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AZ Yugo

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Everything posted by AZ Yugo

  1. AZ Yugo

    MORE .22LR available

    more available as of 05:30 AZ time
  2. AZ Yugo

    MORE .22LR available

    they had 3 different ones at the time of my posting... i just used link to that one as it was last one i have seen... sorry...
  3. WTB .270 bolt action rile... if anyone got one and willing to part with, please let me know. Found what I was looking for... now looking for some .270 ammo... I know it's a tight situation but any help is appreciated as i am needing that for kiddo's first junior hunt. Thanks AZ Yugo.
  4. I am trying but no luck so far... thanks or a heads up.
  5. AZ Yugo

    Good Guy Seller List

    shout out to MSP1209.. GREAT GUY !!! Very nice to meet you man!!
  6. def. interested but Flag. bit too far... thanks anyways.
  7. I am interested, just Sierra vista way too far from East mesa... Thanks anyways
  8. WTB 22LR or 22 mag revolver... lemme know if you have anything sitting around that you'd like to part with. Thanks. AZ Yugo
  9. AZ Yugo

    Tags in the mail?

    Got my daughter's and mine in the mail last Saturday... Woo Hoo !!
  10. AZ Yugo

    Good Guy Seller List

    @Stoneman125 Great seller and a great guy! Great to meet you man !!
  11. AZ Yugo

    LTB 22Mag bolt action...

    Looking to buy .22mag bolt action rifle ... anyone got one that is willing to part with? Many thanks in advance. Thanks.