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Everything posted by Tinman111

  1. Tinman111

    My Best Buck Ever

    WoW, That buck is absolutely perfect!! You guys whackin' all these big coues in 21 left some for me in Dec. Right?
  2. Tinman111

    2 for 2 in 2 days!

    Blake, Good job man! Way to get 'er done! Nice pics and a good story. Neil Large
  3. Adam, Just get out there and kill that pig, CAT! Neil
  4. Tinman111

    Auction Hunt

    I'm afraid greed, money, and the quest for fame are going to be the end of the sport we all love so much. Theres a right and a wrong way to do things. Makes me wonder if the guide (locally famous) has participated in other shady acts to achieve his status. Is there something I'm missing? Looks like the bull is in someones front yard from the pic. How is that hunting? This whole situation reflects negatively on hunters and guides alike, of which I am both. I have been with clients that have an itchy trigger finger, but with ALL clients I discuss THE RULES before ever going afield and do not accept them as a client if our ideas on the law differ. I'm sure some of the guides buddies and or co-workers are on here and may take offense to what I have said, thats fine, I'm just offering my opinion on the subject that has given an obvious black eye to the hunting community. Lets try to keep it legal out there. If your hunting for the love of the sport, it's not that hard to do.
  5. Tinman111

    nice buck

    Since you used one of my cameras to get pics of that pig, I think I should get first whack at him! JK good job Adam
  6. Tinman111

    %$&^#$% Camera Thief

    BigBrowns is a friend of mine who has put alot of work into his trail cam setups. I have seen the pics, there are two guys. The pics were taken an hour and a half before he went to swap the sd cards and there were fresh boot tracks leading up to the stolen camera location. I have salt holes on the same mountain. Last year someone buried one of the holes and hung up a five gallon bucket filled with corn. There were holes drilled in the bottom of the bucket so the corn could be licked out by the deer. A great idea, but not a cool way to go about things. I took his bucket and left a note with my contact info, there has been no sign of anyone in the location since.
  7. Tinman111


    Oh yeah!!! Gets the blood pumpin'. Thanks for the pics.
  8. Tinman111

    Draw Results Available Online

    Dec. Coues in 21!!! I'm stoked, been putting in for four years. Gonna put down the Hoyt this year and let the Tikka roar!