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Everything posted by madx250

  1. madx250

    My first bear!

    Congratulations! You guys must be tuff to carry it out like that, those bears are heavy!
  2. madx250

    East valley mule riders

    Thnx.for the link.
  3. madx250

    East valley mule riders

    Just curious if there were any members on here that rode in the east valley. I like to hit the San Tans, Superstitions,anywhere up north.
  4. madx250

    Best backpacking Tent?

    Msr motha hubba has been good to me. Had to use their warranty once ( my fault) and they sent me out a new part free.
  5. madx250

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

  6. madx250

    Current routine

    Trail running for me also. Anywhere from a few miles around the neighborhood to marathon distance.Some days I will stop and do push ups every 1/2 mile or jog next to my kids while they ride their bikes. I also like to weight train. I try to mix it up and keep it interesting.
  7. Nice bear! Looks like an old warrior with those scars!
  8. O, I put a kick ease pad on mine. I still can't shoot it much off the bench before it gets uncomfortable.
  9. I Have one in 300wsm.Its a kicker for sure. But it a great mointain rifle.Smooth, light and accurate. If recoil is an issue, stay away from the magnums or consider a break.
  10. madx250

    New bow string

    I agree there is a breakin.but he has only shot it once.a good string like winners choice won't stretch much in 1 evening of shooting.
  11. madx250

    New bow string

    I agree there is a breakin.but he has only shot it once.a good string like winners choice won't stretch much in 1 evening of shooting.
  12. madx250

    New bow string

    Take it back
  13. madx250


    Any broad head will work if you make a good shot . Unfortunately if you bow hunt long enough, the chances are you will eventually make a shot that isnt exactly in the 12 ring. That is when a good cut on contact fixed blade will out Penatrate and generally out perform a mechanical . Mechanicals are just 1 more variable to worry about ( did a blade deploy when you put it back in your quiver after that blown stalk?, what about when you accidentally bumped that branch when that big bull was running in? ) I just don't see any advantages to a mechanical . especially with today's fixed blade that fly so well.
  14. madx250


    No rage. Go fixed blade. Shuttle t, wackwm, slick trick, montec....
  15. madx250

    Bear issues

    Mike is a little bearanoid sometimes. ...
  16. madx250

    Kimber Mountain Ascent 280 Ack Imp BNIB

    Drool. ...
  17. madx250

    Come on draw

    Got hit!
  18. madx250

    Come on draw

    Got hit!
  19. madx250

    Wac'em broadheads

    They are a great head.I have only shot the 3 blade 100 gainers.
  20. madx250

    bear pic from the fall

    Great pics! Thnx