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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. I was out yesterday shooting my 7-08 and finally was able to chronograph my rounds .It's with a magneto speed .What a pain in the butt with a suppressor on to get it all lined up and reading .But I seem to be shooting slower than it did in the summer. It shot 3034 in the summer (lab radar ) verified Thanks Lance for letting me shoot for data. Yesterday it was 2903 the SD was 9 and the es was 22 for the 5 shot string .The group opened up from all touching to .766 that might be just me . Load is 45.6gr r17 lapua brass and barns ttsx 140gr with federal 215 primer. I need to shoot a copper bullet to hunt California with my dad till he moves to a free state. Any powder ideas for my bullet combo.The gun is a interarms action ( mauser) with a brux 26 inch barrel all work was done by Keith at Phoenix custom rifles.
  2. Crazymonkey

    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    I'm not sure it pulled the link but the article was by gun digest on the effects of humidity
  3. Crazymonkey

    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    Here's the link to the article url.html
  4. Crazymonkey

    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    The humidity has to do with the drag caused by the change in the air density .Not so much on what is possibly going on inside the case itself. Just what I started to read about yesterday .I didn't get to read the whole article.
  5. One of the guys at work gave me these new binoculars. There Bushnell 10x50 to donate to a young person. FREE TO ANY KID THAT WANTS THEM.
  6. Crazymonkey

    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    I'll see what powder I can find and try each of them .It seemed crazy to drop over 100 fps from shooting in the heat to shooting Saturday in cooler Temps. Thanks guys for the information.
  7. Crazymonkey

    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    Everything has an effect. My dad use to shoot competition and back in the 70 or 80s they did a shoot in Mexico .The loads where made for California enviroment and when they started shooting in Mexico he had issues with his load and had to figure it out quickly. Temp,altitude, humidity, and several other things come into play.I wish I had been around then to learn it all but my parents divorced and it wasn't till I was almost 30 I started shooting and hunting with my dad .
  8. Crazymonkey

    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    I was shooting at Rio Salado yesterday afternoon .The group was with the magneto speed attached.I didn't have anything to flag wind but could feel the left to right and would shoot between the wind as best I could .I think I've got the spread figured out .Measure the two farthest and subtract the Dia of the bullet. Here's the target. The score keeper logo was to the top.
  9. Crazymonkey

    Wife’s First mule Deer

    Nicely done !! Great buck and off hand shooting.
  10. Crazymonkey

    Free for kids New Bushnell binoculars

    These are spoken for pending meet up .
  11. Crazymonkey

    Scope recommendations for next year's giveaway gun.

    I'd like to stay away from vortex .I bought 4 scopes last time and had two that wouldn't track.There replacements are still new in the boxes sitting on the reloading bench.I figure they might be good for a 22 or just use them when they have a trade in sale and get me a decent scope.
  12. Crazymonkey

    Best scope for a 110 .223

    With your budget the 4x12 Leopold with the cds dials will do what your asking. Check around there are going to be deals for black Friday.
  13. Crazymonkey

    Any quality spotting scopes out there for sale?

    If you can hunt down a older vortex that they discontinued .I paid 200 bucks for mine off Craigslist and when it broke I sent it back and they upgraded me to a razor .Saved me some $$ and got a good spotter.
  14. Crazymonkey

    Help! Value of these war rifles

    It in its original military condition makes the value higher than a sporterized for sure.Its probably in the $1200 and up range they are getting harder to find un-molested.There are a few matches where these are highly sought after in there original shape .
  15. Crazymonkey

    Craftsman Ratchet Replacement

    It was off the 202 in mesa .I went with the Wife to get shots for the dog from the mobile vet that comes there .In fact I've got one that needs replacing now .There is one by me on Higley or recker. ITS Higley and Guadalupe
  16. Crazymonkey

    Craftsman Ratchet Replacement

    Ace hardware has them and replaced my last ratchet.
  17. Crazymonkey

    Setting kids up for the shot

    All I can say is make it fun while teaching him about safety and good shooting .I use a primos trigger stick in the blind and what ever I can to help make steady shots everywhere else.If you do need ammo for a 22 or something I do have shoot me a pm.Lots of time shooting and having fun will keep up interest. More practice equals better shot placement.
  18. Crazymonkey

    Any spring leftover tags?

    Anybody see or hear if there are any leftover tags yet.
  19. Crazymonkey

    Which auto insurance...including a UTV

    I have progressive on my defender full coverage on and off road use and its like 3 something a year .I would guess it depends on machine rzr,maverick are probably more due to the use and cost.
  20. Crazymonkey

    Go Vote

    Not everyone from California votes democrats only central ca.I moved here 17 years ago and won't vote democrats!
  21. Crazymonkey

    Large rifle magnum primers

    Put up a request in the classified on here there are always guys that have some and some of them will part with a few.
  22. Crazymonkey

    Alamo Elk.

    My buddy had a picture of a big pig in 6a over the archery hunt .The guys he was with didn't know they could shoot it.It made the pig I shot in California over father's day look small.If my phone didn't crap out I'd have a picture.
  23. Crazymonkey

    6A Muzzy hunt question

    Had the same hunt 2 years ago and was blowing snow on the way in .Was 17 at night and low 40 during the day. The elk were still in there normal spots .We didn't have water in the trailers for 4 days .
  24. Crazymonkey

    Question about suppressor

    I just got 2 cans and the 22 can definitely tightened up the groups from my 10-22. The other is a 30 cal can on my 7-08 and it shifted poi by 3.5 to 3.75 left and 1.75 low .I've only shot the gun with a break before this but the recoil was just a touch more than the break. It did seem to open my group up slightly. It was a 3 shot one ragged hole and now it's. 5 to .75 moa .I need to chronograph and see what changed so I can tweak my load and try again. AND NO THEY CAN'T SEARCH WITH OUT A WARRENT.