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ac guy

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Everything posted by ac guy

  1. ac guy

    ASU Drops Wrestling Program

    If you haven't heard, It's been reinstated. Someone chipped in 8 mill so they'll have wrestling for at least another decade.
  2. ac guy

    22S Question.

    Yes, but not advised without horses or mules.
  3. ac guy

    Mt Graham ablaze

    I think you mean left wing
  4. ac guy

    ADA Tickets

    Was it? I can't remember much past the part where I learned there was free beer I couldn't believe how much people over paid on the auction items, like the guy who won the San Carlos WT hunt, what a dummy. Just kidding Ajo, congratulations, I'd have paid more if I had it to spend. Congrats to Christian also on his win. Did they check your ID first? I thought you had to be over 18 to own a firearm
  5. ac guy

    draw only deer hunts

    It's not the draw I mind, as much as the amount of tags. 150 tags in 3a/3c, which 820 people annually hunt is ridiculous. I would think 500-600 tags would have been more realistic.
  6. Funny how the huggers are trying to block the hunt. In case you haven't figured it out, the huggers want the wolves there to control elk and deer populations. That way, hunters won't be needed anymore. They must be pissed that they gave us something else to hunt. Thanks Sierra Club.
  7. This story sucks, but I have to disagree with one thing. A shotgun is a very effective weapon on deer sized game. I've taken a few in NC with buckshot, and they fall in their tracks, much better than any single rifle round . That's assuming that he had enough sense to use buckshot, which if he killed 39, I would think he did.
  8. ac guy

    Any country fans?

    Check out my signature line.
  9. ac guy

    Any country fans?

    Since it was brought up, who is your favorite all time singer/band. Just one answer please. I'll start it off with Waylon. If I only had one person to listen to the rest of my life, I'd choose him.
  10. ac guy

    Any country fans?

    The only guys I'd care to watch would be Joe Nichols, and Dierks Bently. Sugarland sucks. I heard an interview with them where the lead singer talks about doing yoga on stage. WTF? Waylon must be laughing from the grave. The rest either stink, or I've never heard of them. I haven't listened to new country in a long time though. Thank God for Youtube, and Itunes. You can still find the good stuff there.
  11. ac guy

    Need Broadhead Suggestion

    Have you watched the video for those? They are nasty. I wonder how well they do if you hit too low, or in the chest?
  12. Yeah, he's a nutcase. Did you watch the news video? Some funny stuff there.
  13. If he wins I hope he picks Gore for VP. How funny would it be to listen to 4 years of excuses of why the "global warming" farce isn't getting any better, with ole Al making the decisions. I'm sure they'd just keep making excuses like they do know. I like how now they say it's "climate change" instead of "global warming". Now they can blame any unusual weather pattern on us nasty humans. what a crock
  14. ac guy

    San Carlos Crappie

    If you're catching 20, it may be slowing down.
  15. ac guy

    22 north?

