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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    A Weekend Scouting in 6A

    We do a lot of hunting up there and I've seen the same thing with the elk and antalope .I also saw some deer mixed in with them .Thought it was crazy to see them all together.My buddies brother works up there a lot and ran across three lions a few years back walking across the 83 road.Good luck on your hunt
  2. Crazymonkey

    using the Contender this fall

    Good luck on your hunt .I always get weird looks at the range when shooting my contender .People haven't seen one and are usually asking what it is .I've got a scoped 357.harret and a 44 mag
  3. Crazymonkey

    Blackhorn 209 at hogdon now 8oz

    209 is non corrosive and you can clean with standard gun cleaners.Burns a little cleaner and they say it gives a increase in volocity.I haven't Cronographed to confirm.Its the powder of choice for my paramount pro.
  4. Crazymonkey

    Blackhorn 209 at hogdon now 8oz

    Its already expensive enough and then they made the container smaller😭 .My muzzleloader eats that stuff up like nobody's business at 112 gr by weight.That sucks!!!
  5. Crazymonkey

    Help! Big Horn tag in 37B!

    Get in contact with the Desert big horn sheep society they have a lot of information and usually a bunch of guys willing to help.They helped my buddy's boy bag his sheep out by quartzite.
  6. Crazymonkey

    Draw results

    Thanks it's the archery kibab hunt for us.
  7. Crazymonkey

    Draw results

    I hope today .I know I've got a kibab tag but don't know if its archery in August or muzzleloader in November.
  8. Crazymonkey

    Father's day California pig hunt

    For anyone looking into pig hunting here is a rundown on cost. Outa state license $184 Pig tags are $84 a piece you can get as many as you'd like. Most guides are around $1200 for a few days . You will definitely be in pigs !! I towed my trailer and payed for full hook ups for 5 days.Paso Robles Rv park $328. Fuel was stupid rediculus at over $7 bucks or more a gallon. Experience priceless !!! Its a hunt I've wanted to do for a few years. If I had the opportunity I'd probably go do the Texas route if I could get some buddies talked into going.
  9. Crazymonkey

    Scouting Colorado

    Dad and I did the elk hunt a few years back .What beautiful country .We were just outside Durango.Snow had us locked down to lower elevations.The only elk we saw was a cow at the Applebees parking lot.
  10. Crazymonkey

    Its Time To Change the Arizona Bonus Point System

    Didn't that me to movement just cost Amber Johnny Depps x old lady like 10 mill.I wouldn't want to be in that crowd.
  11. Crazymonkey

    Father's day California pig hunt

    Feeling a little better today so here goes I've added some pictures of my adventures as you can see we are in the hills of paso Robles California.There is a picture of one of 3 tulie elk we Damm near hit with the guides truck.I don't like to stage my animals for pictures I just take them as they fell .I don't like the pictures that make everything look much bigger than it really is.THERE is a shot of a flock of turkey in the field just after I shot my pig.It wasn't the biggest pig we saw .That was my fault .Riding around in the truck I didn't chamber a round into the gun and had a pig on the move up a draw and was set to shoot it and got a abrupt click on a empty gun.
  12. Crazymonkey

    Its Time To Change the Arizona Bonus Point System

    Elk every 5 to 6 years 6a rifle,every 2 to 3 muzzleloader and deer 12 a ,12b about 5or 6 years ,turkey in 6a was 5 years for the first tag and two between tags I've got 11 points for antalope but I'm not bitching.Some hunts are harder to draw than others and everyone has a chance.Sometimes it doesn't seem like it but it truly is about putting in for hunts you can reasonably have a chance to draw.I don't hunt for trophies so its about getting out there and putting in for hunts with reasonable draw odds.
  13. Crazymonkey

    Barrel threading

    Axis works,southern express,Phoenix custom rifles are the go to gunsmiths in and around Phoenix all are extremely good smiths
  14. Crazymonkey

    Hits started

    Got hit for 12a deer eathier archery or muzzleloader ,and 6a turkey .
  15. Crazymonkey

    Father's day California pig hunt

    Sorry guys I haven't had it in me to do the follow up and get the rest of the pictures up.What I will say is I left for California sick with a head cold and sinus infection and wasn't going to let that slow me down .My outa state license and tag were only good for another week so I couldn't reschedule.I planned on leaving paso Robles Friday to see my kid sister in Huntington beach .I woke up at 3 am Friday to extreme pain on my left side .I knew it was kidney stones again.Nothing I could do but get in the truck and drive the 5 hours .I felt a little better Saturday and made it home .At the Dr's today and confirmed its stones again .Ill get stuff up as soon as I can.
  16. Crazymonkey

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Farmer boys bacon boy and a side of onion rings .Its on the way to sportsmans in mesa.Not a cool or scenic drive but with sportsmans around the corner its always good for spending a few bucks.
  17. Crazymonkey

    Any cool Father’s Day stories or gifts to share?

    I moved the post to the other big game section.Updates and success .
  18. Crazymonkey

    Father's day California pig hunt

    Up at 3 am to meet my guide again.First pig spotted on the move up a draw at 300 yds .I'm up on the sticks and dialed for the yardage and gun goes click.I forgot to put a round in the pipe.No luck for a recover he was gone.Lots more driving and looking.I never would have thought coming to California and seeing bull elk .But we came across 3 bulls full rack and Awsome.Ill post some pics when I get home and upload from the camera.A few hours and several miles later we ended up on one of the guides buddy's ranch.As we go thru the gate I see a cow elk in the field and quickly take a picture.My guide Tom says there's a good pig in the field.So I get my gun this time I put a round in it and we are on the move .At 200 yds I'm on the sticks and dialed for the hold.Tom says let's get closer .So we move and now I'm inside a hundred and zeroed back out .I got the go ahead to shoot when the pig turned and let it fly .Right thru the pig .It started to run and Tom says great shot I can see blood .The pig ran about 40 yds and piled up .Ill put up the other pics of the elk and turkey and kill shot when I get back home.
  19. Crazymonkey

    Any cool Father’s Day stories or gifts to share?

    At 84 bucks a pig tag you can shoot as many as you can afford .I have just 1 pig tag.
  20. Crazymonkey

    Any cool Father’s Day stories or gifts to share?

    I got up at 2am Sunday with the trailer all packed and headed to paso Robles California for a pig hunt.The hunt starts Tuesday and runs for 3 days.Already saw some blacktail deer and a flock of over 100 turkey this morning on my way in to meet with the lady I booked my hunt thru.Hunt starts at 430 am tomorrow.
  21. I need a guy to lay paverstones and widen my drive way a few feet and add a walk way to the backyard.Fu*king Hoa keeps sending me notices about having my truck or trailer parked in the rocks.New dic*head neighbor don't like the trailer on my driveway the few times its there. I'm in Gilbert Thanks
  22. Crazymonkey


    I remember when .I remember when you could walk into any gun store and find a wall full of them .Some still in the wrap and grease.They were right next to the enfield all for under a hundred bucks .Great guns GLWS.
  23. Crazymonkey

    PointGuard Plus - Priority positioning?

    Like I said the next guy in line with with the points that should get the tag gets bent over by the guy that paid more for the point guard plus and he didn't even get a 💋 or some lube.