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Everything posted by ehunt

  1. ehunt

    Desert Mulies

    I would say mix it up with him. Get into an area that you are seeing sign and get up high and glass..after a few hours of that you can maybe take him on a hike. During the evening try sitting the water and see how he likes it, if its boring for him i suggest doing something different. Also find other things he likes to do so during the middle of the day you can keep it fun for him...riding quads...card games...horseshoes?? Good luck on the hunt!
  2. ehunt

    Update on the Lost 7E Bull

    Steve did the right thing by involving Game and Fish and now he has to buy his bull back at an auction!! BS!!!
  3. ehunt

    Remingotn 700s

    i love my remington 700's!!...but i did have a scare with my 25-06 one year during deer season when i was stalking some bucks and had the gun go off into the ground..my hand was not even close to the trigger.
  4. ehunt

    Nevada Archery Mule Deer 2010

    Congrats awesome buck!!!
  5. ehunt

    Trail Cam Thiefs

    wow some guys are just idiots!!! did they do any damage?
  6. ehunt

    Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Bday!!!!
  7. ehunt

    More success

    Great buck!!
  8. ehunt

    "One for the wall"

    Awesome job!!!
  9. ehunt

    An Adventure to Remember

    Great buck!!
  10. So last August i set up my Scoutguard cam on a dirt tank that was very low with water..im talking a 10'x10' area! I left the camera at the water level attached to a wood post. Well two days after i set it up El Nino 2 rolled through and dumped on the area the cam was in. I returned 3 days after setting it up to find that dirt tank was now the size of a small lake...and my cam was 15 feet under water Well today i returned and found the tank low enough and just the cam was sticking above water. I just pulled the card thinking there is no way it was still good.....well here are a few pics...i was able to get 33 pics before it went underwater. Im still blown away!! Great cams, Amanda!!!
  11. ehunt

    Happy Birthday Coues 'n' Sheep!!!!!

    Happy Bday man!!
  12. ehunt

    Underwater Camera..card still good!!!

    Ya i know i was looking forward to more pics and never expected what happened...there were some big tracks coming in and wish i could of seen what was making them!
  13. ehunt

    Underwater Camera..card still good!!!

    Ya i posted wrong name at first..and yes i bought two from amanda a few years ago.
  14. ehunt

    Underwater Camera..card still good!!!

    I have not tested it to see if it still works..but i highly doubt it!! I figured it would not be covered under warranty
  15. ehunt

    2010 ML Bull

    Congrats on your bull and great story!!
  16. ehunt

    Desert deer

    There are some great bucks this year for sure!! good luck on your hunt!
  17. ehunt

    2010 Arizona Archery Bull

    great bull congrats!!
  18. ehunt

    Freak Bull from Unit 10!

    awesome looking bull!!!
  19. ehunt

    Gunna Go Postal!

    IMO these guys got what they deserved! They showed them respect by leaving their blind alone when the camera was setup..now these guys need to show the same! They have no right to mess with the camera..and i promise if they would of been in the blind C&S would have confronted them
  20. ehunt

    Bass Pro Billboard on I-10

    Not cool..another reason to shop at cabelas and sportsmans!
  21. ehunt

    Two Spot and Stalk Archery Antelope!

    great bucks...congrats!!!
  22. ehunt

    Got My Lion Back!

    WOW unreal!! He did a great job!!!