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Everything posted by bustedknuckleinc

  1. bustedknuckleinc

    Stuff for sale round 2, higher end stuff.

    I’ll do seconds on the defiance.
  2. bustedknuckleinc

    September is Prostrate Awareness Month

    https://www.facebook.com/reel/844565276947208?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw wake up! Start changing your lifestyle and habits!
  3. bustedknuckleinc

    September is Prostrate Awareness Month

    https://www.facebook.com/reel/1677496642756491?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw pretty much sums it up.
  4. bustedknuckleinc

    September is Prostrate Awareness Month

    Sugar is the most addictive drug and you can’t go anywhere without having it shoved in your face. Corporations are pumping our food with garbage chemicals and selling it to us. None of us know the true effects it’s having on our bodies.
  5. bustedknuckleinc

    September is Prostrate Awareness Month

    In case anyone needs to be told they are killing us on purpose. Keep putting all the chemicals and sugar in your body and you’ll be a goner. They don’t want you to live to a ripe ole age.
  6. bustedknuckleinc

    ASU Football Tickets

    Pm sent
  7. bustedknuckleinc

    Lee Pro 1000 Free

    Located in Mesa
  8. bustedknuckleinc

    Lee Pro 1000 Free

  9. bustedknuckleinc

    Lee Pro 1000 Free

    As of now it’s spoken for. I’ll let the next one in line know if something changes.
  10. bustedknuckleinc

    WTT Fed 215M for Fed 210M

    I can trade you 210M’s for your 215’s. I’m in the East Valley.
  11. bustedknuckleinc

    rem 700

    I believe Remington had a recall on some of there triggers.
  12. bustedknuckleinc

    ATF paperwork

    Not sure he has an FFL. Think he’s looking for a change of address in regards to where suppressors will be kept.
  13. bustedknuckleinc

    What’s the best camp chair?

    Zero gravity chair from Costco. $80 I believe.
  14. bustedknuckleinc

    ISO reliable vehicle

    I was thinking the same thing.
  15. bustedknuckleinc

    Hits started

  16. bustedknuckleinc

    Hits started

    Just got hit for 2 deer tags.
  17. bustedknuckleinc

    Mr Silencer

    Anyone here know if Mr Silencer is closing? Any truth to the rumors?
  18. bustedknuckleinc

    Mr Silencer

    Dang I was so concerned with how to word this as to not make it sound like I was starting a rumor that I didn’t go back and change that. Thanks bro!
  19. bustedknuckleinc

    Federal 205 Small rifle primers

    It’s not price gouging anyone because that is what they’re worth right now. I doubt anyone bitching is selling their house for what they paid for it 5 years ago.
  20. bustedknuckleinc

    Federal 205 Small rifle primers

    Market price right now is $100-120 per 1k.
  21. bustedknuckleinc


    Pm sent
  22. bustedknuckleinc

    New Member

    Really isn’t important. Glad you got out of that BS. Don’t ever put up with that.
  23. bustedknuckleinc

    New Member

    I would think he wouldn’t be allowed to own guns if he was found guilty of Domestic Violence.
  24. bustedknuckleinc

    New Member

    You can go back to to saddle thread and just click on their profile name.