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About Rudebob

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  1. Rudebob

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    My 17 year old daughter drew a unit 7 rifle tag on her first application (plus Hunter Ed point). I thought for sure it was mine when cards hit as the computer odds had me about 1/30 and she was at 1/250. Happy for her for sure but know how frustrating it is for those who have been putting in so long without success.
  2. Rudebob

    And the Card hits will begin

    Doesn't seem like enough reports of success have been posted to say it is completely over. I got hit 2 years ago at 4:30 pm so there is always hope?
  3. Don't know the exact cubit feet but would guess 17 - 18. It measures 33" wide, 27.5" deep and 66.5" high. It is not frost free. Exterior cabinet is in good shape. There is some cosmetic rust on the interior racks from moisture but does not affect performance (see pics). $50.00 bucks. Just need it gone. N.W. Peoria near Lake Pleasant and Happy Valley.
  4. Rudebob

    Flagstaff Hunter Education Classroom Class

    Thanks for posting this. I was able to get my daughter signed up. Great excuse to hang out in Flagstaff over the next four days (as if I needed an excuse in July).
  5. Rudebob

    Credit Card hit thread

    What, are you married to Katie Hobbs?
  6. Rudebob

    Anything I should know before buying a trager?

    Saw a couple of these Pit Boss Laredos on clearance at Walmart in Flagstaff today for $246.00. Tempted to buy one at that price: https://pitboss-grills.com/grills/wood-pellet/pit-boss-platinum-laredo-1000-wood-pellet-grill-1
  7. Rudebob

    Where to get 4 inch foam for cot

    I've seen it as Cal-Ranch in the past
  8. Rudebob

    How long until cards are hit??

    Wahoo... Card hit 7:22 pm.
  9. Rudebob

    How long until cards are hit??

    People here are funny: The constantly complain about how incompetent the Game & Fish is (or at least their draw system), but they have complete and total faith in their ability to precisely execute the drawing process with the same exact precision they have done in the past, and then form all these baseless conclusions based on that confidence. Nobody has a tag yet. This season is a just a hack-the correct presumption that if you have been charged for a tag you will receive one. The G&F has not asserted anything and has the prerogative to handle the draw and timing of it anyway they want to until you have been officially notified as either having been “drawn” or “not drawn”. Honestly, if I worked at the G&F and had any say in the process I would drag it out the way the appear to be doing right now. Sitting around reading all the whining and theorizing on these website threads would be the most entertaining week of my work year.
  10. Rudebob

    Cleaning a Muzzleloader

    I have nothing to say on the subject, just glad to see a new post in this forum after several months. Of course ranting about the cost of Blackhorn 209 is always good for a coversation starter.
  11. Rudebob

    RIm Road Open

    Everything is still closed except a couple roads near the rez.
  12. Rudebob

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Why is Pleasant not full yet? With all the rain and snow melt you would of thought it would of hit the 1702 weeks ago. Yet the water level has been essentially the same for weeks. The MWD has to be dumping water.
  13. Rudebob

    Card Hits!

    Mine just changed too. Probably just the update process. I would not worry about it,.....yet.
  14. Rudebob

    WTB 209 Primers.

    PM sent