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Everything posted by 68OLDS

  1. 68OLDS

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    All I’ve got to say is make your voice heard, no matter what side of the issue you may happen to be on. The fact that they are seeking public comment and interest on this issue is encouraging. Now there will be a large contingency that will argue it won’t matter one way or the other since they will do what they want, and they may or may not be right about that. There were about 170 people on the live webcast tonight. They did provide a little bit of background and reasoning behind these changes. I won’t go into detail but basically the three main points are continued drought, Continuing decline over the last few years of buck/fawn to doe ratios, And greater than 20% overall OTC harvest in many units across the state( many units in northern az). They showed a couple of Graphs relating to over the counter sales based on resident versus non-resident. It appears that non-residence accounted for about 4500 OTC tags last year. They also presented a graph showing overall deer harvest and percent success rate. Bottom line, They will be publishing the new rags in late May or early June and these recommendations will be adopted at that time for the fall hunts. Make your voice heard and send your comments to them at AZHuntGuidelines@azgfd.gov
  2. 68OLDS

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Best bet, ask them directly. These are all valid points. www.azgfd.gov/webcast 6pm
  3. Glass half empty or half full. Plenty of folks on both sides of the coin on this one. Webcast starts at 6pm tonight...
  4. 68OLDS

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    I hear you and I 100% see both sides of the issue. As others have commented, unit 27 for example, is heavily hunted in the August and January OTC hunts. It is not a guaranteed hunt same as any other hunt, but you tend to see many folks in that unit running around. I was in there this past January for 2 weeks and yes the amount of NR hunters was remarkable. I don’t know how to feel either, primarily being an archery hunter first and rifle hunter second. I do feel it will help the deer population overall which is a good thing. I like the idea of restricting NR OTC tags and maybe even taking them away fully, I am not sure yet how that would look. As some have stated, I do believe it is only a Matter of time before the OTC tag is phased out in favor of a draw system. I am interested in watching the webcast tonight and finding out the reasoning (hard data/facts) as to why the DEPT is considering these changes.
  5. 68OLDS

    Hunt Recommendations

  6. 68OLDS

    Hunt Recommendations

  7. 68OLDS

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Haha yes my little bro texted me the picture of the regulation proposals. they announced this on the 18th. A little late to the game as usual. Are you planning on commenting at all? I see you positing on here a lot so figured you would voice any concerns to them.
  8. 68OLDS

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Sorry looks like we had 3 postings at the same time on this topic.
  9. 68OLDS

    Hunt Recommendations

    I just posted on this as well. Unit 27 going to draw only is a big change. I know a lot of guys who will not like this one bit. Can provide public input on webcast and via email.
  10. 68OLDS

    WTB .223 Bolt action

    Looking to purchase a .223 bolt action rifle. Prefer wood stock but synthetic is not a dealbreaker. Scope not required. Let me know what’s out there. pm or text 480-980-1907
  11. 68OLDS

    WTB .223 Bolt action

    Sent you a pm
  12. 68OLDS

    Savage Axis II 6.5 creedmoor-sold

    Bump for a good seller and a good rifle. Picked up this exact setup minus the scope. Put a 6.5-25 konus m30 on it from camera land. Shooting MOA with factory ammo. Definitely room for improvement but a good start overall.
  13. 68OLDS

    More 6.5 CM ammo

    Pm sent
  14. 68OLDS

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    +1 They should have the ability to update the portal instantly if the CC charge is authorized/not declined by the financial institution. Should not have to wait additional time for the system to process through the secondary/tertiary applications as a result of declined cards first time through.
  15. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    Here’s hoping 🤞
  16. 68OLDS


    In a matter of 10 minutes you went from bummed out to stoked haha...gotta love this time of year. Congratulations on your tag there’s some dandy bulls in unit 1
  17. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    Everyone can finally relax and chill now, things can go back to normal, even though I’m not going elk hunting! 😂
  18. 68OLDS

    Bushnell rebate

    Hey everyone just an FYI bushnell (vista outdoors) is running a 20% rebate on certain scopes over $180, for scopes purchased through the end of this month. Just picked up a prime 6-18x50 and bonus havalon piranta knife for $300 before rebate. was going to post in the optics forum but figured more folks would see it here.
  19. Hornady custom lite .30-06 SOLD 125 grain $80/trade for 6.5 creedmoor ammo Located in east Mesa, work in central Mesa pm or text 480-980-1907
  20. He joined yesterday, proceeded to jump into the campfire and elk hunting threads with posts that are below average in spelling and logic. Looks to be trolling for attention, which he’s getting quite a bit. Doesn’t seem to be making too many friends so far by the looks of it.
  21. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    With as many folks who applied, there might not even be any leftovers this time around.
  22. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    +1 for Friday man that campfire thread went AWOL last night huh? CWT moderator yanked it too. Wonder if the two guys who were going back and forth got banned??
  23. 68OLDS

    How far would you pack out an elk

    My thoughts exactly, the Answer is you don’t really have a choice In the matter. You pack it out as far as it takes.
  24. 68OLDS

    Tick Tock

    Maybe another call to Mr. Davis is in order, it worked one time already.