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Everything posted by madx250

  1. madx250

    Wtb 6.5 prc ammo

    ive been able to get them online for instore pickup Sportsmans Pheonix loc.
  2. madx250

    Who has a 6.5 prc for sale?

    yea me too ha ha …. im still waiting on brass I ordered....
  3. madx250


    Bell&Carlson olive/ black web stock. Redding Dies. Nosler/Hornady brass with 39 loaded rounds. Sub moa. load. 1 full box of Winchester 180 PowerPoints. trigger adjusted down. $700.00 (480)707-2460 text preferred. Located in Queen Creek. I work in Phoenix.
  4. madx250

    Bowtech Allegiance

  5. madx250

    Bowtech Allegiance

    2006 Allegiance. (27 inch fixed draw)70# limbs.5 pin Black Gold sight. Limb driver rest. Winners Choice string. Original owner. As fast as today’s bows with many kills to its credit. $200. 480-707-2460. Text preferred. Thnx.
  6. madx250

    Bowtech Allegiance

  7. Scope $100.00 Rangefinder $40.00 (RX2) Pump $30.00 (MSR Sweetwater) 480-707-2460. Text preferred. Thnx.
  8. madx250

    Scope, Rangefinder, Purifier

    Scope spf.
  9. madx250

    Unit 27 road conditions

    Good to go, I was up there yesterday.
  10. madx250

    Zeiss HD5 3-15x42 $450

    PM. sent.
  11. madx250

    Custom 28 nosler

    I need some alone time with that thing......
  12. madx250

    Kuiu icon pro frame cracked

  13. madx250

    Kuiu icon pro frame cracked

    I just bought the EXO. It is Awesome! Initially i was looking at Kuiu, but after a little research the Internet told me about the frame issues. Also Exo made in Montana with lifetime warranty. Kuiu made in China. .
  14. madx250

    Augest Archery

    I do.
  15. madx250

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    I would be in favor of them being banned on public land.
  16. madx250

    Let's talk tires

    Nitto or toyo alll terrain dude.these are made for heavy trucks like ours.
  17. Seen a bunch on my elk hunt in 5bs
  18. madx250

    Respect the Coues!

  19. madx250

    Peaks Hunt 2014

    Great pics. Good looking mules.
  20. madx250

    164 7/8" Coues

    Amazing buck!
  21. madx250

    Kaibab Buck

    Bomber, congratulations !
  22. madx250

    My archery buck

    Dream buck!