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Everything posted by drcarr

  1. drcarr

    In Camp Drinking Beer Right Now

  2. drcarr

    *** UPDATE*** Laurie's Deer

  3. I have an opportunity to purchase some once fired Winchester brand brass for a "fair" price...A review of several brass suppliers shows new brass at an average of $0.73 each...Of course nowadays there's never any in stock...So my question is what is a "fair" price in today's market??
  4. drcarr

    WTS cute handgun

    Back when the boys were little and we were raising several hogs a year that exact same type of 25acp became known as "the pig gun"...one shot to the head dropped them quietly and quickly enough for it to become our go to butchering tool...have done a good amount of plinking with it too...never any problems though I still wouldn't make it my primary EDC.....
  5. What make and model of shotgun are you looking to get?
  6. drcarr


    PM sent
  7. Looking for left hand, long action Remington 700...also seeking leprechauns, uniorns and/or chupacabras....wish me luck and let me know if you have any of the above for sale...Don
  8. drcarr

    sold delete

    Bump for a solid hunting setup....This caliber is an excellent choice for the beginner or anyone wanting a hard hitting predator/deer/antelope gun with very manageable recoil..........
  9. drcarr

    Bushnell Elite 4200 6.5x24 Riflescope

    If Couesdeer changes his mind I will buy this scope... thanks
  10. drcarr

    Amandas dog Julie

    So sorry for your loss.....
  11. drcarr


    Please post results if you run that test..... Thanks
  12. drcarr


    Petition signed......
  13. drcarr

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    I've been privileged to hunt Arizona's hills and valleys for the last 45 years.....as you can see this state has been very good to me....the following numbers are based upon the remembrances of family, friends, my hunt logs and best recollections..... and for those that are wondering how I found the time to work on this lengthy novel it's all about me keeping my sanity.... sure hope the draws treat you kindly and I wish you all clean hits and clear misses...... ELK===04 total....... 02 Bulls & 02 Cows (All by Rifle) hi ********** ANTELOPE===02 total........ (All by Rifle) ********** MULE DEER===16 total........ 14 Bucks & 02 Does (13 Rifle/03 Bow) ********** WHITETAIL DEER===19 total........ 18 Bucks & 01 Doe (18 Rifle/01 Bow) ********** JAVELINA===30 total........ (13 Rifle/11 Bow/06 Handgun) ********** MERRIAMS TURKEY===28 total........ 07 Toms & 21 Hens (20 Shotgun/07 Rifle/01 Bow) ********** MOUNTAIN LION===01 total........ (Called in then taken by Handgun) ********** COYOTES===approximately 10 per year........ (Assorted Weapons) ********** GREY FOXES===approximately 04 per year........ (Assorted Weapons) ********** BOBCAT===04 total........ (03 Rifle/01 Shotgun) ********** COATIMUNDI===03 total........ (All by Rifle) ********** SKUNKS===more than 10 total........ (Assorted Weapons) ********** RINGTAIL===03 total........ (02 Trapped & 01 Rifle) ********** BADGER===04 total........ (02 Rifle/01 Handgun/01 Bow) ********** TREE SQUIRREL===approximately 03 per year........ (Assorted Weapons) ********** RABBITS===approximately 10 per year........ (Assorted Weapons) ********** QUAIL===approximately 10 per year........ Gambles & Mearns & Scaled (All by Shotgun) ********** DOVES===approximately 10 per year........ Mourning & White Wing (All by Shotgun) ********** BANDTAIL PIGEON===approximately 01 per year........ (All by Shotgun) ********** DUCKS===approximately 06 per year........ (All by Shotgun) ********** CANADIAN GEESE===03 total........ (All by Shotgun) ********** BLUE GROUSE===05 total........ (All by Shotgun) ********** GOULDS TURKEY===ZERO........ (Never drawn) ********** BIGHORN===ZERO........ (Never drawn) ********** BUFFALO===ZERO........ (Never drawn) ********** BEAR===ZERO........ (have almost, but not quite, learned to like Bear Tag & Poop soup) =====================================================================
  14. drcarr

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC NON-HD Models

    In 2008 Swarovski Optik informed me of the following: The serial number I provided to them indicated that the Swarovski 15x56 binoculars in my possession had been manufactured in August of 2000........... At the time of my call no technical updates or mechanical improvements were either necessary or available............ A full set of four replacement lenses were available for 350.00 US dollars plus an unspecified amount of insurance and one way shipping costs(for reasons I cannot remember replacement of all four lenses, as opposed to replacement of an individual lens, was highly recommended and I have no idea if current replacement lenses would be HD glass)....... Black colored Swarovski binoculars were only intended to be sold in the European market and if found in the USA may well have been imported without payment of the reportedly high importation tariffs....... While I have never compared these binoculars to Swarovski's with HD glass a majority of my hunting partners agree that their early morning and late evening light gathering ability is phenomenal.......
  15. drcarr

    Happy Birthday Amanda!

    Happy Birthday Amanda... May today's memories always begin and end with a smile.....
  16. drcarr

    WTB Remington model 600 7m-08

    Hey John, I'm interested in your rifle .... please call me at PH. #520-834-2359 ..... Thanks
  17. Congratulations to you for bagging a great buck.......and many thanks for making the time to pen such a great story.......I look forward to hearing of your next bowhunting accomplishment......don
  18. drcarr

    Big Buck Down!!!

    Congratulations on tagging a very nice buck.....the velvet on those antlers looks very clean and just about right for mounting...a deer mount with velvet antlers is getting to be a fairly rare sight......
  19. drcarr

    Finally first deer with a bow

    Congratulations on your Bow killed deer....May he be the 1st of many to come..................
  20. If the targets are still available I'll buy them for $40.00...Please PM me with your contact information...We can probably complete the deal tomorrow as I am also in Tucson ....Thanks
  21. drcarr

    Remington stocks and barrel

    It was a little difficult to connect with Jeff....I was persistent and he did come through with the 300 RUM barrel...Thanks again Jeff............
  22. drcarr

    Remington stocks and barrel

    If it's still available I'll buy the 300RUM barrel...Please PM me with payment info....Thanks
  23. drcarr

    Bear Opener

    Heading for 23S in the morning.....Woot......Woot......see ya in the hills.......................
  24. drcarr

    Screwed up leftovers

    +1 and my 1st choice too.......