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Everything posted by 68OLDS

  1. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    Azgfd apologist? You don’t know me or my background and I don’t know yours. As far as my comment about the 4/2 deadline, what I’m saying here is that everyone is getting worked up and moaning complaining and Bitchin about cc hits, cc updates, extending cc deadlines, not fair to us, blah blah blah. People are “used to” the draw running a certain way and things happening in certain time frame in years past, but there is absolutely zero regulation or law that says the department needs to hit CCs on a certain day/time. bottom line, we all just need to be patient and keep our CCs In good standing. The process will work itself out but it might not be the same as years past. Sometimes things change from what has happened in the past, especially in 2020 and 2021
  2. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    This week. They have until 4/2 to mail all tags. Still almost 3 weeks. They probably aren’t too worried about the deadline on their end.
  3. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    THIS!!! one member even posted that he called his father and told him they weren’t going to be drawn b/c of a invalid CC. nobody has any friggin patience anymore these days I swear
  4. 68OLDS

    30-06 ammo

    I’ll take it.
  5. 68OLDS


    Would you you do $30 on the box of -06 ammo?
  6. 68OLDS

    So has anyone called to see what's going on?

    Updated statement, same old story. Leave us alone and be patient https://www.azgfd.com/azgfd-continues-to-process-2021-elk-pronghorn-hunt-draw-applications/
  7. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    https://www.azgfd.com/azgfd-continues-to-process-2021-elk-pronghorn-hunt-draw-applications/ in other words....stop bothering us haha
  8. Vortex Crossfire II SOLD 4-12x44 BDC Reticle Weaver medium rings included $125 Pm, call or text 480-980-1907 located in east Mesa
  9. 68OLDS

    Winchester M70 Featherweight Stainless 300WM

    How do you like your early new haven m70? There’s debate whether these early guns were the best since the pre-64. How do you like the fit/finish? I hear the trigger is excellent as well.
  10. 68OLDS

    Winchester M70 Featherweight Stainless 300WM

    Good eyes, I couldn’t make out the extractor and serial number on my phone.
  11. 68OLDS

    WTT Colt 38 Special

  12. 68OLDS

    WTT Colt 38 Special

    1968 Colt Police Positive Special, factory nickel finish, polished hammer and trigger. Chambered in 38 special. Good lock up. Also have a couple boxes of ammo. Looking to trade for quality rifle scope Burris, vortex, Leupold, Nikon, etc. 50mm objective, 1 inch or 30mm tube, prefer MOA turret/reticle. 4-16 magnification range located in east Mesa. Pm or text 480-980-1907
  13. 68OLDS

    Winchester M70 Featherweight Stainless 300WM

    I know that ruger Mack. I was referring to the pre-64 design action, not the pre-64 production. the current production fn herstal m70s include a stainless action. https://www.winchesterguns.com/products/rifles/model-70/model-70-Current-Products/model-70-featherweight-stainless.html
  14. 68OLDS

    Winchester M70 Featherweight Stainless 300WM

    What year is the action/stock? Does it have controlled round feed/pre 1964?
  15. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    You are correct. The portal is misleading with the use of the word “updated”. It is not truly updating anything. Instead it simply showing the current info as of the date you login and view it. A better choice of words would have been “data current as of (insert current date) once again the system is not the greatest, but unfortunately we’re kind of Stuck with it.
  16. 68OLDS


    Pm sent thank you