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About Rubberduckie

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  1. Rubberduckie

    Tons of Brass updated

    Texted ill take 6 rem brass
  2. Rubberduckie

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    They discontinued it i believe. I also got one when they did the closeout. Think it was around 500 or so. I've been happy with it
  3. Rubberduckie

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    I'd look at the silencerco omega 300. It's direct thread and has an anchor break to help with recoil. Ot remove the brake and You can buy end caps for different calibers. Or easily go to using asr quick mount. It's a great al purpose 30 cal can
  4. Rubberduckie

    45 long colt uberti

    LAST DROP $450.
  5. Rubberduckie

    Thompson contender 223 10” price drop

    Interested. Sent pm
  6. Rubberduckie

    Ruger American 308

    Let's get that email signed up for every political ad and government insurance possible
  7. Rubberduckie

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Do it. If you wanna try one I'm sure someone or every myself would meet you at the range to try one.
  8. Rubberduckie


  9. Rubberduckie


  10. Rubberduckie

    Marlin 1894 SBL 357/38 lever gun

    Location? My buddy may buy if near surprise
  11. Rubberduckie

    SOLD - Pelican Vault V770 Single Rifle Case

    Ill take it
  12. Rubberduckie


    https://www.creedmoorsports.com/creedmoor-reloading-scale-trx-925-precision Bought last year. Very accurate. Includes scale, box, wind screen (i drilled hole for my trickler) instructions and 3 calibrations weights. Pick up/meet north Phoenix. $200 Will trade for 9mm ammo. 223 ammo. Powder (varget-reloader 7-10× or 15)
  13. Rubberduckie

    Winchester Model 70 .243 - $850

    Whats year of manufacturer?
  14. Rubberduckie


    Sendero. Can give dimensions if needed.
  15. Rubberduckie


    Where can I get the rest to shoot it?