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About Jfos

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  1. Jfos

    Unit 10 Buck

    Taxidermist scored it and it came out to 80 1/8
  2. Jfos

    Unit 10 Buck

    Helped my buddy on his antelope hunt. Curious what anyone thinks the score is?
  3. Leupold scope for sale $750
  4. Jfos

    7MM REM MAG w/ Leupold Scope

    Price reduction: $950 for rifle and scope.
  5. For sale: Rifle: 7mm REM mag ADL 26 in barrel Scope: Leupold Mark 4 4.5x-15x50 LR/T with Leupold rings Entire setup: $1300 Rifle with rings: $650 Scope: $750 OBO no trades Located In Tucson area. phone number to call if interested: 928-261-8256  
  6. Correction: Scope : 4.5-14x50
  7. For sale: Rifle: 7mm REM mag ADL 26 in barrel Scope: Leupold Mark 4 4.5x-15x50 LR/T with Leupold rings Entire setup: $1300 Rifle with rings: $650 Scope: $750 OBO no trades Located In Tucson area. phone number to call if interested: 928-261-8256
  8. Haha correction, a unit near Tucson !!