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Everything posted by madx250

  1. madx250

    Dagestan Tur

    Those are beautiful rams! That country looks crazy steep! Great pics! Thanks for posting.
  2. madx250


    Yea, some guy I work with talked me into getting a couple " lamas".I owe him a kick to the nuts! Seriously though, I am thinking about trading them for a whole pack of goats if you know of any for sale;).
  3. madx250


    Yea, some guy I work with talked me into getting a couple " lamas".I owe him a kick to the nuts! Seriously though, I am thinking about trading them for a whole pack of goats if you know of any for sale;).
  4. madx250


    Yea, some guy I work with talked me into getting a couple " lamas".I owe him a kick to the nuts! Seriously though, I am thinking about trading them for a whole pack of goats if you know of any for sale;).
  5. madx250

    Big Bear Down

    Nice bear! Congratulations!
  6. madx250


    Nice pix!
  7. madx250

    Got a new Hoyt but..

    I have had a couple bad experiences at Bear Mountain and will never step foot inside that place. Im surprised they are still in business.
  8. madx250

    Toyota Tacoma 2014--Need Opinion

    Im sure it will pull a bass boat just fine but will probably get the same gas mileage or worse doing it, especially if you level it and put 32/33 inch tires on it. Toyotas are awesome no doubt but I think you will regret it. Nice truck btw.The dodge not the Toyota lol!
  9. madx250

    Boyz of Summer

    Great pic!
  10. madx250

    Lion In a Hole....

  11. madx250

    Drop tine bucks.

    Here is one from august.
  12. madx250

    Drop tine bucks.

    Here is one from august.
  13. madx250

    Pack animals??

    Wow, those goats are cool!
  14. madx250

    Pack animals??

    They carry more weight on their front feet and pull with their front end.A horse gets most of its power by pushing with its hindquarters from what I understand. My buddy has 3 mules and they are all barefoot.He rides them everywhere with no problems.It just depends on how good the animals feet are. Some need shoes front and rear.We have a little Mustang and her feet are harder than chinese algebra. -no shoes on her.
  15. madx250

    Pack animals??

    Nothing beats a GOOD mule. Mine goes up mountains like its flat ground and I don't ever worry about getting kicked in the head.costs me about 100$ a month to feed and shoe him.(front shoes only). For an elk hunt you are going to need more horsepower than a goat or a lamma to get the meat off the mountain imo.Its not cheap or easy having horses or mules but if your into hunting the backcountry it can open up alot of doors.
  16. madx250

    Pre 64 model 70

    Price drop $750.
  17. madx250

    Pre 64 model 70

    Its a standard weight. 270.Weaver rings and bases.Original butt plate.Nice bluing. Nice original wood with a few scratches as it has been hunted with. I have approximately 20 loaded rounds and about 60 cases.Shoots 2 inch groups at 200 yards with cheap 130 grain corlockts. $850. Can't post pics off my DROID.I will email or text pics to those that are interested. madx250@gmail
  18. madx250

    Pre 64 model 70

    Pm replied to.
  19. Heading into the Matazals on my mule for a couple days.Maybes we will get lucky and shoot a bear!
  20. madx250

    A Few Thing For Sale

    Pm on tires sent.
  21. I also have the new pronghorns.They are a good boot but for the money the insole is a joke. I had to get aftermarket footbeds to make my feet like them .
  22. madx250

    Your first Coues Buck

    That is a great story!
  23. madx250

    Roy's First Coues Hunt

    Nice buck!