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Everything posted by cosninocanines

  1. Found one I'm good to go. Hope you were able to sell this to another member.
  2. Is this rifle still available? I'm looking for my first muzzleloader though I have been hunting for 60 years. I have a GMU 9 Muzzleloader deer tag in early November. I live in Flagstaff but can come to the valley.
  3. Has anybody had problems with a background check for firearms. I won a pistol from the Arizona Elk Society and had it mailed to Sportsman's Warehouse in Flagstaff on April 7, 2019. I filled out the required background info and the CJIS placed it in "Delayed Status" which I'm still in today 2 months later. Sportsman's says there is nothing they can do and I have tried email and mail communication with the feds with no reply other than "If your status is delayed please be advised that the FBI is not accepting challenges for firearm-related delays at this time". Anybody on here know what if any avenues I have to follow up? I picked up a rifle about 3 years ago and passed the check with no problem so I just have no idea what to do. Thank You for any assistance or suggestions.
  4. cosninocanines

    Background Problems

    I'm away but will be back in a few days and will follow up with FFL Sportsman's about their policy.
  5. cosninocanines

    Interesting mix

    Interesting mix of critters over the last few weeks.
  6. cosninocanines

    MVUM rant again... Still...

    Agree! Signs are needed however blocking the roads could have an adverse affect on fire crews responding to a fire. Generally first responders are in a pickup or small engine and trenches or boulders would slow the response down considerably.
  7. cosninocanines

    is this considered Flying and unable to hunt same day?

    Year Round! Bonus points during active hunts. 😎
  8. cosninocanines

    My wife’s 2018 bull bison hunt video

    Saw this on FB great video and fantastic hunt. Congratulations on a very nice Bull.
  9. cosninocanines

    AZGFD wants your ideas

    I like this a Heritage Stamp like a duck stamp would be available to everybody whether they had a hunting license or not.
  10. cosninocanines

    Where am I

    In your recliner dreaming!
  11. cosninocanines

    Fantasy Football Time?

    Was in the free CWT last year and would join that league again this year if you have it.
  12. cosninocanines

    Who remembers 49 years ago tonight?

    Didn't have a tv so several families gathered at a neighbors house to watch. I remember it like it was yesterday even though I can't remember what I did yesterdaay.
  13. While hauling water this summer I encountered a fresh lion kill after observing a few vultures in a snag. I walked over and estimate the elk calf had been killed that night or early morning. Over the next 6 hours I checked each time I passed with another load and after those 6 hours and between the vultures some crows and a few coyotes the rib cage and what was left of the hind quarters as well as the head were stripped clean. Lower legs still had hide on them but I suspect not for long. 2 days later bones were scattered in every direction and there was no meat to be found.
  14. cosninocanines

    AZGFD Ammunition Testing Event Today

    Thank You! I have 6 boxes of Barnes TSX in various cal and weights I have been very happy with my range results but have yet to draw a tag and or fill a tag with these. The Barnes have been experiencing some bad raps lately but I will stick with them when I do draw a tag.
  15. cosninocanines

    Barnes Ammunition

    I’m seeing and hearing that some folks are having problems with Barnes ammunition misfiring. Worst case is a young hunter on the North Rim hunting Buffalo. “During the hunt this morning, half the box would not fire. HALF. Of the two rounds we did manage to get to fire, one round the primer fell out and jammed the gun delaying reloading till the loose primer could be removed from the rifle's magazine. We have a frustrated and a VERY disappointed young hunter.” Has anybody on here experienced this problem?
  16. cosninocanines

    Barnes Ammunition

    I have two rifles in my house that love Barnes ammo, and never had any problems. But all the ammo I have is one to two years old. What caliber was he shooting? 300 RUMag
  17. cosninocanines

    AES- Volunteer water haulers

    Since we have had to concentrate on water hauling a lot of the normal catchment repair and maintenance has been neglected and there are lots of other areas that can use and need volunteers. As mentioned above fill out the form listing what you're comfortable doing so they can contact you when the need arises.
  18. cosninocanines

    Donate your tag

    If for some reason you're not able to make your hunt please consider donating your tag to a disabled Vet via Hunts for Heros. Tom Wagner and the Arizona Elk Society have veterans on a waiting list for any hunt that requires a tag. Check it all out here https://www.arizonaelksociety.org/hunts-for-heroes
  19. cosninocanines

    Turned in AZ BULL Tag

    Here is the website and info. Tom will walk you through this and sorry for your loss and Thank You for thinking oh helping a Vet. https://www.arizonaelksociety.org/hunts-for-heroes
  20. cosninocanines

    Any sheep hits?

    Wouldn't be able to go this year so just put in for the point but a friend with 26 points pulled a desert tag north of the Colorado river.
  21. cosninocanines

    Forest Closure Map

    This link will take you to a single map showing the closure areas of all the forests. It is the Arizona Wildfire Incident Information page on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/ArizonaWildfireIncidentInformationRegion3/photos/a.108641963033602.1073741829.108596056371526/185610055336792/?type=3
  22. cosninocanines

    Kendrick Peak

    The last fire cleaned up a lot of the debris from the 2000/ 2001 Punkin fire and put some good feed on the ground. Water is scarce now and all animals are starting to migrate towards water sources, this could (will) change when the monsoons come I'm a firm believer in water is life and IMOP that is where I would concentrate.
  23. cosninocanines

    Lion tips?

    I'm just finishing my pre dinner cocktail and I think if you put some catnip out he might hang around rolling in the dirt until you have a chance to return.
  24. cosninocanines

    Wild Horses???

    There are no "Wild Horses" in Arizona these horses are feral horses big difference.
  25. cosninocanines

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    The problem with the "system" is the difference of stage restrictions by agency. Stage 3 in Coconino County is very different than stage 3 on the Coconino National Forest and different for State Lands stage 3 for land in the county. Coconino County is in Stage 3 for all private lands. It's a confusing issue for what you can and can't do in different parts of the county. Put 4 different National Forests in the county and it gets real confusing.