    Overview: Elk numbers in Unit 22 are stable around the 900 level, with a bull/cow ratio hovering around the objective of 60 bulls: 100 cows. Generally, good populations of elk exist throughout the northern portions of Unit 22. Unit 22 has been split into three subunits to better direct elk hunting pressure to areas where elk need to be harvested (see hunting regulations for a full description of subunit boundaries. Unit 22 north is basically the area north and west of Payson, and it holds the majority of the elk in the Unit. Unit 22 south includes the entire area of Unit 22 south of the Unit 22 North subunit. Elk in 22 south generally occur in lower densities compared to 22 North, but nevertheless, elk numbers were expanding in 22 south and few hunters were taking advantage of these elk, so the 22 South hunt Unit was created for force hunters to harvest some of these elk. The Unit 22 Mazatazal hunt unit was created because some bulls exist within the Mazatzal Mountain range, especially in the Mazatzal wilderness. A few permits have been allocated to this area to encourage people to enter into the wilderness area to harvest these bulls. Be aware that if you get the Unit 22 Mazatzal hunt subunit, the hunt is in rough, remote terrain and access can be difficult, especially if you hunt in the Mazatzal Wilderness. Also be aware that elk densities in this subunit are lower compared to other parts of Unit 22. The early 22 north and 22 south hunts will have the usual warm to hot daytime temperatures, so be prepared to transport the meat to a walk-in freezer location as soon as possible. Several walk-ins or butcher shops are located in the Payson area. The Mazatzal bull hunt has been pushed back to October to help ensure that people who harvest a bull in the wilderness areas will have cooler weather in which to pack out their trophy. For all the hunts (firearms and archery), hunter success will increase with time spent glassing. A good pair of binoculars and spotting scope will improve the chance of taking a trophy bull. Unit 22 exists entirely below the Mogollon Rim. Annually, elk from Units 5A, 6A, and 4A migrate into northern Unit 22 when feed in the other Units dries out, or when the snow gets deep enough to make them want to move. The peak of the winter movement depends on weather to a large degree, but generally occurs by late November of each year. With the increase of elk in the winter months, hunters will also face the inclement weather that pushes the elk off the rim. A 4-wheel-drive vehicle will be required if the weather turns to rain or snow. Temperature will average a daily high in the 40s to a low in the 20s. Archery hunt success is closely related to the late October and early November temperatures. If rainfall patterns are normal, hunting around tanks from a tree stand will produce good success. It's still warm enough each day that elk will water in morning or evening. Areas: The area around and in the Dude Burn (northeast corner of Unit 22) is an excellent place to hunt for all the hunts. Areas inside the burn with standing sections of live trees will hold elk in larger numbers. The burn area is now over a decade old so the regenerated forage is not as choice as it was in the mid 1990s. However, good numbers of elk can be found within the dude burn area, especially during the later hunts. The Mogollon Rim is a magnet to elk during the late hunts because of the extensive browse that is found along its expanse. There are numerous roads that will take you under the Rim off the Control Road. Take any of these roads during the late hunt and pick a good spot to glass. More than likely you can find elk feeding one or just below the Rim itself. Take a pack frame with you if you hunt in this area because there are a lot of logs that have blown down since the fire and dragging a downed elk or driving to a downed elk in the Dude Burn is nearly impossible. Hardscrabble Mesa (northwest corner of Unit 22) and the northern end of the Mazatzal Wilderness can be good depending on the current year livestock use. The brush thickets below the Little Diamond Rim east to Diamond Point Area has produce some nice bulls in the past, but is limited to vehicle use. Recovery of downed elk can be difficult and pack animals are recommended. The early hunt in Unit 22 South has several good places to check out including Round Valley northeast to the Lion Springs area, and the area around Little Green Valley. For cow elk hunting in Unit 22 south, the two best places are National Forest land south of the Rim Golf Club and the Payson Municipal Golf Club. Elk feed on these golf courses at night and then move onto national forest land in the mornings to bed. They can frequently be intercepted in the mornings if you do your homework. To get to the Rim club elk, take Granite Dells Road off of Hwy 260 in Payson (next to Safeway). Granite Dells Road will take you onto National Forest Land south of the Rim Club. Get there early and glass and look for sign where the elk are traveling in the area. Just be aware that it is illegal to fire a gun while taking wildlife within a quarter mile of any occupied building. That means both you and your target must be more than ¼ mile from any homes in the area. So do a thorough job of scouting the area prior to the hunt to be sure you are familiar with private and public land boundaries as well as the locations of all the homes. If you are cited for shooting within a ¼ mile of an occupied residence you can also loose your elk! The Payson Municipal Golf Course can be found by going east on Main Street in Payson off the Beeline Hwy. There is access to the National Forest directly south of the golf clubhouse. The city limits actually extend about ¼ mile south of the swinging metal gate in that area, so again, do your scouting early and be sure of your property boundaries and house locations. National Forest land adjacent to both these golf courses can be great places to harvest elk if you do your homework ahead of time.
  16. ac guy

    Lunker Bass!!!!

    You should have stayed. The crappie started biting better after the winds came. It was funny watching everyone haul boogie back to the boat ramp when the wind picked up.
  17. ac guy

    Find the deer in the poppies!

    Don't they only go in neutral?
  18. ac guy

    Happy b-day a/c guy!

    The bigger ones are about 2 1/2 -3 lbs. We didn't keep the big 4 pounders, we already had 6 on ice.
  19. ac guy

    Happy b-day a/c guy!

    Thank you knd sir. Took the boy fishing in Payson. Couldn't keep em off the hook (rainbows). Most fish were over 2 lbs, with 2 that went over 4!. Could have been any better.
  20. ac guy

    Out of state Bowhunts.

    North Carolina
  21. I'd like to go . Let me know if you have 1 seat left.
  22. I second that. Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy
  23. That is a good line. Unfortunately, when a white guy speaks his mind about a race issue, he is usually labled a racist. we have lost our voice in the mainstream, not that I'm that concerned with the mainstream.
  24. Hey 323, how's it going? Saw this in American Rifleman, and thought about you. http://www.shilohrifle.com/ Click on the support our troops window. Good luck
  25. ac guy

    Lead on a Cow Buff Hunt - good meat hunt

    backpack trip? For buffalo? Makes my back hurt thinking about that.