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Everything posted by Azdiy

  1. Dates for the cull hunts are as follows: Sept. 20-24 Sept.27- Oct. 1 Oct.18- 22 Oct.25- 29
  2. Azdiy

    Where’s nobull?

    Dear, Elk, or Deer...? I think one would need a special power line permit also.
  3. Azdiy

    1995 F250 7.3 XLT

    Since it will do 40 in reverse you have priced it way too low.... When pole barn was mentioned, unfortunately I thought of something else that already has way too many nicknames.
  4. Azdiy

    Super Raffle Bull

    A 360 bull would only be in one awards book for the 3-year period that it was entered. If you got a 375 bull it would be in the awards book also, but then it would be automatically entered in to the next all-time book which is a different book although both are published by Boone and crockett. The all-time book has trophies going all the way back to the 1930s. The all-time book gets bigger every time it's published.
  5. Azdiy

    Super Raffle Bull

    375 is the minimum for the all-time book which I believe is published every 6 years. 360 is the minimum for the awards book which I believe is published every 3 years. If it doesn't make 375 it will never be in the all-time book. Animals in the all-time book will be there forever. The awards book animals will only be in the book for the 3-year period respectfully.
  6. Azdiy

    Sauer 100 6.5 PRC

    Looks nice, is the barrel threaded?
  7. Azdiy

    Anyone have a Raptor?

    Thanks silver bullet. 👍
  8. Azdiy

    Good News

    Lots of rain so far and hopefully more coming.
  9. Azdiy

    Anyone have a Raptor?

    Hey silver bullet, which of those three vehicles rode the best off-road under "normal" off-road driving for hunting? Rocks, washboard, dips, etc. Aren't those raptors a few inches wider in wheel and body stance than the regular trucks for better stability? How much wider and how much towing capacity? Thanks
  10. Azdiy

    Reloading question

    Try seating the bullet to the length listed in the loading book, then see if it will chamber. If it does, I would pull at least three of them and check for powder charge weight and consistency. If that all checks out then start at the lowest charge listed in the book with the powder and work from there.
  11. Azdiy

    7mm chambering “issues”

    That should work. I think most guys try for two three or possibly four on a hunting rifle. It's never a bad idea to make sure all of your reloads chamber before you go on a hunt.
  12. Azdiy

    7mm chambering “issues”

    Overlooked your post, glad you got it figured out. Those cases should be fine to fire, but as always, look for pressure signs. Lots of knowledgeable reloaders on this site. With a hard bolt close, possibly a problem with galling? Make sure there's a small dab of Grease on the lugs where they lock everything tight
  13. Azdiy

    7mm chambering “issues”

    Lots of good suggestions. Try them one at a time. Also try trimming a case back about .010 at a time and chamber a resized case without seating a bullet. Possibly a carbon ring?
  14. Azdiy

    7mm chambering “issues”

    That length should be good according to the books. It doesn't sound like your bullet is touching the lands. You could smoke a case or color it with a sharpie before you put powder in it and see if it is contacting anywhere. If you don't have a headspace gauge, they are great to give you a minimal shoulder bump. Usually it will increase accuracy and definitely will make your brass last longer. Check everything you can and also make sure your chamber is clean
  15. Azdiy

    Want to buy .243 reloading dies.

    I have an RCBS 3 die set for $45. Also have brass & bullets. West Valley.
  16. I've been happy with my Hornady Auto charge. It will sometimes overcharge, but it notifies you with a beep and a light and usually if I slow the speed down that helps a bunch. I believe with any of them if they act funny, make sure they are plugged in to a separate circuit if possible and don't use a power strip either.
  17. Azdiy

    Ammo at Brownells

    I just got a notification that they have popular ammo calibers in stock.
  18. Azdiy

    .243 Dies, bullets, & brass

    More match cases and Forster neck reamer added. Willing to separate. Dies $40. All bullets $70. Neck reamer and 275 pieces of brass $50. LC 65 match cases were .308 and all 145 have been necked down to .243. They are once reloaded and twice fired. Additional 40 cases are factory mixed head stamps and once fired. Meet at Cabela's.
  19. Full length, seating, and neck die. Three loaded rounds are various factory for standards. 30 once fired rounds are sized, trimmed, primed, deburred, and chamfered. Three boxes of bullets in Middle are full, all others are labeled for quantity. Six ammo boxes are empty brass of various firings. 175.00
  20. Azdiy

    Unit 27 outfitter

    I don't think it will ever happen, but if they had some type of a scale based on age first and then amount of points they could have a complicated and possibly sliding scale that could help older applicants. They could also set aside some premium tags for applicants over a certain age and in my opinion also with at least 10 bonus points. Obviously, no putting somebody else on the application without the same qualifications. That would definitely help the aging hunters that have waited and built bonus points. I do think the 3-year waiting period could also help just a little bit, and we all know every little bit helps.
  21. Azdiy

    .243 Dies, bullets, & brass

    In glendale, meet at Cabela's.
  22. Azdiy

    Bison reduction project

    I certainly hope this doesn't happen to anybody... But, if you get scoped during the test do they send you home? I guess they wouldn't want any of that blood on the meat. jk
  23. Azdiy

    Bison reduction project

    I wonder if they will allow bipods or shooting sticks or anything else for the shooting test.
  24. Azdiy

    Bison reduction project

    According to the news, more than 45,000 people from all over the US applied. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.