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Everything posted by easymoney

  1. easymoney

    Spending time in a tree stand ?

    I definitely agree with TREESTANDMAN. I try to remove noise completely or close to it. Abnormal noises will spook a couse and he will have you nailed. I pack food that won’t make lots of noise, softer food (banana, sandwich, jerky), polyester clothing (sent blocker clothing and boots). I covered my treestand in that soft tape because of the metal. I paint my drinking, pissing, chewing bottle black. , paint my face and hands, I use E3 dead down wind scent eliminator. I try to pick out a tree where i can climb 35-40 feet. You said your thinking about taking an I-pod, I tried that and it definitely takes away your detection I constantly thought I herd something and would take out my ear plugs all the time, making way to much movement. Oh yea and try to go number 2 before you get in the stand. What I do to kill the time in the stand is think about life. It might be a little over the top but its works for me. You got a good looking deer to take. It would suck to miss that opportunity because you’re trying to put your book or video game away. Good luck and let us know how you did
  2. I have been hunting my unit for about 5 years and have about 3 solid salt licks established. This last year I was not successful on any of them and thu bucks that i have been harvesting of them are not that big (90 being the biggest) so this off season i decided to make a few more. Well the trouble i am having is everywhere i go to make a new lick i find there is one already there . i have found 4 of them and it’s driving me crazy. Some look like they are used quit a bit and the others hardly at all (not being re-charged or no tree stand marks). The areas where I have found the salt licks look great. there is plenty of good sign and I found a ched that was massive( im thinking around 110-115). Imp only 21 and for being that age I have always respected other hunters and know what is write and wrong about hunting someone’s area. So what do i need to about my problem? the area i hunt is not that big and every year i see more and more hunter there. do i still hunt in that area where i found them? do i go 2-3 miles back away from it all and make a new salt lick( salt starts to get freaking heavy at 300 yards ahahah) Do you guys have any ideas. Thanks for the help guys Love this site