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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    My dad's buddies elk

    Now that I'm home I can upload the elk video . 20231121_171151.mp4
  2. Crazymonkey

    My dad's buddies elk

    Not bad for 75 !! One shot and done. Story to follow.
  3. Crazymonkey

    My dad's buddies elk

    Well the ending to the story is my dad didn't get his elk. We sat every day from dark to dark and on the second to the last day he finally got an opportunity as 6 cow elk came in to water. The lead cow saw something she didn't like and turned to run as my dad sent a shot from his new cva accura 45cal . We spent the better part of the day looking for his elk . As the rest of the group ran to the north west. She went west and I had her on her feet at about 200 yds in the trees. My fault for not going after her sooner to try for another shot. πŸ˜ͺ . Dad is 73 and not very good with the rocks and trip Hazzard type stuff. We did find another elk that had been shot on the hunt before his but she had already been bear food . Lots of big bull elk in this spot just the cow Aaron shot and the group of 6 that my dad had an opportunity at. Hopefully he gets another opportunity in a few years and I get a few more good memories.
  4. Crazymonkey

    My dad's buddies elk

    This is my dad's friend Aaron he's a Texas boy and married to my dad's old high school girlfriend. Aaron lives in Texas and put in for 40 years in Oklahoma for elk to never get a tag. This guy has a broken back and shattered a leg from falling outta a treestand. So getting around is not easy. Sat every day from the opener till yesterday . It was catching up to him so he stayed back in the morning. I went to see how he was at lunch and took him in to his spot. Had 4 bulls come in with just one cow . He made a great shot and she was rocking. The big bull still tried to hit it as she was clearing the dam for the water hole . Funny stuff! We saw turkey, deer,and elk come in .To all the 6a road hunters I say keep quiet and listen and watch and perseverance pays off .
  5. Crazymonkey

    Need a really good night scope

    Russ night vision scopes and thermal are a no go in az. I bought a sightmark wraith for texas pigs. So your options are limited to good glass with illuminate redicals.. With out special permission. From azfgd.. if you do need it I absolutely will let you borrow my setup πŸ˜‰
  6. Crazymonkey


    Pm sent on diamond back
  7. Crazymonkey

    7mm08 bullet

    Barns 120 or 140 ttsx and staball6.5 for powder is a deadly combo.
  8. Crazymonkey

    Youth Bow or Muzzleloader or handgun? Please help

    I ve got a muzzleloader you could borrow for her hunt if needed . It's a tc encore and you could easily download powder with blackhorn 209 . It shoots a hornady 250 sabot round . I'm up hunting elk with my dad this week but let me know.
  9. Crazymonkey

    Silencerco issues saftey recall

    Got a e mail about a safety recall for weld defects on some suppressors . Check the silencerco web site for details.
  10. Crazymonkey

    Posting for a friend. Looking to re-home a Black Lab

    ^^^ for a good looking pup . He looks like mine only skinny.
  11. Crazymonkey

    Turkey poacher!!

    Hunting 6a for turkey and went by buck mtn look out and buck tank and the smaller tank on the 9353p and came across some jack wagons crime scene. Any one see anybody hunting the tank probably Friday or Saturday . Please call it in . It's OK to fill your tag but when you leave a whole bird you clearly shot and knew you did that's not ok. The bird was left at the water hole and it's probably only 30 yds across and in plain sight . Also within 40 yds of the two skinned out Jake's at the fence all within clear sight .
  12. Crazymonkey

    Men’s rules.

    Now if you could just get them to read it and not ask a million questions when your in the middle of something .
  13. Crazymonkey

    Youth archery classes

    I think archery headquarters still has classes they offer.
  14. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway

    Just a few pictures of the 7-08 and the 3-08 after Eric and the axis works guys donated muzzle breaks for the guns . The shiny break will be getting cerakote work by mferaz. When I get back from my dad's muzzleloader elk hunt in a few weeks. Thanks Michael for donating your time and resources.
  15. Crazymonkey

    Woman killed by elk?

    Elk decided it wasn't a pet anymore. Sad when people feed wild animals and things go wrong.
  16. Crazymonkey

    Leftover First Come First Serve

    Updated for me also .Got a leftover 20b archery πŸ– tag
  17. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway

    I get alot of help from fellow hunters with donations . It absolutely made last year's drawing . Even small donations when stacked together make a big difference. I'm currently waiting on a rebate from one of the rifles I bought so I can put that with other rebates and donations and maximize what I can spend.
  18. Crazymonkey

    300 BO Subsonic hunting rounds

    Nothing wrong with a 300 blk . I'm looking into building a sbr and running subs and a can for pigs here and in texas. It's a good caliber for all pigs and most small to medium size game if you keep your range within reason.
  19. Crazymonkey

    2024 youth giveaway

    I just got another brick of 22lr Ammo yesterday so I've got enough for the two rifles . Still need ammo for the rifles in 308 or 7-08 and 20 gauge shells.
  20. Crazymonkey

    FFL advice

    Healy arms I've shipped a few guns to different states and have a few suppressors waiting for atf get outa jail cards .
  21. Crazymonkey

    Daughters first mule deer

    Nice buck!
  22. Crazymonkey

    Hard Side Rifle Case

    Pm sent
  23. Crazymonkey

    Tragedy and blame

    Sad part is someone's life is over. Even worse is some lawyers are looking for a big$$$ payout and will drag anyone that they think will pay out into this so they hopefully can get a payout. Just think about all the people that drown in pleasant or any other lake . Most lakes aren't dangerous to swim in they are dangerous for those that can't swim due to sudden drop-off.
  24. Crazymonkey

