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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    Heffelfinger on instagram

    Nope absolutely not a biologist are you? I'm just a avarage hunter who has been in several units and seen the large doe population.its done in the mid west to balance the buck to doe ratio and promote better balance.if we constantly take the bucks out by only hunting them we have an balance issue.1 buck can breed many does that are ready but if we have no bucks because we only target them then what? Does won't breed does or maybe in today's times of rainbows and identity issues they might
  2. Crazymonkey

    Heffelfinger on instagram

    To cry and cry about not getting a tag is funny .most will put in for hunts and have the same results year after year no tags .that's what happens when hunter # s are up .there are less and less bucks to hunt than there once was and the buck to doe ratio is all outa wack .I can't tell you how many times I've glasses deer up only to find does no bucks.I think we'd do the deer population good if we could target a few units for doe hunts to bring the buck to doe ratio back to a decent number and move from unit to unit every few years or as needed to correct the ratio.then cut back on tag numbers to let the deer grow and get some age .just my 2 cents
  3. Crazymonkey

    Blind recommendations?

    After my dad spent for a double bull and lost a opportunity at a elk because of the blind spot in the back .we didn't know he was just behind the blind .he got a blind from cabelas with sliding Windows no zippers and no blind spots.all the way around you can open the thing .don't know what he paid but worth every penny just food for thought .get in as many as you can and set chairs in and see what you think .its been a while since I've been in cabelas it cost to much $$$ but they had quite a few set up
  4. Crazymonkey


    Camofire has them on sale today get them while you can they've been hard to find
  5. Crazymonkey

    JR elk hunt 2 weeks away, can’t wait!!!

    Do you have enough help ? Work is getting a little slow and the wife wants to go camping anyhow.I could talk to her and see if she is interested .I'm familiar with the unit and have a sxs to get around .no promises but if you need the help I will definitely ask her and see.
  6. Crazymonkey

    JR elk hunt 2 weeks away, can’t wait!!!

    I helped my buddy's granddaughter on her first hunt as she helped me on my muzzleloader hunt the year before .she thought it was a little smelly but she hung in there while we gutted my elk and figured out how we were going to get him outa there .the whole time saying next year its my turn .she shot a cow the next year and a deer in kibab .the following year we were up for the same hunt this time my buddy hunted with his granddaughter and I had my other buddy's nephew .Samantha shot a good cow opening morning at 248 lbs dressed and Trevor got a shot that afternoon and missed so Samantha got to shoot at his hat and missed first time she's ever missed .she did have a crush on Trevor tho.Trevor got a shot the next day and all he wanted to now was if it was bigger than Sam's and it was but I told him no.uncle Joe got there and wrecked my fun and asked why he had to shoot such a big old girl she went 286 and is still the camp record its an absolute blast to go hunt with kids they get so excited I had more fun watching them hunt than I've ever had on my own hunts.
  7. Crazymonkey

    Squirrel Hunting

    Might need to get you some of them kibab squirrel there huge.
  8. Crazymonkey

    Conversion cylinder

  9. Crazymonkey

    Conversion cylinder

    Looks like fun .cool looking gun and the only black powder that scares me a little with the chance of several cylinders going off.my dad says just use Crisco and it will be fine .its always good to get those little early Christmas 🎁 at the door.
  10. Crazymonkey

    JR elk hunt 2 weeks away, can’t wait!!!

    If they get pushed they always seem to be around the 229 and 83 junctions you can also try around 81a it loops to 83 and back to 229
  11. Crazymonkey

    Squirrel Hunting

    Tend to see some down 81a and on the loop 81a to 83 and out 229 .good luck hunting
  12. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    Anybody a member at Rio salado range by the lake ? How does the range membership work ? Is it good from they day you sign up for a year or is it calender year.with all the testing its getting expensive to keep paying 15 bucks to shoot and might be better to just become a member
  13. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    8 and a half hrs at work today and 5 hrs under the jeep changing the oil pump .just need the 24 hrs for the glue to dry and tighten all the pan bolts and fill with oil .then pray it works good .I've got shooting to get back to
  14. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    Only 48 and been doing it off and on more on for the last 6 years .I'm a machinist and they pay me stupid rediculus money in overtime and double time.its good for at least 50k extra a year .it started when the wife took off before her dad passed so she could care for him .hopefully she will go back to work soon I'd like a break 12 hrs 5 days a week and 9 on Sat and Sun plus all the house and car chores.
  15. Crazymonkey

    WTB 16 ga O/U

    Gunbroker has a few at a more reasonable price point
  16. Crazymonkey

    Mag needed

    There is also a few on gunbroker under shot gun parts but they don't list a specific modle just pics
  17. Crazymonkey

    Mag needed

    It was the only one I could find listed and figured it might be worth a try .that's a pretty old gun .I've got a 16 gauge Mossberg 190 bolt shotgun that pre dates serial # I've not shot yet.ill keep looking there's bound to be one out there.
  18. Crazymonkey

    Mag needed

    Buddy there is one on e bay $ 65 bucks and a few to ship .
  19. Crazymonkey

    DIY Gong Stands

    Way cool .that's a way better design than the p.o.s. I bought on line .they used conduit for the frame.in a a frame style configuration and every time you hit the Damm plate it would swing and fall over .just about piss you off enough to make you want to shoot the shoot out of it and throw it in the trash.thanks for some ideas to make it better.
  20. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    I was meaning work and the wife's to do list.I might be a little delirious I've been on 76 plus hour work week for about 6 months and just came in from being under my jeep to replace the oil pump.it sucks that all my hunting toys are so Damm expensive
  21. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    I'd have to be one of the 40 people out there to see it happening .its not all about the kill sometimes it's about getting away from it all and just enjoying the people and the great things you see in the woods
  22. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    They do generate a ton of money that's for sure.I agree its always good funnies to see the pics with all the different guides logos .I wish they would just do a random draw and give the tags to the az rez hunters that the animals belong to.they raise a ton of money on everything else.no raffles just a random draw 😁
  23. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    The wife and I went to the elk banquet a few years back my hunting buddy is a member and the guy at the table bought the tag .money does buy just about everything it sucked to find out it was rigged and they already had agreed to a price
  24. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    I hope you guys are right on the troll thing.
  25. Crazymonkey

    Spring Draw

    This is for all hunters ! The animals we hunt deserve the respect and admiration we should be giving them .take the time to make good shots and do the right thing for the animal .you would not want to be on the other end of your poor shot.they deserve better!!