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Everything posted by briano

  1. briano

    Results are out

    27 cow archery i am so pumped its my first year getting drawn for elk
  2. briano

    The Rut

    i saw 3 groups of deer each one had nice bucks in them and they were chashing the heck out of the does. that unit was in 24a
  3. briano

    Unit 24A

    24a is a pretty good place they hold some good size bucks there. you just got to find out where the deer are in the area and you will do fine. thats where i hunt and i have seen some big ones but there hared to get with bow. my friend just shot a 103 in coues whitetal there and my other friend just shot a 27 in spread 3by3 mule deer well good luck out there.
  4. take a look around you guys every back breaking job you see out there its a dang wet back mexican doing it whos going to do your dishes in a restraunt whos going to clean up your neighborhood whos going to do your roof whos going to pick the cotten the the friut well if you take these jobs away from them then it is not going to be some guy at home getting his social securty money to do the job so then whats going to happen your prices are going to go up on every thing because aint no one going to work the regular paying range only some border hopper that is willing to do it. and i know there are some border hoppers out there that are doing it for the drugs so it could fo both ways.
  5. briano

    Nothing today

    i saw 12 mule deer 2 were bucks but couldent get close enough its hard when your in the desert you cant get close enough before getting seen.