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Everything posted by madx250

  1. madx250

    4th Gen Dodge Owners? Let's see em'!

    Nice truck. My last one had the 5.7 hemi in it and it ran like a top. Traded it in with 200k+ .
  2. madx250

    who builds traditional bows here?

    That bow is sic!
  3. madx250

    2 nice southern Arizona Toms

    Great pics and congratulations on the success, those are some nice cats!
  4. madx250

    2 nice southern Arizona Toms

    Great pics and congratulations on the success, those are some nice cats!
  5. madx250

    Unit 8 late Outfitterd

    Dude!, you went old school! Those guys always smoked the biggest bulls and you got a Ladmo bag at the end of the hunt!
  6. madx250


    Tough hunt.Better bring something bigger than a .270.
  7. madx250

    Anyone hunting early San Carlos Turkey's?

    I did this hunt a few years ago.There are Plenty of turkey near Point of Pines.Take a 22 center fire if you still can incase you can't get one within shotgun range.
  8. madx250

    Anyone hunting early San Carlos Turkey's?

    I did this hunt a few years ago.There are Plenty of turkey near Point of Pines.Take a 22 center fire if you still can incase you can't get one within shotgun range.
  9. madx250

    Monday Check in

    Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me! Get of the couch! Lol
  10. madx250

    Yard Sale, lots of stuff

    That's a long way from Queen Creek. Good luck on the sale, Max.
  11. madx250

    Pack goats

    How I roll
  12. madx250

    Treed a nice Tom

    Wow! What a cat!
  13. madx250

    Antleope at 517 yards

    It's a goat head
  14. madx250

    Mean/Insane Tom Down!

    He'll yea!
  15. madx250

    2014...Tag #14 & Tag #14

    Dude, you're on a roll.thanks for posting!
  16. madx250

    Rollercoaster Coues Hunt

    Great write up and beautiful buck!
  17. madx250


    New years resolution=if I see a camera hung in a wilderness area its coming with me and going into the trash. I wish they were illegal.What gives people the right to litter every water hole in az with these stupid things?
  18. madx250

    2014 Rewind

    Helluva year!
  19. madx250

    31 worked out

    Nice buck!
  20. madx250

    truck advise

    Just get a mega cab and let the good times roll!
  21. madx250

    Supai Grand Canyon Hike

    You guys are getting me fired up! I'll be doing this trip shortly. Staying for 2 days.I tried to ride my mule but they don't allow private stock at Havasupai.i will post some pics.
  22. I happen to be reading it right now. Picked it up from"Half Price books for $5.