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Everything posted by NRS

  1. NRS

    Any luck

    We were at Castle Creek area last weekend and did not see anybody catch anything. There were some bass feeding on the surface late afternoon and early morning.
  2. I have never been bowfishing and we are planning to go out and give it a try Easter Sunday and monday. I do not have a boat, so I am looking for any suggestions on where we can work the shoreline and possibly find something for him to shoot at. Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions
  3. Thanks to everyone that gave me info on where to take my son bowfishing for the first time. We ended up at Lake Pleasant and found the carp were thick in Castle Creek at the bridge. Final tally was five bagged, four slipped off the arrow or other wise escaped because of dads fumble fingers, and numerous misses. He Shooots!!! He Scores!!! I think he is now hooked on bowfishing, now if we just had a boat.
  4. NRS

    Bowfishing tournaments

    we might be going up Easter and stay till monday
  5. NRS

    Jaguar-Macho B

    I agree with the first sentence "there is certainly a lot of he-said, she-said going on", most of it by the one person convicted and sentenced to 5 years exile from working in the US. Obviously he has an axe to grind and looks like he is trying to implicate anybody and everybody the he had contact with. I am not defending anyone, but it looked more like something I would expect to see out of the "Red Star" in Tucson than the Az Republic.
  6. NRS

    My COPD Ram

    Congratulations to Tony, Kieth and TJ for getting it done after 40 years of putting in for a tag!
  7. NRS

    Disappointing Hunting

    On my sons youth hunt in 36a, every wide spot in the road was littered with used toilet paper, most of it within 20 feet of the road. Even the illegals do a better job of disposing of their trash!
  8. NRS

    36a junior hunt

    SCI hosts a Jr's camp just after you turn on the Batamote Rd, always a good spot to get pointers on where the deer are.
  9. NRS

    Couple items

    Sounds like your spots would be just right for me, I don't seem to kill anything anymore either. Kolin and I will see you at camp Thursday night or Friday.
  10. NRS

    Couple items

    Does it still have all your spots loaded on it?
  11. NRS

    My sons first duck

    We decided to go hit some tanks this afternoon to see if we could find any ducks. The first tank had nothing on it, but when we got to the second one and peeked over, we could see one duck sleeping in the middle of the pond. After maneuvering around to the best location to get a shot, I had Kolin get as close as he could using a Mesquite tree for cover. When he was 30 yards away, he stepped out and took his first shot as the duck raised it head up to leave. The water sprayed up indicating that he centered the pattern on the duck, but the duck dove out of sight. When it surfaced again, he shot another round at it, again centering the duck as it dove out of sight. He fired his third round, and again it ducked under the water as the shot sprayed all around it and he reloaded his shotgun. By now it was obvious that it was not going to fly away, but it continued to duck while I shot and reloaded the 4 rounds I shot at it. At this point we were out of shells and had to go back to the truck to reload. Now I moved the truck closer in case we needed to get more shells if the five we each carried this time did not get the job done. We decided that this duck deserved a name and that it should be Houdini because of the way it could disappear right before your eyes and before the shot hit it. This time we spread out and coordinated our attack and I hit it with a side shot and rocked it, and as it popped to the surface again my son finally caught it with a load and put an end to our frustrations. It took 9 rounds to bring this one duck to bag and ended my sons three year quest to get his first duck which was a Canvasback.
  12. One of the best ways to identify any snake in AZ. http://www.reptilesofaz.org/ I did find a rattler trying to crawl under another hunters truck today and a ring necked snake that spit up half of a baby gopher snake when I picked it up to take pictures.
  13. NRS

    porcupine plant

    Here is a link to pictures of them. http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=moz2-ytff-&va=spanish+needle+plant
  14. NRS

    Trail cam catches burglars

    They did not put it in the news, but they did catch the two guys that were on a trail camera stealing water troughs from a ranchers corral west of Tucson several months ago.
  15. Having worked for the state land department for 5 years as one of the 6 land managers for over 9 million acres, the state land is not owned by the public, it is owned by the 7 trust beneficiaries, and is the same as private land. It is ALL UP FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. The land department only manages it to get the most money out of it for the beneficiaries. If they had their way, we would have to by a hunting license and the $75.00 per state land access permit just to set foot on any state land.
  16. NRS

    My az elk (story and more pics added)

    Great job! Looks like you made a great shot on him too. Looking forward to hearing the story abut your hunt.
  17. NRS

    Happy Birthday NRS

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, I enjoyed it and I enjoyed the gift that the G&F gives me every year with the start of dove season the day after
  18. Saw this one yesterday about 5:30 PM
  19. NRS

    Another first archery goat

    Congratulation on a great accomplishment!! You definitely earned that one with a 15 year wait.
  20. NRS

    Governors tag

    Amanda was sitting next to the guy doing the bidding, she knows who to contact about it.
  21. NRS

    36C help.

    If you are really pressed for time, go to MP 37.5 and turn right. Go about 1/4 mile and they will be on the south side of the road. Their tails may look a little funny with a little black tip, but they will be 100 +.
  22. NRS

    Who taught you to hunt?

    As a kid I learned stalking by chasing rabbits with a homemade slingshot whenever we went on picnics around central AZ, then our dad taught us to shoot with his old pump action .22. I then got into reading hunting magazines with writers like Jack O'Connor and learned everything I could from them. The rest of my education has been by trial and error and listening to anyone that would give me any tips on how to do it better. I now take the time to take my son out and teach him how to hunt.
  23. NRS

    Tax dollars at work

    and the enviros blame cattle for the E. coli in the streams.
  24. Thanks for posting the pictures Justin, you got some great shots of Kolin and the boys fishing and playing around camp. It was great seeing everyone again and meeting new people, and as always a great big thank you goes out to Lance and Carrie for their great hospitality.
  25. NRS

    Fire near Young!

    They just moved the hotlist forum to a new server, I had to reset my book marks to the new site.