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Everything posted by drcarr

  1. drcarr

    Single best tip for fall turkey hunting??

    Hunt their food source instead of trying to find a parking spot at a water source....Find out where they are watering then determine the nearest/predominate food source.......Acorns, Seeds, Grasshoppers, Dandelions etc....
  2. drcarr

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Nose of the proverbial camel under the tent...a day or two later and you will be scraping camel crap off your morning bowl of Wheaties!!!
  3. drcarr

    Can use your vote please

    97 and 15..interesting site....
  4. drcarr

    Results Are Out!

    30B Nov. 9th Hunt for 5 of us...some 2nd choice some 3rd or 4th choice...all happy to be going hunting...good luck to everyone else...see you in the hills...
  5. drcarr

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    I drew a Unit 9 Nov. Rifle Bull tag...good luck to everyone on their hunts...
  6. drcarr

    Card got hit today!

    Wow...My oldest son and I drew Dec. deer tags...youngest son drew Muley somewhere...good luck to everyone else...
  7. drcarr

    Who taught you to hunt?

    Donald Ray Carr Sr. was my very 1st hunting and fishing teacher...Dad remained my closest hunting partner right up to his passing on October 9, 1995...our family lore has my Dad being taught how to hunt by his father as they chased squirrels around the West Virginia hills of his youth…probably my earliest hunting memory (circa 1965) is of following Dad around the snow spattered corn and soy bean fields of our Illinois farm as he hunted Pheasants...to this day the smell of shot shell empties brings back vivid memories of Dad’s pan fried Pheasant and freshly fired paper 12 gauge hulls...Dad's preference was bird hunting and until our 1969 move to southern Arizona I can only remember an occasional deer on the dinner table....in short order we swapped Ducks, Geese and Pheasants for Quail and Doves...man oh man, during the early to mid 1970's no kid could have had it any sweeter than I did as we Quail hunted off the Willow Springs Ranch Road and Dove hunted along the Santa Cruz River...I still have to shake my head in amazement at those enormous Quail coveys and the seemingly never ending flights of Doves...during this time we also left a lot of boot leather all over the Catalina, Santa Rita and Tortolita mountain ranges while "hunting" Javelina and Deer...old habits die hard and so it took several years of ground pounding until Dad finally conceded that glassing up game was much better than herding it...I was lucky enough to have had my Dad’s help in starting my two boys down the Hunter’s path…I doubt they know it, but I fairly often see Dad’s mannerisms shine through them…sometimes it’s how they always take time to set up a solid camp before heading out on the trail…other times it’s when they hand out a spare something or rather and laughingly tell someone “ remember it’s better to have and not need, than need and not have”…that was one of Dad’s most used quotes which was reportedly hard learned during the Korean war…so there you have it, the long and the short story of who set me to the hunting path and instilled me with a sense of appreciation for all things having to do with the “out of doors”…
  8. My preference would be Harry Lawson Gunsmithing...3328 N. Richey Blvd. (the shop is one block west of Dodge Blvd. and about 2 blocks north of Ft. Lowell Rd.)...Ph. #520-326-1117...Randy and Joe have always completed my projects at the stated costs and on time...you may find this web link helpful: http://www.longrange...n-rifles-46254/ ...the web link information is as good today as it was back then...good luck
  9. drcarr

    Road closures on Kiabab NF

    Just a clarification of my earlier post...I am in no way, shape or form advocating that we should be able to drive off road wherever we choose...I am stating my belief that a majority of the new road closures, as demonstrated in the USFS Travel Management Plan's, are totally unrealistic, unreasonable and absolutely unwarranted...prior to forcing these "necessary" road closures onto us the USFS should have made a greater, more consistent effort to apprehend and prosecute anyone illegally driving off road...Ah, but that would have required the USFS to apply more funding towards enforcement patrols (probably leading to an additional nationwide gas expense of several hundred million dollars) which might have been in contradiction to President Obama’s fiscal year 2012 Budget “New Energy Frontier” strategy which in part lists the stated goals of reducing the Nation’s dependence on fossil fuels/oil imports and effecting a reduction of carbon impacts: http://www.doi.gov/news/pressreleases/Presidents-12-2-Billion-2012-Budget-for-Interior-Focuses-on-Spending-Discipline-Strategic-Investments-and-Vital-Missions.cfm ...Oh, and be sure to note this strategy’s 2nd to last “Additional Revenue Generating Proposal” which sought to increase the cost of Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps from $15 to $25 per stamp.
  10. drcarr

    My 2012 Crazy Bear Hunt

    Wow, that was you on one of my trail cams: [media=] [/media].....Seriously though, you just rocketed to the top of the list for best 2012 campfire story....
  11. drcarr

