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About Homestead50

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  1. Homestead50

    And the Card hits will begin

    Thanks, that's what I thought!
  2. Homestead50

    And the Card hits will begin

    Dumb queation alert. I put in for a bunch of people. I did all separate applications for everyone except for on one application I did 2 hunters. I got 2 charges, one for $135 and one for $270. It's safe to assume that the 135 is obviously a single application and like wise, the 270 is for the application that had 2 hunters on it, correct? No reason azgfd would lump in some tags and not others if they were all separate tags is what I'm guessing.
  3. Homestead50

    Angle compensating

    Ok cool thank you for the replys! That's what I thought but wanted some insight so I really appreciate it 👌
  4. Homestead50

    Angle compensating

    Hey fellas hope all it well... I've been shooting Long range for for a while now and am starting to get proficient enough to be able to dial in my set up even better. I have a Sig kilo1800 range finder with the angle compensation. I use my hornady shooting app for my balistics and moa adjustments. My question is on the hornady app their is an option to input shooting angle. If I am using a range finder to compensate for the angle and give me the horizontal component I do not need to input anything in the app for shooting angle correct? I'm guessing that option is for people who only have line of sight yardage and not the horizontal component? Thank you