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Arizona Griz

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Everything posted by Arizona Griz

  1. I have two old Marlin and Winchester lever actions that were bought from there in the 60’s.
  2. Arizona Griz

    Saltwater 2020

    I was lucky enough to catch one. Had another one on but when my line got tangled with a couple of others the deck hand accidentally cut my line. No big deal, that’s why it is called fishing.
  3. Arizona Griz

    Archery Goat Down

    Congratulations on a very nice buck!
  4. Arizona Griz

    Saltwater 2020

    A brief summary of our 2.5 day trip. Saturday was windy with very, very choppy waters. We only caught one yellowtail. Captain said no boats were productive. Sunday we stopped on a reef way south west of San Clemente Island and caught a lot of a red type rock fish. We moved to the east side of San Clemente Island and caught around eight 30 pound Bluefin Tuna. Just so happened we hit one of those bad spells where we nor any of the other boats could find fish. The New Lo-An tried their best. They have a great bunch of guys. FYI, if you have Verizon you can get 2 bars of LTE if you are close to the island.
  5. Arizona Griz

    Saltwater 2020

    I can attest to that. Very choppy water yesterday. 5 to 10 foot swells.
  6. Arizona Griz

    Pronghorn and Water

    This buck had just come from a water tank and went under a fence at 12:26 A.M.
  7. Arizona Griz

    Pronghorn and Water

    I have had them come in anytime between sun up and sun down. I have got pictures this year where they watered during the middle of the night.
  8. Arizona Griz

    Saltwater 2020

    New Lo-An, 2.5 day charter. Getting on this Friday evening.
  9. Arizona Griz

    Who am I?

    Took a little digging around. How about Mearns?
  10. You better bring your A game. They are very fast on the wing.
  11. Arizona Griz

    OHV decal

    A couple of years ago I let the OHV sticker expire on a quad and when I went to re-register it on line they tried to charge me the full Regis price so I went to a 3rd party location and paid for the OHV sticker and they lowered the registration to the normal primarily off road MC plate registration.
  12. Arizona Griz

    OHV decal

    Did you let your OHV sticker lapse?
  13. Arizona Griz

    Saltwater 2020

    Great summary. Our trip is still 3 weeks away.
  14. Arizona Griz

    Who am I?

    I looked Potts up. It is a good read.
  15. Arizona Griz

    BLFF2020GEARUP Gives you 50% off on Badlands

    The discount code is BLFF2020GEARUP. It is still working as of 5 minutes ago.
  16. Arizona Griz

    Badlands 1/2 price sale thru July 19

  17. Arizona Griz

    HWY 87 ony 1 lane open

    No delay at 4 AM this morning when I came up. 😉
  18. Arizona Griz

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    Such a loss. Prayers for his family.
  19. Arizona Griz

    The Family Sheep Hunt - 2019 Ram

    Great account of the adventure. Congratulations to your daughter and all of her help.
  20. Arizona Griz


    It is tough to see them go. Sounds like you had a great dog.
  21. Arizona Griz

    Stolen truck

    Sorry to hear about the theft. Happened to me years ago and they found the truck down on the reservation southwest of Tucson. Not much left of it.
  22. Arizona Griz

    RV Batteries

    That’s how I roll too.
  23. Arizona Griz

    New truck considerations

    I have the same truck but a 2006 3500. It’s a shame that none of the big three make standard shift trucks anymore.
  24. Arizona Griz

    Antelope Decoys: Montana Decoy Co/Buck & Feeding Doe

    I will take it if GEE does not. PM sent. Well I can’t figure out how to do the PM’s. I am in Payson right now but GEE has first dibs.
  25. Arizona Griz

    OHV decal

    I always use ServiceArizona for my renewals. Hopefully they don’t have the issue. Still waiting on my truck tags.