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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Brad

    Gun Control

    Yes, but when the 2nd amendment has failed us time after time with murder, maybe its time change it like many amendments have been changed before. By the way I went studied goverment at ASU and the only reason that law was written, was to protect us from the British if we ever needed to again! I think we are safe now. NO MORE GUNS.
  2. Brad

    Berger VLDs

    yeah fellow rednecks guns are cool ye ha!!
  3. Brad

    1 road kill - 3 deer killed

    very sad
  4. what is the purpose of killing a rabbit if you dont mind me asking? they a small and harmless, they dont taste good and most of the time you dont eat them any way, there arnt to many of them... i dont get it, please someone enlighten me.