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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    Mossberg 500 c 20 gauge

    Sold pending funds
  2. Crazymonkey

    Rifle barrel and stock

    4806785507 names chris
  3. Crazymonkey

    Mossberg 500 c 20 gauge

    Not sure if I'm in the price range on this one .I see a lot of looks .if someone has info on a realistic price range it would be appreciated
  4. Crazymonkey

    Rifle barrel and stock

    I had wife measure and it's 27 and 3/8 long
  5. Crazymonkey

    Rifle barrel and stock

    Located in gilbert I'm at work but will check when I get home around 1130 or so and post length
  6. Crazymonkey

    WTB CZ 452 22 LR Magazines

    Try www.badgermountainsupply.com $38.97 in stock
  7. Crazymonkey

    WTB Small .22 rifle

    Wasn't trying to Jack his post just had a gun sitting in the safe .put it out there and got offers .like all things for sale if you don't say ill take it and then pay for it its still for sale.sorry if that offends you
  8. Crazymonkey

    WTB Small .22 rifle

    Cz 452 is sold pending funds
  9. Crazymonkey

    WTB Small .22 rifle

    For those asking I'm located in gilbert
  10. Crazymonkey

    Mossberg 500 c 20 gauge

    Located in gilbert
  11. Crazymonkey

    WTB Small .22 rifle

    I've got a cz 452 zkm youth 22 I'd let go for $250.the gun is just like new .
  12. Crazymonkey

    RL22 WIN748

    Ill take the two containers of r22