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Everything posted by madx250

  1. madx250

    2015 Coues Deer

    Dinner is served!
  2. madx250

    Archery Coues

    Very impressive! Stud!
  3. madx250

    2015 AZ Archery Mule Deer non typical

  4. madx250

    My unit 9 archery goat

    Congratulations!. Love archery spot stalk speed goat! Running and gunning!
  5. madx250

    30-378 weatherby mag

    I'd buy it but my shoulder told me no.
  6. madx250

    Reputable Tranny Shop

    Hayes transmission off the 101.
  7. madx250


    Good luck!
  8. madx250

    Monster unit 8 buck!

    Congratulations! Quit whining!
  9. madx250

    Wild Mustangs

    https://www.change.org/p/u-s-national-park-services-tonto-national-forest-stop-the-annihilation-of-the-salt-river-wild-horses-savewildhorses?recruiter=355418112&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition Just trying to get this out there for people that don't know. I'm planning on going to the press conference today.
  10. madx250

    Wild Mustangs

    Lark, don't make me being up the skinny barrel thing....lol.last time I checked, horses don't live where sheep do...again no valid points made for the removal of the horses. Kinda ironic that until recently there were No known vehicular horse related accidents..heck I've hit 2 deer in my life and I live in queen creek and spend limited time in the deer country. Should we wipe them out? Hey Lark , news flash, Those mules that u and I are riding are crossbread.As I said in a previous post I agree that they need to be managed. Just dart and geld the stallions.
  11. madx250

    Looking for a couple of mules

    You just missed a mule auction in queen creek. They are supposed to have another one this January. Most of the mules were supplied by the Reese brothers out of Tennessee.
  12. madx250

    2015 AZ Bear

    Congratulations. Nice boar.
  13. I just had the same thing happen recently with our Texas heeler.Those toads really come out during a good rain and we now lock the dog door at night if is raining.
  14. madx250

    Wild Mustangs

    Not just Bulldog canyon. Butcher Jones Recreation are is open to all offroad vehicles and is where many of the horses hang out.Ever been to Butcher Jones? I didn't think so.It looks like the Baja 1000 just went through there 10 times over.I fully understand the need to manage these wild horses just like our wild game but just saying kill em and making a joke about it makes hunters sound like a bunch of backwoods idiots. I'll bet many of the people on this thread have never laid eyes on them.I grew up with the and they don't hurt a dang thig.
  15. madx250

    Wild Mustangs

    Lots of small minds posting on this thread.You guys are concerned about the horses tearing up land that is open to jeeps quads or anything you want to ride.This land is already trashed from the offroad vehicles.The horses cost nothing to the taxpayer.But now they will cost us to round them up. There have been no known accident caused by these horses. In Minnesota last year there were 40,000 deer related auto accident. Should we kill all those deer? These horses down by the river have been there over 75 years. Frankly I don't care if they are Mustangs or what breed they are, after 75 years i think they earned their right to stay there.I agree they should be managed.Just dart all the stallions and geld em.There are less than 100 head down there. try really hard and think about how much public land we have to hunt in this state and tell me we can't afford to give a few square mile to them if you're worried about them pushing the deer off.I guess I am a little biased as I ride horses and mules and use them for hunting. Yea they eat money and shoot work but I got the money and I don't mind a little work.
  16. madx250

    What guns or bow would you want back?

    Pre 64 win model 70 in 270.
  17. madx250

    Bulls are looking great!

    2 shooters for sure!
  18. I love my 243 but my go to is a 300wsm. On a calm day I can shoot rags with the 243 but when the wind picks up the 180 gets pushed around WAY LESS that a 95 grain 243 round. When the buck of your dreams finally stands up a 375 yards and there is a bit of a crosswind u will be glad u have a bullet that will buck the wind.
  19. madx250

    Pay to Play?

    I am also frustrated with the whole situation from top to bottom. We are te getting railed.
  20. madx250

    Cashel Gun Scabbard

    Those are great unless there under your leg...
  21. madx250

    ok, now where am i?

    Yea. Post em up.cool post