    Road closures on Kiabab NF

    Sure hope the USFS has decided to rethink implementation/enforcement of their current Travel Management Plans...but I'm fairly sure they have not...starting to believe our only recourse now is wide spread civil disobedience and sympathetic courts...
  12. you are missing my point which is that the "Nanny State" government is slowly, but surely taking away personal freedoms...this thread began by talking about the government restricting forest access under the guise of it being a necessary fire safety precaution....in another thread the latest USFS Travel Management Plans (TMP’s) are being discussed….is it really necessary for the TMP’s to be so restrictive??...there are numerous other instances of the government eroding freedoms that have nothing to do with Forest access...look at the bigger picture...where do you draw the line???? ....I believe that due diligence is at all times necessary when considering a governments actions....when it comes to Big Government, if you give them an inch, they’ll usually end up taking a mile…I'm not a conspiracy theorist and the erosion of personal freedoms is real...my employment as a state level law enforcement officer for almost 25 years (yes I’m a government employee) has shown me the truth in this matter...at least take a deep breath and think about all the different things that you used to enjoy that are now prohibited by law...it’s sobering as well as saddening….All I’m suggesting is that we stop being so willing to blindly surrender these freedoms…
  13. +1 Also, to the complaints about the "nanny" state...well...the USFS is the nanny over the federal lands under its care. They're not limiting our personal rights, only our recreational privileges, and it's doing so to protect the land from a clear and present danger. Let's not forget, the Wallow Fire was started by hunters who thought they were being responsible. Well, I did ask what those of you that see no problem with the steady loss of freedoms were thinking....that said: 1.) Since its establishment in 1905, the Forest Service, as an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was tasked to manage public lands which include national forests and grasslands. The Forest Service motto "Caring for the Land and Serving People," reportedly captures the Forest Service mission which as set forth in law reads, "the Forest Service mission is to achieve quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of people"....MY BELIEF is that the USFS has become a tool for agenda driven individuals which has lead this agency to far overstep it's stated purpose/legally defined boundaries and thereby significantly erode previously held personal freedoms...(remember the old adage; "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."… 2.) Furthermore, I have been unable to find any informational source to support that “the Wallow Fire was started by hunters who thought they were being responsible.” I did find several sources that cited the same general information as can be found at this web link http://www.azfamily.com/news/-Cousins-charged-in-Arizona-wildfire-plead-guilty--144435265.html about “two campers” that accepted responsibility for their actions by pleading guilty to Federal misdemeanor offenses for which their sentencing remains pending…before you assume I’m being petty in this matter I suggest that we not provide the anti-hunting crowd with ammunition by blaming “hunters” of reckless, irresponsible behavior when that was apparently not the case…. What is it about the concept of holding the individual accountable for his or her actions that certain people appear unable to comprehend and/or unwilling to accept????
  14. Absolutely hold me accountable for my actions...just be so kind as to wait until I make them....unlike you, I don't presume to have the right to decide "who's smart enough to be in the woods"...again, as an adult I just prefer the concept of Personal Accountability to being treated like a child by a "Nanny State" mentality government....perhaps if you seek definitions for “Nanny State” and “Personal Accountability”, using a more credible resource than “wikipedia”, my statements may make more sense…..additionally, I never said or even insinuated that I believe myself to be "smarter than anyone else"....I am apparently more willing than some to accept that an individual has a right to make choices, exhibit behaviors, and experience the consequences for them...
  15. Just another example of the Governments "Nanny State" mentality...it doesn't matter if it's on the Federal, State, County or City government level you must always believe that they know what’s best for you…year after year we lose more and more autonomy over our individual actions....the concept of Incrementalism at it's finest...the old nose of the camel under the tent routine...too many people have become accepting of these new restrictions and/or rules because they seemed "reasonable" or "necessary" or "for the good of everyone"....ENOUGH ALREADY...whatever happened to PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY (Being willing to answer — to be accountable — for the outcomes resulting from your choices, behaviors, and actions)….when did the concept of holding the individual accountable for his or her actions as opposed to forcing restrictions upon the law abiding majority become obsolete???...for those of you that do not join me in lamenting the loss of these freedoms I offer my sincere condolences as you must be too young to have experienced them in the first place …for those of you that choose to view all these new restrictions and/or rules as "reasonable" or "necessary" or "for the good of everyone" I can only ask what are you thinking and remind you of the slippery slope principle????….and just for the record I’m not advocating “Anarchy” just a return to “Personal Accountability”…thanks to those that took the time to read my rant…
  16. drcarr

    Jim White and his wife need prayers!

    Jim, please know that my boys and I are wishing you and your loved ones strength and serenity during this difficult time...hang in there my friend....
  17. drcarr

    Prayers for my son please

    Wishing you and your loved ones strength and serenity during this difficult time....
  18. drcarr

    Access Denied Documentary

    Shared "Access Denied" on my Facebook account receiving numerous positive responses.....also sent the "Link" out through my email address book.....most common response has been "I had no idea this was happening"....Please inform everyone you know about the new National Forest MVUM changes...who knows it may help....surely couldn't hurt....
  19. Wishing you a safe trip, clean hits and short blood trails...take care...
  20. drcarr

    Post you results

    I'm STUNNED...I drew a Rifle Tag for Bull Elk in Unit 9...that's 3 Rifle Bull Tags in a row...and if I had any doubt that Christmas came early this year...I drew a Rifle Antelope Tag in Unit 7 for the 3rd time...(1986,1999 and today)...UNBELIEVABLE...
  21. drcarr

    CC Hits

    Woot...Woot...So far card hit for one Antelope and one Elk...only problem now is which one of four family members got which tag????
  22. drcarr

    Draw Results post here

    I'm still in shock at our luck... 12A-Turkey Sept. 12 Tags in our group. 30B-Whitetail Deer Dec. Youngest son and I. 36A-Whitetail Deer Oct. Oldest son and four others. 7A West-Cow Elk Oct. Brother and Daughter-in-Law. 7A West-Bull Elk Nov. Me Congratulations to all who were successful in the draw...There remain an amazing number of "leftover" Deer and Turkey tags...Wishing you all clean shots and short blood trails...See you in the hills...
  23. drcarr

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    I drew my 1st choice a 7West Late November Bull tag...My brother and daughter-in-law drew their 2nd choice tags for 7West October Cow...No antelope for any of our group...may the "Red Gods" smile on all who drew a tag and good luck to all those applying for the remaining tags...Hope to see you all in the hills....
  24. drcarr


    Near Tucson try Arivaca Lake or Picacho Lake. Also don't forget the Gila River around Winkleman!!! Good luck!!!