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Arizona Griz

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Everything posted by Arizona Griz

  1. Arizona Griz

    Arrow Speed

    Darton Lightning 31in. draw 76 pounds 435gr. Easton 2413 X7 including 75gr. Wasp 300ft/sec.
  2. Arizona Griz

    elk photos from scouting

    Nice bull and pictures.
  3. Arizona Griz

    50 minute buck

    Very nice buck, congratulations.
  4. Arizona Griz

    Seen this video

    That will wake you up.
  5. Arizona Griz

    i was the other guy...

    Sorry to hear about your missfortune. Hope you have a speedy recovery. You can never be to safe in a tree.
  6. Arizona Griz

    hunting in 6a

    You might want to check the country out where the two major canyons come together to form Fossil Creek.
  7. Arizona Griz

    My 10 min Opening Morn. Hunt

    Good job Standman, congratulations.
  8. Very nice Josh. Good luck during the hunt.
  9. Arizona Griz

    Free maps

    Its a good site but earthgoogle.com is much better especially once they get all of their data inputed. Try it out and you will be amazed.
  10. Arizona Griz

    Whats Up with this. Left over tags

    The old saying "don't fix it if it ain't broken" applies here. I wish they had never gone to the computer application process. Hopefully they will never go back.
  11. Arizona Griz

    anyone gonna be carying new gear this year?

    I might try out my new Savage 300 Win Mag I won this year at the Elk Society dinner. I first need to get off my butt and get it sighted in.
  12. Arizona Griz

    Rocky Point Problems?

    Allen, I am sure it is safe but I can't speak from experience because you couldn't pay me to go down there except for a Coues hunt.
  13. Arizona Griz

    satellite images...

    Googleearth is a great site but what I have noticed is that the majority of the areas in the state (shades of green on the screen, example would be along the rim by Payson) will not focus very clearly. Its like not of the photo imagery is coming in. Now there is some areas (brown in color) where you can easily see a vehicle.
  14. Arizona Griz

    left over tags 30A & B

    I picked up a 30A tag a few years ago and ended up hunting in the Dos Cabezas (east side) and down in the SE corner of the state in Skeleton Canyon. I have heard though that the road into Skeleton Canyon is now closed. It is worth picking up a tag and doing some scouting.
  15. Allen, I know that. What I am saying is that you would think that the Tigon would be the larger of the two, tigon or liger, since the tiger is larger than a lion. It is just a name game anyways.
  16. This does't make sense since the Siberian Tiger is the largest wild cat on earth. Anyways that is one big cat.
  17. Arizona Griz

    Hunting in 36C

    You better keep an eye out at all times. They are as thick there as anywhere.
  18. Arizona Griz

    Who is incharge

    Amanda will choose if and when she descides to add moderators. This is a forum. You had better to expect posts that don't have the same view point as yourself. If she doesn't like what is posted she will take care of it. If you would like to see some changes post them up for common review or send Amanda an email. It is as simple as that.
  19. Arizona Griz


    I have two Belgum Browning Auto 5's. It is just hard to beat these guns. I guess I am a little biased.
  20. Arizona Griz

    october vs. november

    I prefer November. It just give you more time in the field to hunt even though the deer have already been scared off.
  21. I know this doesn't belong here but I am looking for exposure. I have a friend who has some Coues deer tags available this coming January in Sonora. He has two ranches north of Hermacillo. The hunters would drive down to the ranches to hunt. One ranch has guided hunts with one guide for each two hunters. This ranch has 10 available tags. The second ranch is unguided with 2 tags available. Room and board is included in the price for each of the ranch hunts. If anyone is interested please give him a call. High Desert Outfitters Greg Koons 602-540-9446
  22. I will be in 36A in November as usual but if I can't make it back I hope the buzzards get me.
  23. Arizona Griz


    Nov. Coues 36A and Nov. Archery Elk 22N. Can't complain even though they are at the same time. I will be hunting back and forth.
  24. Arizona Griz

    Great bull

    Nice bull indeed. On the left antler he definitely has a problem with the G3 and the G4 has an abnormal point growing from it. I don't think anyone would pass him on any day of the hunt and I almost put in for 23.
  25. Arizona Griz

    last years deer

    A very nice buck. Congratulations.