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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    2023 youth gun giveaway

    Prizes for 1st thru 3rd . 1st is the savage 7-08 rifle package 2nd is the shotgun package 3rd is the 22lr package
  2. Crazymonkey

    2023 youth gun giveaway

    Get'm in the drawing tomorrow is the last day to enter!!!
  3. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway

    I need to make sure they don't have a ban on a2 items . Usually you have to disclose what your looking for and how you plan to use funds . I did set up a separate bank account last year for zelle and put a few hundred bucks in it and as soon as it had opened the bank shut it down due to several attempts to access the account.
  4. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway

    I'm usually a bright and shiny buyer. With my time so short I needed to get as much done in as short a time as possible. Coming home with 5 guns and some binos and the bill for 2700 bucks will get your wife's attention . She understands why I do this and loves the idea but she usually sets a limit for me.
  5. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway donation wish list

    Couple outa the box pictures
  6. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway

    Couple outa the box pictures
  7. Crazymonkey

    2023 youth gun giveaway

    Get your kids entered to win !!! It's free .The current prize pool is way north of 2k retail and growing !!! Enter at youthgungiveaway@outlook.com See contest and giveaway section for details.
  8. Crazymonkey

    What's for dinner tonight?

    There from my California pig I shot over father's day last year . I took it to gilbert butchery for processing.
  9. Crazymonkey

    What's for dinner tonight?

    You should see Christmas time potluck. It's crazy with food . I'll usually make a 22qt roster full of elk chili . Some don't know what's in it . Some ask how many animals are on the table . In a shop with hunters you never know . Elk ,bear,javalina, dove and quail are the norm.
  10. Crazymonkey

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    The only thing that comes to mind is some states have cwd restrictions for transport across state lines . Usually it's no brain or spine . It's just another thing to look into . You might need to cap the head and only take the horns and the scull cap to be in compliance. My dad's buddy is coming out from Texas for the muzzleloader hunt in 6a and does the same thing as you . He will process and de- bone his elk for the trip back to Texas.
  11. Crazymonkey

    What's for dinner tonight?

    And to think all this over some weenie on a grill 🤔. Buttered,greased,or any other kind of sauce it's still weniers in the mouth . Next time I'll bring in some balls . Meat balls that is . It will be weiner and balls.
  12. Crazymonkey

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    The other side is if you have it processed .Been so long since we packed out in quarters but that sounds correct. I've got a sxs so we take them out in one piece . Only field dress till back at camp then up in the hanging tree for skinning . A simple chain hoist and a strap around a log tied up across a tree makes for easy work .
  13. Crazymonkey

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    Congratulations on the tag . For bulls we attach the tag to the horns and usually leave the head attached . In the case you do separate the head keep it as your proof of sex . We don't keep any other parts for proof. On the cows it's tagged thru the rear leg and same applies . Good like with your hunt and try and figure out your processing ahead of time . Some years they book fast . Southwest provides trucks at most hunting areas .I prefer to go to Casey's in flagstaff for mine make sure to call ahead .
  14. Crazymonkey

    Ar15 mags free to a youth hunter!!

    I ve got two takers for the mags thanks guys.
  15. With all the donations for the kids this year I've been given 1 p mag 30rd mag and 1 40 rd mag they are free to kids only . That means your kids must shoot a ar15. I'm in gilbert or Phoenix for work.
  16. Crazymonkey

    Gun cabinet - sold

    My grandpa had one in the garage with his guns in it when I was a kid . Brings back memories.
  17. Crazymonkey

    supressor maintenance

    I dipped the baffles in clr for awhile and used a bronze brush to clean . When your done use alcohol to wash off clr. Don't use clr on the tubes it's supposed to eventually take off finish . If you ever get baffles stuck I did buy the tool from SC to remove them . Just a little anti seaze on the threads is all you need .
  18. Crazymonkey

    supressor maintenance

    Here's a picture . There is a whole bunch of stuff on long range hunting forum under suppressors there is a blip about the banish 30 on there .
  19. Crazymonkey

    supressor maintenance

    Make sure to use high temp anti size on the threads between the joints . I have the same can and it was a mother Fer to get apart. As for cleaning it depends on what you use it on . On my 7-08 the baffles get some carbon build . I don't rapid fire to get it hot enough to blast the carbon out. They do get crud in them they all do . Anyone that says they don't need cleaning should see all the youtube videos on cleaning your can and the dip for cleaning your can . There is several of each and most sealed cans still need cleaning . Alot of the manufacturers will tell you to contact them and send them in for cleaning.
  20. Crazymonkey


    These were made by miroku in japan from about 1963 to about 1976 from what I could find and the quality ,fit and finish should be on par with the other top shotguns of that time made in japan.