. ajohunter

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Count me in for this as well!
  22. ajohunter

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Happy B day Doug!!! Best thing about B days on fridays is that you have all weekend to enjoy it!
  23. ajohunter

    ADA Banquet...

    Count me in again as well!
  24. ajohunter


    Hmmmmmmmmmm.............no comment
  25. ajohunter

    Merry Christmas

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope everyone has a safe and happy day tomorrow!