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Cola Blanca

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Everything posted by Cola Blanca

  1. Congrats on some awesome bucks!!!!! Amazing bucks!
  2. Cola Blanca

    Coues Backpack Hunt

  3. Cola Blanca

    The Horseshoe Buck of 36A

    Great story and a great buck!
  4. Cola Blanca

    thanksgiving buck

    Congrats on an awesome buck!
  5. Cola Blanca

    Youth Rifle Hunt

    Great job, congrats!
  6. Cola Blanca

    First Coues

    Congrats on a great buck!
  7. Cola Blanca

    2016 S. Az coues

    Congrats on a great buck!
  8. Cola Blanca

    Couple out of states 2016 coues

    Congrats on some great bucks!
  9. Cola Blanca

    2016 in the Books

    Congrats on some awesome bucks!
  10. Cola Blanca

    Late hunt whitetail

    Congrats that is an awesome buck! What did he score?
  11. Cola Blanca

    Christmas Eve Border Buck

    Congrats on your buck.
  12. Cola Blanca

    Leftover Luck "road-hunt"

    Congratulations on a great buck. Thank you for sharing
  13. After scouting hard and checking several different locations my son and I were blessed to beable to harvest these two great bucks opening morning November 27th. We were able to locate these bucks running together a few days before our hunt started. Opening morning we were able to locate them in the first 15 minutes and the game was on. I have been trying for the past ten years to get my son on a good buck but just never seemed to beable to get it done. His buck unofficially scored 98" and mine scored 95". These are the best bucks that we have ever harvested in our household. We feel blessed and are grateful for the opportunity to hunt these magnificant deer. The best part is that we were able to make a memory that will last forever! IMG_0318.bmp IMG_0302.bmp
  14. Cola Blanca

    A bunch of kids and some Coues.

    Congratulations to all the hunters. Great experiences that will last forever!
  15. Cola Blanca

    Fort Huachuca Coues

    Congratulations on a your buck!
  16. Cola Blanca

    Epic First Hunt!

    Congratulations to both of you on an amazing buck!!!!
  17. Cola Blanca

    a 24a eight pointer

    Congratulations on a great buck!
  18. Cola Blanca

    Needle in Paradise

    Congratulations on a tremendous buck! I enjoyed your write up and was very impressed with your determination and patience as you were able to locate your needle.
  19. Cola Blanca

    Dream Hunt of A Lifetime

    What an amazing buck!!!!! Congrats, I really enjoyed your write up, as I was reading I felt at times like I was right there with you on your hunt.
  20. Congratulations on a great buck! Nice write up and awesome pictures.
  21. Cola Blanca

    mass and trash

    Congratulations! That is an amazing buck.
  22. Cola Blanca

    Redemption Buck

    What a monster of a buck! Congratulations, can't wait to hear the story.
  23. We were shooting a 6.5 X 284 rifle using 140 grain bergers. My son shot his at 480 yards and I shot mine at 550 yards.
  24. Cola Blanca

    Couple of 110 San Carlos Coues

    Outstanding buck! Congratulations.