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Everything posted by Crazymonkey

  1. Crazymonkey

    Who's tracking you?

    It's a half a$$ hacked into the obd2 setup . I would hope the dealership would do better . They denied installation
  2. Crazymonkey

    WTB 2 to 4 Savage 93r 17hmr magazines

    Mine will load 5 but usually jam the first 2 rounds. I did hear a rumor savage would replace them but I haven't tried. The newer mags are supposed to fix the issue.
  3. Crazymonkey

    Trump shot at rally today

    On the Biden side is the old man going to give up the race? It does finally sound like the 🐫 may be in .Either way Trump is polling better than them bolth.
  4. Crazymonkey

    AR15 raffle

    Nice easy way to loose some cash!! Sounds and smells like a scam 🤔
  5. With the elk draw complete there's got to be kids needing a rifle to hunt with. Enter them to win one of the giveaway guns in the youthgungiveaway. You know they don't want to use your big boomer guns. I'm giving away a 7-08 and a 308 in this year's giveaway. It's open to all Arizona kids with a hunter safety enter at youthgungiveaway@outlook.com All lower case ^^^^^^^!!! See the contest and giveaway section for pictures and rules. It's super easy and free!!
  6. Crazymonkey

    Fall 6B Turkey hunt

    This was after the turkey hunt no calls or decoys. During the turkey hunt we used calls but no decoys. Birds were found with in a mile or less of a water source. For a bird with a small head they see just about everything move slow and watch your camo and back drops.
  7. Crazymonkey

    Fall 6B Turkey hunt

    Run and gun and you are probably going to have a few hunters upset. I don't think anyone likes the guy that keeps driving around looking for animals. It usually buggers up somebody's setup. Get in early and do some looking around water . Turkeys will be around a water source . They seem to make loops from one spot to another. I've got a 6a tag this fall . Here's some turkey from my dad's elk hunt last year 6a muzzleloader 20231121_081813.mp4
  8. Crazymonkey

    Need a good AC guy

    It's a 5 ton not sure on the seer but it's a 2 story and over 2100 sq. Probably a 15seer
  9. Crazymonkey

    Leftover list is up.

    The left over list is up . There are some muzzleloader tags left .I know nothing about the units just posting there are some.
  10. Crazymonkey

    Need a good AC guy

    It's still Damm expensive! First quote for my house is 11k for a carrier unit or 12k for a trane. That's some serious toy money.
  11. Crazymonkey

    Silencer wait time???

    $200 for the tax stamp plus tax and then the supressor cost
  12. Crazymonkey

    Silencer wait time???

    Individual are quick the trusts are taking longer. I had 3 approved from 6/23, 8/23 and 5/24 all the same day . One Individual and 2 trust .
  13. Crazymonkey

    Duwane Adams ?

    That's what a shovel is for !! Just remember to dig a deep hole.
  14. Crazymonkey

    You've got to be kidding me !!

    So I just came from Sportsmans on Greenfield looking for some 300blk subsonic ammo. Most ammo is now behind the gun counter. Are they really loosing that much ammo? It went from a simple quick trip to a nightmare . Who wants to wait for what seems like for ever to pick up a few boxes of ammo. It's hard enough to get any help there and now it's going to be impossible.
  15. Crazymonkey

    Leftover list is up.

    I'm not that tec smart!! I can't begin to tell you how many times my wife caught me with the laptop and my shotgun .
  16. Crazymonkey

    Need a good AC guy

    Well there goes my toy money for awhile.
  17. Crazymonkey

    Need a good AC guy

    I'll be in the same boat and probably replacing my ac on the house. My wife and kid don't understand the ac can't run forever to keep the house at 74 degrees . They over heat the compressor and it trips and shuts off . It's an older system and at 19 yrs old will need replacing but I was hoping to make it to the winter slow down and get a better deal.
  18. Crazymonkey


    Sorry for your loss.
  19. Crazymonkey

    You've got to be kidding me !!

    That sounds like a good plan.
  20. Crazymonkey

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    A buddy pulled a tag out by Quartzite max points and the last tag . Same unit my other buddies son David drew a few years back.