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About dutchmanazA1

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  1. dutchmanazA1

    Anyone rent camper trailers?

    try RVshare or outdoorsy
  2. dutchmanazA1

    Rhino side by side for sale

    What year and what size motor?
  3. dutchmanazA1

    Bison meat where to buy

    Never used this site...but there are plenty out there. https://northstarbison.com/collections/bison-whole-half-quarter-eighth-sixteenth
  4. dutchmanazA1

    Snap on Tool Box

    That's a good price for a Snap On box. GLWS
  5. dutchmanazA1

    Colt Diamondback .22 6" - Excellent condition

    Have you found the screws?
  6. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    For those interested I picked up mine at Hunt hwy and Thompson Rd across from the circle K. Almost like a portable market out there with people selling all sorts of things. Unsure how often she's there - I didn't think to ask.
  7. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    I have great respect for those who take the time to make them. What aggravates me is buying them only to get masa tamales with very little meat filling. There's a delicate balance and I know it's subjective but I do like a bite of meat with the masa. What I bought yesterday was a nice balance and I'm happy with them. Might have to try my hand making them again since I should be off work this coming week and it will give me something to do.
  8. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    Never seen orange masa before. Interesting.
  9. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    Some may, but I choose not to. Anyway I found some for $27/dozen that are pretty darned good. Mixed beef and pork with red sauce. Low Medium heat level. Lived thru the night after eating 2 so I guess they're safe 😎
  10. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    I can't see paying $5 each either. I understand the work that goes into them and the cost of ingredients have risen but I don't like them that much. No offense to anyone
  11. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    I've done it. Turned out not so good and as mentioned a metric ton of work. But man, $5 each seems steep. I've never seen the tamale shop that someone mentioned. My crappy googlefu shows Cave Creek??
  12. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    dang. Didn't think of disease. Someone told me the ones Costco sells are pretty good. Maybe I should try those.
  13. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    I've had them with olives before. Was a surprise and darned near a broken tooth. Now I know to bite softly.
  14. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    dang! They're that much these days? Heck I used to buy them from a couple up in Heber for $15 a dozen, but that's been 6 years ago or so. Had no idea they went up that much. But they're a ton of work to make, and I do love me some good ones. Looks like I'll have to beat the streets.
  15. dutchmanazA1

    WTB - Tamales

    Unsure where to put this, but looking for good (non store bought) tamales. Anyone know of a good source in the Chandler/Gilbert area? Thanks