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Everything posted by madx250

  1. You don't like guns? That is like saying you don't like girls! Jk. Model 70 for life!
  2. madx250

    Almost GO time

    T minus 6 hours till im on the road. Im pumped!
  3. madx250

    Bull, Bucks, and Bear

    Im no expert but that bull doesn't look all that young to me.Any guess to his age?
  4. madx250

    Longer hunts?

    More animals would be killed -- meaning less money for game/fish.Imo.
  5. madx250

    Shot my elk this morning

  6. madx250

    CO Scouting Trip, Unit 74

    Awesome, thnx for posting.
  7. madx250

    unit 23 insight

    I would also check out the burn at the top of the unit.
  8. madx250


    IMPRESSIVE! Im pumped!
  9. madx250

    Carp Deer?

    Higher on the mountain?
  10. madx250

    Draw Results post here

    Ill be coosin 23 in october!(if I don't get it done with the bowtec).
  11. madx250

    Magazines or books to read

    "Death in the longgrass" by Peter Capstick.
  12. madx250

    Bow Season is Upon Us

    2005 bowtec allegiance. Winners choice.hogg 7dp with .01 pins.Easton axis arrows. Epic broadheads.Can't wait! 5 day solo bivwac hunt for velvet antlered mulies!
  13. madx250

    Music - Songs for the drive

  14. madx250

    Royal and Imperial Points

  15. madx250

    single pin?

    Thnx.didn't see that one.
  16. madx250

    single pin?

    How many of you shoot a single pin?I shoot the 7dp spot hog and like it but im interested in a single pin adjustable.It sounds cool to be able to dial one of those out to as far as you want and hold dead on.But what about when that bull runs in and stops at 47 yards?With a fixed pin I just put my 50 pin alittle low and let him have it.If im running an adjustable I have to hurry up and move my sight adding one more thing to do before I can shoot.
  17. madx250

    Wallow fire slide show

    Wow.Thnx. for posting.
  18. madx250

    Arrow help..

    I really like the fmj's and the axis. I would stay away from any lightweight speed arrow. I like 2" vanes.
  19. madx250

    queensland pup

    Free to a good home. 6 months old. Female. Spayed. Located in queen creek.480-707-2460
  20. madx250

    A sad loss

    Really sorry to hear about this. Hope youguys are able to recover you're stuff and prosecute the scumbags. Max.
  21. madx250

    Fall Black Bear

    Wow!read that one twice!great bear. Congrats.
  22. madx250

    4A Early Archery Bull

    Thats not at all how I meant it and others are right, it was never directed to any one including you. I am sorry if I offended you. Maybe I should have said unrealistic expectations. I just see that overall score has become the most important concideration for many hunters these days regardless of what the buck or bull looks like. All elk and deer are anymore is a number to many hunters and I feel that this is a sad reality born of horn porn magazines. Yes I read trophy hunter and the huntin fool. Yes they feature some awesome animals. Do I enjoy looking at awesome animals in those magazines? Yes. Would I enjoy it more if I was able to get one of those awesome animals? Absolutely. More important than that though is that I can get out there are chase bugles, watch bulls wollow and rut. That is where the good memories are. Too many hunters have lost sight of that. Of course that is my opinion. If you want to tell me to go pound sand for sharing my opinion, I can live with that. Honestly, I hope you harvest a true beast of a bull. More importantly, I hope you have a great time and gain great memories to last a lifetime. If my posts bothers you that much, just ask and I will happily delete them. There is nothing wrong with "antler porn".Its human nature. What's more important is how the game is taken. What bothers me is the guy shootin the 5k 338lapua at game from 1k yrds and comin on here preachin about what is important on a hunt.
  23. madx250

    88 samurai

    Spring over lift with 30 inch all terrain tires. Runs and drives good. No rust. Racing style front buckets. Rear seat out of a sidekick. Aftermarket exhaust for a little more pep-still quiet though.Goes anywhere offroad. Great hunting rig that sips gas. Having trouble loading pics from my phone. Can text/email em if interested. 480 707 2460. East valley.
  24. madx250

    88 samurai

    It is a soft top.