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Everything posted by HuntHike61

  1. HuntHike61

    A bunch of BS!

    Great ideas. Too bad it would have to get that complicated just to work around a law that is clearly too broad and thus applied where people are getting hurt by it. Maybe the law needs a little tweak....
  2. HuntHike61

    A bunch of BS!

    That totally sucks- so sorry to hear it. With that said- I simply do not understand why they do it this way. Wyoming, for instance, charges you when you apply, and then sends a check if you don't draw (unless it has recently changed). Yeah, people complain about them getting the money "interest free" for a month or two- which is so miniscule if anything in the big picture. I suppose AZ does it to avoid the costs of issuing refunds. Seems to me they could solve that with an option to pay full up front for a fee ($5?) to cover the cost to process refunds. That way, if you are like me, the thought of something happening to my card (like BivVy is going through) would be put to rest.