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Everything posted by cosninocanines

  1. cosninocanines

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    All of the rim area south of Hwy 87 on the Coconino National Forest is closed to all entry. https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd580806.pdf
  2. cosninocanines

    Long hot summer

    I'm curious, if it's all volunteers doing the hauling, where does the $1,000,000.00+ cost for hauling water I keep hearing about come from? Haven't heard about a $1,000,000. cost for hauling water. Our little 3 man crew has moved 49,900 gallons of water over 3,100 miles of not so friendly N AZ backcountry and we have only been in 5B north and 7E. Others in 7W and 9 have probably hauled a lot more.
  3. cosninocanines

    Long hot summer

    What is your pump setup? How far are you pumping? Gas powered 5 hp trash pumps no internal combustion motors longest push is about 150 feet with 10 foot lift. Restrictions are from 9am to 8 pm so if we need to pump, because we can't gravity feed a drinker storage tank, it's early morning hauls. All volunteer and 2 to 3 hour drives. Trailers are 500 (2), 800 (1)and 1,000 (1) gallon when they are all up and running. Been looking into running electric pumps off inverters if it comes down to that, we could run some smaller sump pumps. All of this is worst case scenario before full forest closure if it comes to that.
  4. cosninocanines

    Long hot summer

    Really putting the pressure on the AES water haulers now we have stage 2 fire restrictions to deal with as well. No pumps after 9am so we have to get into the drinkers by 7am or 8 at the very latest. Hope to get some water in all the GMU 5B,7 and 8. Other organizations and G&F hauling around the state as well.
  5. cosninocanines

    noisy in the woods today

    and miss a day in the woods! NO WAY
  6. cosninocanines

    RV Fuel Tank Question

    If you ever have to put another regulator on purchase an auto change type they automatically switch tanks when 1 runs empty. This allows no interruption in your propane system and you can close the empty tank and remove and refill it.
  7. cosninocanines

    The tinder fire

    Though it has burned through a corner of the subdivision they have a lot of structural crews on scene and though they are reporting some structures burned we do not know at this time if those were outbuildings like sheds or barns or homes. Fire on the ground is not necessarily a bad thing so keep the faith.
  8. cosninocanines

    The tinder fire

    Latest map of the perimeter. http://nifc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=750acd60cd9e466fadbc501df5b4bf1d
  9. cosninocanines

    az elk transplant

    Anybody know when and how the will be transported to West Virginia? Hope an AZ news station covers their release when it happens.
  10. Sent emails to my representatives including Wenona Benally who is on the committee. Won't stop now we must voice our concerns at every step of this bill.
  11. cosninocanines

    Elk transplant to west virginia

    Check out youtube Arizona elk capture pretty cool.
  12. cosninocanines

    Mule Deer Rut

    Flagstaff area this week.
  13. I'm having trouble finding the Arizona definition of what a legal muzzleloader is for hunting in AZ. I see several states have various rules and regulations on muzzleloaders and wonder if Arizona has any restrictions. Thanks for any help on this topic.
  14. cosninocanines

    AZG&F Muzzleloader regs

    Thank You Red Rabbit R12-4-301 “Muzzleloading rifle” means a firearm intended to be fired from the shoulder, incapable of firing fixed ammunition, having a single barrel and single chamber, and loaded through the muzzle with black powder or synthetic black powder and a single projectile." So as I read it the Remington 700 ignition system is legal since you load through the muzzle. Not sure that's where I'm going but I wanted to be sure if I do.
  15. cosninocanines

    Ground blind vs natural blind

    A little of both, use a ground blind but place some natural cover around it as well.
  16. cosninocanines

    Well I Never

    Fox in a Juniper maybe. This little guy went straight up a pinon. I have several pictures of coyotes looking up into this tree and always thought they were looking at bats or birds roosting. Now I wonder.
  17. cosninocanines

    Rifle Appraisal

    Can somebody steer me to an appraiser who can determine 2 things. 1. My wife has a rifle from WW I that her grandfather brought home and I need to determine what rifle it is. I believe it is a German Mauser 1898 but not sure. 2. We would like to know what the value of this rifle is once we identify its origin. We live in Flagstaff. Thanks for any help that this group can provide. Rifle Sights Action Markings
  18. cosninocanines

    Rifle Appraisal

    Modified the post with pics Thank You!
  19. cosninocanines

    Shots to the right

    Excellent advice! New gun first step should be check and re-tighten all the scope mounting screws
  20. cosninocanines

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    Funniest One Lazy Elk
  21. cosninocanines

    Road Hunting, Still Illegal

    Driving the roads in AZ is so common mainly due to the fact there are so many roads. Spotting game from the road and road hunting seem to be a confusing point as people drive then stalk, people drive then shoot and people never leave their vehicle and never shoot. Ethics is a value we all have, the level of those ethics differs as much as our favorite food.
  22. cosninocanines

    Northern AZ Coues

    Don't overlook Unit 8.
  23. cosninocanines

    Delorme InReach

    I'm researching this topic and I'm pretty sure I'm ready to pull the trigger on the Delorme Inreach Explorer. Everything I've read indicates this is a reliable unit. I will continue using my Garmin Oregon as my navigation tool but do need a "communication" tool when I'm in the pucker brush.
  24. cosninocanines

    How Big??? Is this Ram

  25. cosninocanines

    Arizona Elk Society Water for Wildlife

    Work is still going on if anybody would like to volunteer.