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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    Black Lab Puppies-SOLD

    Bump for great dogs .look at the one giving you the sad dog look you know you want to take him/her home .
  2. For those getting your kids out to hunt I thank you.if you can and are able try and find others in need and donate what you can .dove season is a great time for kids .I've given all the shells I have to 4 kids today and the 😃 and thank you is truly special because you know they mean it .I gave 2 boxes to 4 different kid's .two box's is not much but it made there day .please do what you can to help a kid hunt thanks
  3. Good price for a good gun you get the scope. Basically for free and its already to go for the cost of a new gun with out tax and shipping . probably paid a bit more for just the gun
  4. Crazymonkey

    Lab or Golden puppies

    Lab puppies just listed on classified
  5. Crazymonkey

    WTB 50cal muzzleloader

    If your budget permits don't underestimate the 45 cal paramount from cva .longrange capable but its a little expensive I've got the pro and it's a stout shooter great for deer and elk .I won't tell you what I paid for my older optima without the quick detach breach plug but the 3 packs of powerbelt bullets it came with cost more
  6. Sorry but yes all gone I only had a little over 225 and gave 200 away for some kids to go hunt
  7. Crazymonkey

    WTB 50cal muzzleloader

    Midsouth shooters supply had a few but your right not much in stock
  8. Crazymonkey

    12a archery hunt, who else got drawn?

    My buddies are down the 205 somewhere and have had a few shots and misses so far say the deer are jumping the strings I said they just have arrow avoiding radar
  9. Crazymonkey

    Daughters sheep hunt

    Damm awesome pics good luck on the hunt
  10. Crazymonkey

    WTB 50cal muzzleloader

    Need one to hunt or just play?I may have a few tho I don't sell any guns anymore I might lend a few out from time to time
  11. Crazymonkey

    Muzzle brake timing

    If your barrel is already threaded for your break you can just shim the barrel to get correct alignment using a set of bubble levels one on the gun and the other on the break I assume it has a flat or a baffle you could reference shims are available at brownells and there cheap
  12. Never hunted this unit but all the tips above are great advice .I would say the most over looked way to find a good grid to check is Google earth it will show you a lot more than you think. Water sources and even trails if you rotate the maps just know some are dated and the things you see may not be there but it will give you gps# you can use to get a start
  13. Crazymonkey

    WTB 50cal muzzleloader

    ..Check muzzleloaders .com .they can ship straight to your door and don't discount the cheaper ones I shot my big bull with a cva wolf a base model gun that just works I've since upgraded but still love that gun and as always try and get one with the plug for blackhorn 209.its way better and easily cleaned non corrosive powder
  14. Its a special thing to get to hunt with your dad or your kids.I didn't get that opportunity till about 10 yrs ago with my dad parents split up when I was real little and for over 20 yrs hadn't seen my dad.so it means a lot to me to get kids and there dads out hunting together.I have been able to help guide my dad to his first elk a 6x9 and his friend on his dream hunt for elk A few years ago .my dad is the one on the right .his buddy from Texas wanted to shoot a small one.now we get together and hunt somewhere every year!!
  15. My rights as an American I think your box is full any way I'm meeting several kids at the qt on power and Galveston today Saturday at 2 pm Chris at 480 678 5507 if you can make it
  16. The last set has a home my rights as an American .I wish I had more but that's all I've got so good shooting to all.
  17. The last set has a home my rights as an American .I wish I had more but that's all I've got so good shooting to all.
  18. Borman03 has one set only one set remaining .that's all I've got .
  19. Crazymonkey

    12a turkey is it worth the drive?

    I got my hat shot at 4 times that first trip .never seen so many deer 11 on the first day !!then it rained for 3 days still went out and sat in a 🌳 day 4 was pure magic deer everywhere .I kinda felt bad I was the only one to see deer for 7 days
  20. Looking for a box of 16 gauge shells .my dad gave me an old mossberg 190 bolt action shotgun and I'd like to some day shoot it. Its probably older than me as it pre dates serial numbers
  21. Crazymonkey

    Anybody have a box of 16 gauge shells

    Got some coming tomorrow thanks all
  22. Ok I found enough for two more sets of 50 rds I would prefer to split them up so two different kids get some. All the rules from the top apply kids only and just a thank you!!!
  23. Crazymonkey

    Anybody have a box of 16 gauge shells

    Thanks if I get out there ill grab some
  24. If I have enough for another 50 ill post them just the same .I'm not sure what was used outa the case I bought .its my wife's b day today so ill dig the rest out tomorrow and see .I hope your kids enjoy !!!