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Everything posted by coueshunter

  1. coueshunter

    unit 1

    My son and I drew unit 1 bob. Shane, I will keep in touch. We are pumped
  2. coueshunter


    great reminder of whats Important. Not the draw, but the CROSS. Thanks. Allen Taylor.
  3. coueshunter

    Kuiu Pants

    The durability is the only question. Just like everyone else said, catclaw pulls threads out. I think they are a great feeling pant, but kinda expensive to just get thrashed in our desert. Maybe better up in high mountains where the brush is not as "sticky". Allen Taylor
  4. As forlorn stated, 're-introduction already has happened. What we are fighting for is to control the process, amounts, management. If we don't write our own plan then the Feds will push their plan on us. In addition there will be lawsuits against from groups that want thousands of wolves. We need a plan that all constituents buy off on, one that is biologically sound and legally defensible. This is a tough issue and one that hunters should not sit on the sidelines for. Everyone needs to get more informed and more involved. Join some group and volunteer. Allen Taylor
  5. Here is the latest update. As elk society is working with most all wildlife groups, cattle growers, land users, counties AZGFD etc. To develop this agreed upon plan. The plan is in draft stage waiting lon agreement from New Mexico and a couple others. Steve Clark has been working very hard to get agreement for the plan so we as sportsmen/land users don't have a federal plan dumped on us. The plan will be out in the next couple of weeks. The attempt is to agree on a wolf number that is much lower and biologically sound than the Fed numbers. Steve is trying to balance numerous needs and I applaud his hard work. Go to Arizona elk society website and volunteer to help since elk numbers will be most affected by wolves. Allen Taylor
  6. coueshunter

    Swarovski ST-80

    Sold to Albert. Thanks. Allen Taylor
  7. coueshunter

    Swarovski ST-80

    I have an older Swarovski spotting scope Model ST-80 with 20x60 eyepiece etc. Glass is great, no scratches. Original box with paperwork. Looking for trades/sell. $800.00 text me if you want. 480-258-3726. Allen Taylor
  8. There was a meeting yesterday at Ben Avery facility that Steve Clark- Arizona elk society set up. All conservation groups were invited, cattle growers, etc. AZGFD was there. Meeting was to develop the best state managed plan we could and submit to the Feds so they don't control wolves, we as a state does. This whole wolf issue has been public and going on for some time. Get involved with some group like Arizona elk or Sportsmens constituent group or mule deer foundation etc. All groups need help to fight these issues. There also was a public meeting at AZGFD regarding heritage funds property maintenance and operations. I watched this meeting on the computer live feed. I get email announcements from azgfd. Sign up for email announcements and join a group to get involved to save our outdoor privileges. Allen Taylor
  9. coueshunter

    Swarovski ST-80

    I am a computer nerd so I will try and get my son to put a picture up. I can send pictures from my phone if anyone needs them quick. Just text me or call. I am working in the garden. 480-258-3726
  10. coueshunter

    Swarovski ST-80

    This is a straight scope not angled. Has a hard carry container and window mount
  11. coueshunter

    Outdoorsman Pack for sale

    I will take it. Allen Taylor 480-258-3726. Allen@efiltration.net
  12. coueshunter

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Is everyone ready for a great time tonight??? I am going to win a rifle. Hahaha
  13. coueshunter

    They are starting to hit CC

    Got hit for 270.00. Son and I will be bow hunting early hunt in 1 , 9, or 23. Pretty pumped. Allen Taylor
  14. coueshunter

    Water Catchment Repairs

    Thank you guys for all the hard work. Allen Taylor
  15. coueshunter

    San Tan Chapter MDF

    Marshall, the same as well. I think it will be good for you guys to advertise at my business. See you soon. Allen.
  16. coueshunter

    obummer care

    I think JLW is like myself where a company is not fronting a lot of the cost for our insurance. I pay my total insurance for my family and I went to the website to see if I could reduce my insurance cost. Well, after filling out all the info, the quote back to me was over $1,100.00 per month for me, wife and 2 sons. That is more than we are paying now. In addition to that, you don't really know what the "gold, silver, bronze" plans cover. The deductibles are outrageous. It is nothing more than a way for the feds to get additional revenue and push the insurance costs off to regular joe public. I am tired of watching commercials showing someone who says " I am so happy, I am only paying $94.00 a month to insure my whole family". What a joke. Somebody is getting screwed and I am pretty sure who it is. Once again it is the middle class. I wonder how many politicians dropped their federal insurance to sign up with Obamacare??????
  17. coueshunter

    Jim White... God Speed Friend

    I still am in shock. Jim was a fantastic, generous, knowledgeable, kind,funny,serious,helpful great man. I just spoke to him and now he is gone. He has my utmost respect and I continue to pray for his family. I will miss you Jim. Have fun Glassing in heaven. Allen Taylor
  18. coueshunter

    Prayers please

    Prayers sent for you/family. Allen Taylor
  19. coueshunter

    Spot and Stalk Archery Mule Deer on last day

    Great job. Isn't God great to provide the beautiful creatures and scenery we get to enjoy. Congrats Allen
  20. The department explained the current status on Mexican grey wolf, quail programs, hatchery issues golden algae problems, Florida bass stocking, big game population enhancement areas, and many other topics. There were many times that the audience was invited to ask questions. Nobody brought up tag/fee issues because the department went over all of this in numerous public meetings as well as at many wildlife organization meetings. They also accepted advice/suggestions via email and standard mail. I am not sure what more they could have done. If they don't hear from us before a decision is made, they can't do much. This particular meeting was set up to let us know what is going on. They will continue with the meetings like this, so get to the next one if you can. They also are updating the website to include a "customer portal" that will be interactive and much more user friendly. I was impressed that they are making things easier/ more personalized. Kinda like Facebook each person will have their own home page. They also need volunteers for many wildlife issues. Now is our chance to get involved and make a difference. Allen Taylor
  21. The complaints don't surprise me. I was at the meeting with my son and 35 or so other people. I am embarrassed that people don't give time up at these meetings to bring up their concerns. We complain on forums where nothing can be changed after the decisions are made. Get to the meetings and make your voice heard. Chef was there, Ryan jackhammer,Mark Smith and maybe 5 other individual people and the rest of the people were the wildlife organizations. SCG, az elk, az deer, az antelope, etc. The public meetings are where we can really be heard. Allen Taylor
  22. coueshunter

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Kathy I bought 3 tickets on line the other day before I saw this post. If you need people for this table, I would be happy to join the table. Just don't know how az elk can juggle this. Allen Taylor
  23. Great news. Keep strong Jim. God is good. Allen Taylor
  24. coueshunter

    San Tan Chapter MDF

    Marshall, if you get me info, I will post it at my place of business. Lots of my customers are avid hunters. Environmental Filtration here in Phoenix. Call me if you want. 602-454-2146. Maybe Terry H. wants to drop by a poster/sign up sheet for MDF
  25. coueshunter

    My First Coues Hunt - 27/28

    Great story and a fantastic buck. Like Scott said, you set your sights high to beat on the next buck. Congratulations.......Allen Taylor