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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    45 cal elr

    Anybody running anything besides the 45 cal powerbelt let in your cva paramount or paramount pro just looking to see if anyone has tried something different with good success
  2. Crazymonkey

    45 cal elr

    Good luck on your hunt .I was out with my paramount pro last week shooting 112gr by weight new paramount high limit and was 1and a half moa in the wind on Sunday .made the 300 yd plate ring on a bet from the bench next to me.
  3. Crazymonkey

    Bighorn euro mount

    We couldn't see any obvious bullet holes or predator marks so that might be why.it was cool of her to tell us about the sheep that were at water and we got there just in time to see a few was cool to see for sure.
  4. Crazymonkey

    Bighorn euro mount

    Buddy's boy got a good ram 4 or 5 hundred yard shot .I had to work so I couldn't join in.kid looks straight outa duck dynasty but is only 30 something and got a tag his dad has been waiting for twice as long
  5. Crazymonkey

    Bighorn euro mount

    Your lucky to get the salvage tag .we were out in quartzite last year for my buddies son's big horn hunt scouting and ran across a lovely lady officer and she put us in the right spot and said a sheep was down .we asked if we could salvage it and got a big nope .I guess its at there discretion.here is the pics .
  6. Crazymonkey

    Buying a 4runner …need some real feedback

    Had a 05 v6er 286000 miles on it when I traded it for a 12 jeep big mistake yota is a rock solid car 6er is plenty and you Damm near can't get them stuck.plus you can fold seats and sleep in them in a pinch no can do in jeep and no lights come on every Damm month for some stupid code.
  7. Crazymonkey

    Ak47 help

    That's pimping
  8. Crazymonkey


    Ill take the 1000 federal 210 and the cci large rifle pm inbound
  9. Crazymonkey

    20ga shells ***FREE FOR KIDS****

    Yep these were donated by yote buster please thank him also .we were able to give away 300 shells to kids for dove .
  10. Crazymonkey

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    Some people are just ashats.sorry to hear .we quit hunting some spots years ago in 22 because of this .you get back to camp and your geni or anything that they could steal was gone .had a guy walk into our camp and do a look around and the wife cought him .he left in a hurry when he saw the 357 she had in her hand.
  11. Good luck and enjoy your time in the woods together.
  12. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    I think I've got the targets rotated and cropped correctly this time I could see how they were deceiving when they were not cropped and turned up the right direction my fault I'm still learning some of this stuff.
  13. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    The bottom target is a 5 shot string with 4 of the 5 touching and the 5th is the one that is just left about 1/2 or 1/4 inch away I didn't move the scope as I was just looking for groups the hits on the bottom of the target were a different string the gun didn't like it was around 2 plus inches in the right corner then I went to the next batch shot the center on the bottom target.I figured it was good as all the shots but 1 that is just high left are on the same horizontal plane.the load is at barns max for r15 at 42.5 gr and no pressure signs I was thinking the top target with the 3 shot string in the right bottom could use some work that was r17 at 45.6 gr and I think it might get a little better with more powder .I'm going to see if I can get my buddies Cronograph it requires a trip to the west side of town if the freeways are open
  14. Crazymonkey

    WTB Remington 50 cal. 250 grain accutip bullets.

    Did a little digging and barns made the bullets for Remington you might look at barns and see if there 50 cal 250 gr is the same just green tips and sabot not blue like the barns package.they should be a little easier to track down.
  15. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    Lets see if this works I cropped and rotated the bottom pic
  16. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    The first pic is in the correct orientation the bottom is not I haven't figured out how to rotate the view but the numbers go towards the top so you would need to rotate the view clockwise so the string is horizontal and the one flyer is up and left I pulled that one and new it .
  17. Crazymonkey

    Tactacam worth the money?

    Anyone have any experience with them and are they worth it.I'm going pig hunting with my dad in California in a couple weeks and thought it might be nice to catch some of the trip on camera.
  18. Crazymonkey

    New to long range

    Now that I've got two different loads that show good results should I run another batch of say 15 each and shoot 3 strings before I settle on a load ?second is does anybody on the east end of town have a chronograph I could run them thru .
  19. Crazymonkey

    Looking for muzzy 209 primers

    I'm sure I have some I could give you but I live in Gilbert I work in Phoenix off I 10 and 32 st if you can pick up there yours pm sent
  20. Crazymonkey


    Camofire has muzzleloaders on there sale today.I don't know how long they will last but they've been hard to get.